Chapter 53

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'W- what did we miss?' Rami asks concerned. He sits down next to Joe and puts an arm around the boy. He can feel Joe trembling. 'Joe, what's going on?' He asks, his voice nearly above a whisper.
Meanwhile, he signals Gwil to ask Brian what is going on. Gwil gets the hint, and walks towards Brian and the nurse.
'He just doesn't know who I am anymore Rami. I can't believe he forgot about me.' Joe sobs.
Rami's eyes widen at that. 'Oh Joey, come here.' He says before pulling Joe into a hug.
'Thank you ma'am.' Brian shakes hands with the nurse and walks over to Rami and Joe.
Gwil also walks over to the bed and sits on the other side.
'Brian I don't quite understand. What is going on?' Rami asks softly.
'Well, it has now been two and a half hours since Ben woke up. His medications had worn off, and he still didn't know who we are. Which means that he now has official amnesia. I went straight to the nurse, and the doctor is coming to see Ben in about two hours. Then he will investigate how long it will take before Ben will have his memory back.' Brian explains.
Rami and Gwil look at him with wide eyes. 
A painful silence fills the room. So many thoughts are now racing through Joe's mind.
After a few minutes his thoughts are interrupted by Ben, who wakes up with a soft groan.
Brian gets up. 'I'm going to call Roger. He said he might come by today. I promised to keep him updated.' He says.
The others nod.
Meanwhile, Ben face scrunches in pain. 'Fuck, It feels like a truck has run over me.' He curses.
'I'm sorry to hear that swe-... Ben.' Joe says. He swallows, knowing he should hold back with the nicknames. If he would call Ben sweetheart, it would confuse him, probably even upset him. 
Rami gets up. 'Gwil, maybe we should go. I don't know if Roger is coming, but Ben needs his rest. He doesn't need five people in his room right now.' He says.
Gwil nods in agreement. He checks his watch and sees that it is already a quarter to three. 'Should we ask the nurse if she can give you some pain relief?' He asks Ben.
The latter just nods. 
Gwil and Rami leave the room, and Brian also announces that he is going home.

When Joe has said goodbye to everyone, he sits down next to Ben again. A smile appears on his face as he sees Ben's eyes almost fall close. 'Go back to sleep Benny. The doctor won't be there to check on you for another two hours.' He whispers softly. He covers Ben with the duvets, tucking him in.
Ben nods and closes his eyes. He lets out a yawn, nuzzling his face into his pillow. Not much later, he is asleep again.
With tears in his eyes, Joe watches his boyfriend drift off. 'I know you don't remember me right now Benny. But please know that I love you. We'll get through this together, I really believe we will.' He whispers.
'And if we don't.... if we don't, then I want you to know that these weeks that I got the honor of calling you my boyfriend were the best weeks of my life. All that matters to me is that you'll be okay. That you'll be happy after all this. Either with or without me as your boyfriend, I'm okay with both. But I'll always love you. Please know that.' The boy wipes away his tears, pressing a sweet, gentle kiss on Ben's head. 'Sweet dreams love.'


The next day, Ben is awakened by a terrible headache. When he looks next to him, he sees someone lying in the bed next to his. He doubts whether he will wake the person. He sits up straight with great pain and effort.
Then he thinks back to last night. "You have amnesia." The doctor told him. 
Then his thoughts are interrupted by a sound coming from his left side. The person in the bed turns around, allowing Ben to see his face. Now he recognizes the person. It was the boy who had sat at his bedside all day yesterday.
The ginger boy.
What was his name again? Ben tries to think of the name, but is distracted by all the photos in the room. Were they already there yesterday? He looks at the photos one by one. Although he doesn't recognize the people and events in the photos, he does get a strange feeling inside. A feeling of warmth.The ginger boy is present in most of the photos.
Ben looks at the clock and sighs when he sees what time it is. Ten to six in the morning. So he will have to entertain himself until the ginger boy wakes up.

'Hey, have you been up long?' It sounds after a long time.
Ben looks at the boy, slightly startled. 'You don't even wanna know.' He mumbles, giving the boy a painful look. 
'Has your pain relief worn off?' The ginger boy gets up and sits down next to his bed.
Ben nods.
'I'll call the nurse for you so she can give you some extra pain relief.' The ginger smiles, giving him a reassuring smile.
Ben smiles at him. 'Thank you uhm....?'
'It's Joe.' 
Ben frowns. 'Right. I'm sorry.' He looks the other way, embarrassed.
'It's okay. The doctor said your amnesia will probably only last a few days.' Joe says. Although he now pretends it doesn't bother him that Ben doesn't know his name, it hurts him. He gets up. 'I'm going to change real quick. I'll be right back.' And with those words he disappears into the bathroom.
When he comes out of the bathroom again, he sees Ben trying to get his phone from the nightstand. 'Here let me help you.' Joe rushes to the rescue and hands Ben his phone. 'I'm going to quickly pick up some things from the hotel. Is there anything I can bring you?'
Ben shakes his head. 'No, thanks.' He mumbles.
Joe smiles. 'Okay then.' He turns around, wanting to leave the room.
'Wait... uhm Joe?' Ben asks.
Joe turns around.
'You know what kind of music I'm into, right? Can you put on a playlist for me?' Ben asks, holding out his phone.
Joe smiles and nods. 'Yeah, of course.' Once he has put on some Queen music for Ben, he leaves the room.

Joe isn't gone for long yet, when there is a knock on the door of Ben's room.
'Come in!' Ben says. He turns off the music and looks curiously at who enters the room. But as soon as the person enters, Ben's curious look turns into a questioning one.
'Ben, I'm so glad you're awake and okay!' The person says.
Ben puts on his best smile, hoping the person doesn't see how fake it is. Because the only thing he's doing now is thinking about who this person is again. 'Uhm yes, I'm glad about that too, sir.' He says politely. Why is his memory failing him? Who knows what kind of person has just entered his room?

A tiny cliffhanger for you guys🤣 I hope you still like the story
I'm almost done writing this story, I'm currently writing chapter 96😱
I also have some ideas for a new fanfic😍 I think it will be a high school story

Tomorrow there will be another update for you, to celebrate the last day of this terrible year❤
Xxx from me aka queenborhap_gifs♡

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