Chapter 74

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Rami goes home with his heart beating in his throat.
From Ben and Joe's house to his and Lucy's is just a few minutes walking.
Thoughts race through his mind. What if Lucy is really cheating on him?What if she's going to tell him she's got someone else?
He shivers at the thought of losing Lucy.
With a trembling hand and a little doubt Rami knocks on the door.
Not long after that the door opens. Lucy stands in the doorway with a small smile.
Together the two sit down on the couch. 'Rami, will you now please tell me why you're so mad at me? I don't understand, did I say something wrong?' Lucy asks in a trembling voice.
Rami stares straight ahead, and tries to find the right words. 'Well uhm, a few days ago I saw a text on your phone. I wasn't checking you, I promise. I borrowed your phone for ordering pizza, remember?'
Lucy nods, but still doesn't get what Rami is trying to say.
'The text was from a guy, and said I love you too. Luce are you-' Rami doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence.
Lucy jumps up from the couch. 'You think I'm cheating on you?!'  
Rami says nothing and looks down.
'Well thanks for your trust in me Rami!' Lucy wants to rush out of the house, but is stopped by Rami, who grabs her wrist.
'No, don't leave. Let's give each other a chance to explain. I don't wanna lose you Luce.' He says.
Lucy sighs and sits back on the couch. 'Rami, I'm not cheating on you. That "guy" was my cousin. He had some trouble with his wife and needed some support.' Lucy explains.
Rami's face immediately turns red from embarrassment.
'Well, apparently you don't trust me.
I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me.' Lucy says with tears in her eyes.'I'm leaving. I'll stay somewhere else, so you can stay here. I'll come get my stuff later.' She gets up from the couch, grabs her purse, and leaves the house.
The door closes with a loud bang. 
Rami immediately bursts into tears.
He screwed up. Again.
Just when he thought things couldn't get worse. And now they've broken up.

After a while he wipes his tears and picks up his phone. He actually wants to text Lucy, but he decides it's not such a good idea.
And so he decides to text Gwil.

(13:34 Pm) Rami: Hey Gwil. Is it possible to come by today to admire the girls? I still have a present for them. And I can't wait to meet them :)  

He hopes that seeing the twins will distract him from the fact that he and Lucy broke up.
Fortunately, it doesn't take long for Gwil to respond.

(13:36 Pm) Gwil: Yes of course! You can drop by now if you want? The twins are asleep but can wake up any moment. And Lina is out for groceries so maybe I could use some extra help ;)

(13:36 Pm) Rami: On my way!


When Rami arrives at Gwil's house and stands at the front door, the sound of crying babies meets him. He chuckles softly and rings the doorbell.
After a while the door opens and Gwil is standing in the doorway with a crying baby girl on his arm. Gwil lets him in, and they walk on to the living room together. 'Hey, good to see you.' He says to Rami with a big smile.
Rami nods. 'Likewise.' He giggles softly when he sees the victorious look on Gwil's face once he has managed to get the baby girl in his arms quiet. 'I see you've got quite the hang of being a dad already?' He says.
Gwil smiles and shrugs. 'I'm doing my best.' He says modestly.
Then the two baby girls both start crying at the same time.
'Oh god. Do you mind giving Tess a bottle?' Gwil asks.
Rami shakes his head with a smile. 'No, I'd love to. You just have to tell me how to hold her.'
Gwil nods and hands him Tess and the bottle. 'Just support her head with your arm and you'll be fine.'
Rami nods. As soon as he puts the bottle in Tess's mouth, she stops crying and starts drinking contentedly.
'Well, one more to go.' Gwil chuckles.He walks to the playpen and picks up the crying Lexi. 'I know you're hungry Lex. It's okay.' He whispers to the girl as he sits down with her.
She too stops crying as soon as she starts drinking.
'So, this is Tess huh? How do you know that for sure? They're identical.' Rami says with a soft chuckle.
'Well, Tess is the one that cries the most. She loves attention. Lexi is the quiet one. Unless she hungry, as you heard.' Gwil says.
Rami giggles and nods. 

'So, maybe a strange question, but I'm curious. Is there a reason you stood drunk at my house last night, begging me to let you stay?' Gwil asks.
With a sad look, Rami looks at Tess, who is still enjoying her bottle. He doesn't dare look at Gwil because he's too embarrassed. 'Yeah. That was because of the fight between me and Lucy. But that's over now.' He sighs.
Gwil looks at him in surprise. 'You talked it out?' He asks happily.
Rami shakes his head. 'Uhm no, not really. She broke up with me.'
Gwil's eyes widen. 'She did what?'
Rami sighs. 'It's my own fault. I accused her of cheating. That was a big mistake, but I couldn't help it.'

Rami's thoughts are momentarily distracted from the conversation by Tess, who takes his finger in her tiny hand. A smile appears on his face.
He snaps back to reality when Gwil calls his name.
'Rami? What do you mean "I couldn't help it"?' Gwil asks with a raised eyebrow
Rami hesitates for a moment. He has never told anyone about his previous relationship. Not even Joe, whom he has known for twelve years. 'Well uhm, since my last relationship I'm having some trust issues, I guess.'
Gwil gives him a quizzical look. He opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted by Lexi who starts to cry. 'I'm gonna get her lovey and her pacifier, I'll be right back.'
Rami nods. 
Gwil gets up and walks out of the living room with Lexi.
With a small smile Rami looks at Tess, who is still holding his finger. 'What do you think Tess? Should I tell him about Mia?' Rami says softly.
The little girl stretches out and yawns. She makes a pleased sound before closing her eyes.
'Yeah, I was already afraid of that.' Rami says with a chuckle.
With Rami's finger still in her hand, the baby girl falls asleep.

Hey guys! Take some baby cuteness and some relationship drama🙃 I hope you liked it♡

Sorry for not uploading the past week. I had another exam week. Right now I'm waiting for my last exam (French) to start. After that I'm finally done🎉

Have a nice day everyone❤ Xxx from me

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