Chapter 88

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Ben walks towards the restrooms in the corner of the bar. He stops walking when he sees his fiancé walking out of the restrooms.
Joe shoots him a big smile, and is about to walk to his boyfriend when he gets stopped by some guy.
Because of the loud music Ben can't overhear what the guy is saying to Joe. But it seems like he's asking the ginger something, because Joe nods before pointing at the restrooms behind him.
But what happens after that makes Ben's eyes widen.
The guy pushes Joe back into the restroom with quite a lot of violence. Ben can hear his boyfriend whimper loudly as he disappears behind the door of the restrooms.
Ben doesn't hesitate and rushes into the restrooms.
He sees that the guy pushes Joe against the wall, and starts kissing him. He sees that Joe is trying to push the guy away, but unfortunately he is too strong for him.
'Hey, what the hell you think you're doing?!' Ben yells while yanking the guy away from Joe.
'Ugh why do you care?' The guy asks as he glares at Ben, still pressing Joe's body vigorously against the wall.
'Because he is my boyfriend. Now get away from him.' Ben says with a piercing look. 
The guy rolls his eyes and walks away.
Joe just watches him leaving the restrooms with tears in his eyes.
When Ben sees that the guy had already zipped down the zipper of Joe's trousers, he swallows. His boyfriend, his fiancé almost got raped. 'Are you okay?' He asks softly before hugging the boy.
Joe nods into the crook of Ben's neck. 'Yeah, I guess.' He mumbles. He lets go of Ben, taking a few deep breaths. 'I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to...-' The ginger doesn't finish his sentence. Still a little in shock, he looks at Ben, fearing he will get angry.
Ben shakes his head. 'baby, look at me.' He uses his index finger to make sure he has Joe's attention. 'This wasn't your fault. At all.' He puts his arms around Joe's waist and pulls him a little closer. 'I'm just happy he didn't get far.'
A weak, and probably still drunken smile appears on Joe's face. He puts his head on Ben's chest. 'Thank you Benny. If you weren't there to save me, he would've raped me.' He says, blinking away his tears.
Ben presses a kiss on Joe's head before pulling the boy even closer. 'Do you wanna go home?' He whispers softly. 
Joe nods slowly against the blond's chest. 'But only if you want to.'
Ben smiles and nods. 'Let's go.' He lets of of Joe's waist, and intertwines their fingers.

'Boys? Me and Joe are going home.' Ben says when they're back to the table where Gwil and Rami are still seated.
'Is everything alright?' Gwil asks when he sees how tensed up Joe is.
The ginger doesn't answer and just stares straight ahead.
'Yeah, everything s'alright. Are you staying or coming with us?' Ben says so Gwil won't ask any more questions.
Rami checks his watch. 'It's pretty late, I think I'm coming with you.' He looks questioning at Gwilym.
The latter nods in agreement. 'Yeah let's go home. All of your cars are still at my place, aren't they?'
The others nod.
'Looks like the cab driver will have a easy ride then.' Gwil jokes.
Luckily they've all sobered up a bit, thanks to a cup of coffee, making walking and talking easier already. 
'Let's go then.' Rami says with a small smile.

Once the cab dropped them off at Gwil's house, they all enter the living room quietly.
They see Lina and Lucy on the couch, each holding a sleeping baby girl in their arms.
Gwil smiles at the sight.
'We tried to get them to go to sleep for hours, but nothing worked.' Lina says with a sigh. Lucy nods in agreement.
Gwil frowns a little as he sits down on the couch next to Lina. 'Well, maybe we should try letting them sleep in one crib? Maybe they just miss each other when they're apart? We could always lay them back in their own cribs if that doesn't work either.' He suggests.
Lucy lets out a soft giggle. 'It think it's your best shot. These two are major cuddlers.' She says when the girl in her arms yawns and lets out a pleased noise.
Lina smiles and nods.
'What did you two do while we were out?' Rami asks Lucy, looking at her with a huge smile.
The blonde girl shrugs. 'Not that much, actually. Changing the twins, feeding them, trying to get them to sleep.' She says with a giggle.
Lina nods in agreement. 'Plus Lucy told me something very interesting.' A smirk appears on her face. She looks from Lucy to Rami, and back to Lucy again.
Lucy gives her a playful nudge. 'Oh shut it, you promised you'd say nothing.' She says with light pink cheeks as she avoids Rami's gaze.
'I uhm- are you ready to go home Luce?' Rami asks, getting really red now as well.
Lucy starts pouting a little. 'I don't wanna leave. Look at this cutie.'
Joe smiles. 'You can't stay here forever, Luce.' He says with a giggle.
Ben nods in agreement. 'Yeah, I don't think Gwil's gonna survive living with four girls.' He smirks.
Gwil rolls his eyes.
Lucy chuckles softly before carefully handing the sleeping girl in her arms to Gwil. 'If you ever need a babysitter, you know where to find me.' She says with a wink.
'I'll keep that in mind for sure.' Gwil says.
'Anyways, let's head home.' Ben says as he takes Joe's hand.
'Are you guys sober enough to drive?' Lina asks a bit worried.
Ben nods. 'Yeah, don't worry.'
Joe yawns and intertwines his fingers with Ben's. 'Tonight was nice.' He mumbles before pushing himself a little closer to Ben's body. 
They all nod in agreement.
'Good night guys.' Gwil says before his four friends leave.


Once Ben and Joe are home, they both immediately walk towards the bedroom, getting ready for bed.
They both change into some comfy clothes, and brush their teeth.
Joe is the first one to flop down onto the bed. He yawns, and enjoys the warmth of the duvet.
Ben follows not much later after that, and instantly pulls Joe close to his chest. 'How do you feel?' He whispers to the boy, knowing he's still a bit shaky from what happened at the bar.
Joe doesn't say anything yet, and just crawls on top of Ben's chest, nuzzling his face into the crook of the boy's neck. 'Tired. And still a bit tipsy.' He says with a sleepy giggle.
Ben smiles widely, and puts his arms around the boy on his chest. He lets out a small giggle when Joe places a soft kiss on the skin in his neck.
'I had fun tonight.' Joe mumbles sleepily. 'Except for that thing with that jackass in the restrooms.' He adds while closing his eyes.
Ben smiles. He notices that because of the long evening, it probably won't take Joe very long anymore to fall asleep.
And he is right. After a few minutes of silence, Ben can feel Joe's muscles relax in his arms.
'I love you. And don't worry, I'll always be there to protect you. Everything for my Blanket.' The blond boy whispers softly to his sleeping boyfriend. But it turns out the ginger wasn't asleep just yet. 
'I love you more.' Joe mumbles. He yawns and buries his head even deeper in Ben's nek.
The blond lets out a small laugh. 'Hmh, okay.' He says. He starts slowly rubbing his hand over Joe's back, knowing how much the boy likes it.
Not much later, a soft snoring comes from Ben's side, indicating that Joe has fallen asleep. The boy smiles and gives the ginger a kiss on the forehead. 'That's impossible though. I love you more than everything. Sleep well my love.' He whispers before slowly drifting asleep too.

Like I said: a little bit of drama, just because we can.
And a little cuteness of Gwil's little family as well♡

Please don't hesitate to leave comments because I could really use the distraction today

That's all I have to say for today
Xxx from me❤

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