Chapter 97

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Last chapter🥲💕

The sound of loud thunders fills Ben and Joe's bedroom. Soon followed by a flash of lightning.
Ben opens his eyes and looks at his phone to see what time it is. 2:30 Am. He looks next to him, and sees that Joe is still fast asleep. He is about to go back to sleep, when he hears some rumbling coming from the hallway. He already has a suspicion what this rumble might be, and decides to stay awake until the rumbling is over.
Then the rumbling stops for a moment.
After that he hears soft footsteps walking through the hallway. Ben gets distracted from the sound for a moment by Joe stirring.
"Why are you up honey?" The ginger mumbles. 
His husband doesn't get the chance to respond, because the door handle of their room goes down, and the door opens.
"Daddies? I-I'm scared." Their three-year-old daughter says before she walks over to her fathers' bed. 
Ben lifts her onto the bed, and sees tears stinging in her eyes. 
The little girl is biting her lip so she won't burst into tears.
"Rose, it's okay to be scared. And so is crying." Ben whispers to her, giving her a small kiss on the head.
The little girl sniffles and nods. A single tear runs down her cheek when another thunder is heard. She quickly crawls in between her fathers.
"Shh, it's okay sweetie. Do you wanna sleep here with us for tonight?" Joe asks. He gently wipes Rose's tears with his thumb.
She nods and hugs him.
The three of them lay down properly and snuggle close to each other.
The sound of another thunder fills the room.
The little Rose tenses up and lets out a small whimper.
Both her dads immediately hug her a little tighter.
"We are both with you. Nothing can hurt you." Joe whispers softly.
Rose nods, and buries her face into Ben's neck.
"There is nothing to be scared of sweetheart. You're inside, safe with us. Thunderstorms are nothing more than clouds bumping their heads against each other." Ben says softly while rubbing his hand over his daughter's back.
Joe bends over to whisper something in Rose's ear. "I think they will have a huge headache tomorrow, don't you think?" He whispers, hoping to make the girl forget a little about the ongoing thunderstorm.
Rose giggles and nods. 

After a while of laying against Ben's chest, both Ben and Joe can see their daughter is getting sleepy.
She yawns, and closes her eyes for a moment.
"Let's try to get some sleep, princess." Ben whispers, using Rose's favourite nickname.
Rose nods sleepily. Then she opens her eyes again, and turns around so she is now facing Joe. "Dad, can you sing to Daddy and me?"
Joe looks at his husband and daughter and pretends to think. "Hmm, I don't know." He says as he winks at Ben.
"Maybe we should both look at Dad with our puppy eyes. I bet that will work." Ben whispers to Rose.
The girl nods happily. She looks at Joe with big eyes and pouts a little.
Ben does exactly the same.
"Ugh how can I say no to this." Joe rolls his eyes with a smile. 
Ben opens his arms for the two. "Let's cuddle up babies." He whispers.
Rose crawls on top of Ben's chest, while Joe curls up in Ben's side.
Ben smiles, looking down at the two most important people in his life.
Joe starts humming softly, resting his head on Ben's shoulder. 

After a while, he can tell she has fallen asleep by her slow breathing. He's wondering whether Ben is still awake, but he's scared that if he moves Rose might wake up. He gets his answer, however,  when he feels a soft pair of lips kissing his forehead.
"You are an amazing Dad." Ben's voice whispers.
Joe smiles and intertwines their fingers. "So are you." He whispers back.
Carefully, they let their hands rest on Rose's back. The girl stirs a little under their touch, and makes a pleased noise in her sleep. She snuggles closer into Ben's chest, not bothered by the thunderstorm anymore.
"Gosh I feel so incredibly happy." Ben whispers when he can feel his heart glowing of love.
A big smile appears on Joe's face. "Me too. I love you." He mumbles before closing his eyes.
"I love you too." Is the last thing he hears before drifting asleep.


The next morning, Ben is awakened by some rays of light that shine into the room. He opens his eyes, and immediately a smile cracks on his lips. Next to him, he sees his daughter and husband, holding each other close while they're fast asleep.
The blond sits up, and carefully tiptoes out of the bedroom, towards de bathroom.
When he returns, he just keeps standing in the doorway. Admiring his family.
After standing there for a while, he looks at the clock on the wall. It's almost 10 o'clock. And so Ben decides to make Joe and Rose some breakfast. Today it's Sunday. Every Sunday either Joe or Ben makes a special breakfast for the three of them. After that, they snuggle in bed again and watch a movie or something while eating in their breakfast.
Ben walks into the kitchen, and opens the fridge. Pancakes it is. 

When Ben walks into their bedroom with three plates of pancakes, he smiles at what he finds in the room.
While he was making breakfast, Joe has woken up. The boy is leaning on his elbow, smiling down at the little Rose.
Their daughter is still laying against him, curled up in a ball. With her one hand she is holding on to her dad's shirt tightly, pulling herself closer into Joe's embrace.
With a big smile, Ben walks over to his husband. "Morning my love." He whispers. He puts the plates on the bedside table, and bends over to give Joe a kiss on the lips.
"Good morning." The ginger says softly. He gently plays with Rose's hair while staring at her with a smile.
"Time to wake up princess." Ben whispers after he crawled back in bed next to his daughter.
The girl shifts a little and turns around. She buries her head under the blanket, and groans softly.
"Who wants pancakes?" Joe says with a smile. 
As soon as the word "pancakes" falls, Rose's head perks up from under the blanket. "Me!" She exclaims happily.
Ben and Joe giggle softly at that.
They all sit up against the headboard, close to each other.
Ben grabs the remote, and puts on a tv show. He looks at Rose to see if she likes it, smiling when he sees that her eyes are starting to sparkle.
The smile on Rose's face gets even bigger, and she satisfied puts her head on Ben's shoulder. "I love you Daddies." She says.
Joe and Ben lock eyes for a moment, and smile at each other.
Joe bends over and gives his daughter a kiss on the forehead. "We love you too sweetheart. So, so much." He says with a smile. He starts tickling his daughter, which earns a bunch of giggles from Rose. 
She manages to escape the tickle attack by putting her arms around her dad. "I've caught you in my hug!" She exclaims happily.
Joe giggles and presses a kiss on her forehead. "Okay, I admit it. You're way too smart for me." He says with a grin.
Rose nods with a victorious smile and gives her Dad another hug. She wraps her arms and legs around his torso, and lets her head rest on his chest.
A silence falls, causing the tv show to be the only sound heard in the room.
"Daddies?" Rose mumbles.
"Yes love?" Ben asks.
"Tess and Lexi told me that when you turn four years you have to go to school." Rose says, giving her fathers a bit of a confused look. "Does that mean I won't see you all day?"
Joe looks at Ben while putting his arms around Rose. "Well, yes, every kid has to go to school." He says.
"But I'll miss you." Rose says with a sad face.
Ben gives her a sweet kiss on the head. "Sweetheart, do you remember when Dad had to leave for his work for two whole weeks?" He asks her, briefly locking eyes with his husband.
Rose nods.
"Do you also remember how happy and excited we were when we got to see him again?" Ben continues.
Rose nods again. "Yes." She mumbles against Joe's chest.
"Well, school is like that. You go to school, where you get to have fun playing with your friends. And when you get home we'll be there waiting for you, happy and excited to see our princess again." Ben says with a smile.
Joe nods in agreement. "Plus you won't turn four for another six months. So before you have to go to school we're gonna throw you a big birthday party, to celebrate our baby girl is getting so big." He says, hugging their girl a little tighter.
Rose lets out a loud giggle before wriggling herself out of Joe's embrace. "I have the best Daddies." She says before giving both Ben and Joe a kiss on the cheek.
Ben lets out a fake gasp. "Joey, we've just been kissed by a princess!" He says in an exaggerated tone.
Joe puts his hands on his heart. "I can't handle all the love!" He says, playing along.
Rose giggles, and starts showering the faces of her dads with kisses.
"Oh no, all the kisses, it's too much!" Ben says before pretending to faint.
Joe grins, and follows Ben's actions.
"Daddies?" Rose asks, looking at the two with a raised eyebrow.
Suddenly the two open their eyes, jumping forward to capture their girl in a big family hug.
They both smile widely when the only thing Rose can bring out are loud giggles.
"We love you princess." Ben says, giving the little girl a kiss on the head.
"More than anything." Joe adds.
Rose looks up, smiling at her fathers. "I love you too Daddies."

The end🌹


Oh my God. It's really over guys, we've reached the end. A little over a year ago, I uploaded the first chapter of this book. And now, 97 chapters later we're at the end.

I just wanna thank everyone who read every chapter, everyone who supported me. You guys have no idea how much it means to me❤ 

Soon I'll upload the first chapter of 'It's A Hard life'. I really hope you'll like it!

Take care people. Xxx from me, aka Queenborhap_gifs❣

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