Chapter 31

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Joe puts the four drinks on the table, and looks his three friends in turn. 'Did I miss something?' He asks when he notices the tense atmosphere. 
Ben shakes his head, but Rami and Gwil nod.
'Uh yeah, I can't get any usefull information out of this.' Joe chuckles.
'Ben want to tell you something.' Rami says as he gives Ben a nudge.
'Do you want us to leave?' Gwil asks Ben.
The latter thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. 'No, just stay here with us.' He mumbles, not looking at his friends.
Gwil nods.
Joe looks at the two in confusion. 'Guys, this doesn't make me any less worried.' He says with a frown. 
Ben sighs. 'Uhm listen Joe. Our next date will have to wait a while. I'm going home for two weeks. I don't want to put you in danger.' The boy says softly.
For a moment, Joe just looks at him with a pitying look. Then the boy takes Ben's hands in his own.  'Listen Benny. You don't have to leave because of me. I'll be fine. It's about you now. If you want to go home, I won't stop you. Just know I'll be here waiting for you to get back.' The ginger swallows when he feels Ben's hands tremble.
Ben looks away, biting his lip to keep him from crying. 'I-I don't want to leave at all. I wanna stay here with you. But as long as Corey is free, I just don't dare to stay.' He looks up, looking Joe in the eye. 'I don't want to lose you Joe. I... I care about you so much.' He whispers so soft Gwil and Rami can't even hear it. A tear finds its way down the boy's cheek.
'Then go to the police. That way we are all safe.' Joe says with a reassuring look. 'Trust me, okay?' He whispers afterwards.
Ben takes a deep breath and nods. 'Okay.' He gets up and grabs his phone. 'I'll be right back then.' He walks out of the room, into the hallway. 
Joe watches him until the room door closes. He slightly jumps when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He looks aside, meeting Gwil's gaze.
'You did the right thing Joe. He is much less anxious already.' The tall boy says as he sits down next to Joe.
'I hate seeing him like this.' Joe mumbles.
'I know.' Gwil says before he hugs the ginger.
Rami also joins the hug. 'He'll be fine, really. He just needs a little help from us every now and then.' He says, trying to reassure Joe a bit. 
The latter just nods at that.

Not much later, Ben walks back into the room. 'I have an appointment at the police station tomorrow. I have to bring the box with the contents so they have proof to throw him in jail.' The blond says to his friends.
Joe smiles a little when he sees the relief in his eyes. 
Ben sits down again, giving Joe a grateful look.
Gwil taps Rami. 'We should go, don't you think?' He says, nodding at Ben and Joe.
Rami nods, getting the hint. 'Yeah. But I'll take my pizza with me.' He quickly grabs the box from the table.
'Guzzler.' Gwil laughs.
'Will we see you again tomorrow?' Joe asks before the two can leave the room.
Rami nods, but Gwil shakes his head. 'I'm afraid not. I'm going home tomorrow to Lina. We haven't seen each other in three months. I miss her very much.' The boy says.  
'Why don't you ask her to come here? We would love to meet her.' Ben suggests.
When the other two nod in agreement, Gwil rolls his eyes with a smile. 'Okay then, I'll ask her if she'd like to come over.' He picks up his phone and dials his girlfriend's number.
Joe giggles softly when he sees the grin on Ben's face.
It doesn't take long before Gwil's call gets answered. 'Hi sweetheart. Listen, the boys are wondering if they can meet you.' Gwil says, looking at his friends with a smile. 'What? Yes they are standing right in front of me, why?' Gwil asks.
Rami, Ben and Joe look at each other with raised eyebrows, not getting where the conversation is about at the moment.
'Okay, I'm leaving the room now.' Gwil says before he walks towards the door. He turns around and mouths a quick "I'll be right back" to the others before leaving the room.
The three remaining friends look at each other in surprise.
'What would that be about?' Rami asks, looking at the door through which Gwil just exited in confusion.  
Ben and Joe both shrug.
'I have no idea. I just hope it ain't something serious.' Joe says with a small frown.
Rami and Ben nod in agreement.
'But uhm, shall we watch a movie together tonight? I need some distraction.' Ben says with a little doubt in his voice.
Rami wants to say yes, but he realizes that Joe and Ben might rather be together tonight. With just the two of them. 'I would love to, but I can't. I promised Lucy I'd help her prepare for an audition over the phone. But I bet you'll have fun without me.' He says before winking at Joe.
The latter immediately starts blushing at that.  
Then Gwil walks back into the room. A huge smile has painted his face, his eyes are sparkling.
'And?' Ben asks Gwil curiously.
'Lina is coming over here tomorrow.' The tall boy says beaming. 
Joe, Ben and Rami look at each other in surprise.
'But then why did you walk out of the room?' Joe asks, getting more and more confused.
'Oh, Lina had some news that she wanted to tell me as soon as possible.' Gwil can't help but grin at the curious faces of his friends. 
It remains silent for a moment.
'Well, are you gonna tell us?' Rami asks impatiently.
Gwil laughs. 'Nope. Just a little more patience, if Lina is there you can know.' He smirks, enjoying the faces of his friends. 'I'm gonna go to my room.' He adds.
Rami gets up. 'Me too. Have a great evening with just the two of you guys.'
And with those words, Gwil and Rami disappear from Ben's hotel room.
The two remaining boys look at each other.
' it is?' Joe says with a big smile.
Ben nods. 'Sounds lovely.'

Hey hey♡ I hope you liked the chapter :)
Prepare for the next one, cause y'all are gonna love it😊

Take care of yourself
xxx from me aka queenborhap_gifs

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