Chapter 54

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'Sir? Oh right, amnesia. I'm sorry, I forgot.' The person mumbles before he walks to Ben's bed. The person smiles when he sees what's on Ben's phone. 'That's a good band, don't you think?' With a big grin, the person sits down next to Ben's bed.
A bit surprised, Ben nods. 'Uhm yes, I really like their music.' He looks at his phone with a small smile, looking what song is playing right now.

"The white queen (As it began), by Queen".

'I don't know why, but this band feels familiar.' Ben says softly.
'What do you think of their drummer?' The person asks.
Ben didn't know it's possible, but an even bigger grin appears on the person's face. 'He seems very cool. Those drum solos are really sick.' He says with a small smile.
He only now realizes that he is talking to a random person about a band. It may be a good idea to ask for the person's name. 'I know it's weird to ask, because I probably know you well, but could you tell me your name?' Ben asks carefully.
The person smiles and nods. 'Of course. That drummer from that band? That's me.' The person says with a chuckle.
Ben's eyes widen as his mind starts racing.

'This is not funny.' He says after a while. It cannot be true that the drummer of a world-famous band just walked into his hospital room.
So this must be a joke. Maybe it's his father? Dads love to joke.
The person gives him a questioning look. 'What do you mean?' He asks.
'It's not funny pretending to be someone else.' Ben says, staring straight ahead.
'It's true. Look it up. Drummer of Queen, Roger Taylor. You will see that it is really me.'
Although Ben still doesn't fully trust the person, he decides to listen and google it. Or maybe he just doesn't trust his own memory.
As soon as google shows him the results, his mouth falls open. So the man really spoke the truth.
Roger Taylor is seated next to him.

After Roger explains how he and Ben know each other, it falls silent.
Luckily Joe comes in at that point, avoiding a long awkward silence.
A smile appears on Joe's face when he sees Roger. 'Hey Rog, good to see you.' The ginger puts some things on the table and hugs Roger.
Ben looks at the two with wide eyes. 'Wait, you know him too?' He asks Joe in surprise.
The ginger giggles and nods.
Roger turns to Ben with a smile. 'That movie I was telling you about? Joe stars in that too. Plus he's your boy-'
'-Fellow band member.' Joe quickly says before Roger can finish his sentence. 
When Roger gives him a questioning look, Joe shakes his head as a way to say to let it go for now.
'Good. I'm afraid I have to go guys. Our rehearsal starts in half an hour, and I like to keep Brian as a friend.' Roger says as a way to change the subject. 
Joe smiles and nods. 'Good luck with your rehearsal.' Joe says as he walks with Roger towards the door.
'Roger? Thank you for keeping me company.' Ben says with a grateful smile.
Roger nods. 'Of course kid.' He winks at Ben before leaving the room.


Four days passed since the day Roger came to visit Ben.
And every day went the same.
Every morning Joe goes to the hotel to get clean clothes and some other items. Every day he brings an object or a photo, hoping that Ben's memory will return.
In vain so far.
During the time Joe is gone to the hotel, Gwil and Rami mostly come by to keep Ben company. And Brian and Roger also try to come by as often as possible.
But today was different.
Gwil and Lina are looking at houses, and couldn't pass by.
Rami has an audition, and Brian and Roger have an interview scheduled today.
So Ben would be alone for a while. Fortunately, his ribs have almost healed, so the movement hurts much less than the first days. Ben sits up and scans the room for his phone when his eye falls on the bouquet of withered flowers. Although, withered except for that one rose.
And that one rose changed everything from that moment on.

Ben sits up with a soft gasp. He needs to call Joe! He hurriedly tries to get out of bed, but his broken ankle won't let him. He curses under his breath.
Why is his phone on the other side of the room? He reaches out as far as he can to get his phone, but it's still too far.
At that moment the door opens. 
'Oh Ben let me help you.' The blonde girl who just entered hands him his phone.
Ben smiles. 'Thanks Lucy.' He says when he has sat down on the bed again.
'No probl'- wait, you remember my name?' Lucy asks in suprise. Since Ben woke up, she hasn't had time to come over because of auditions. Rami did tell her about Ben's amnesia though, which is why she figured Ben wouldn't recognize her.
Ben has to do his best not to laugh at Lucy's face. 'I do. I'm all myself again, Mrs. Boynton.' He says with a big smile.
'But that's great! Do the others already know that you have your memory back?' Lucy sits down next to the bed. 
Ben shakes his head. 'Not yet. I needed my phone for that.' He says with a soft chuckle. 'But Joe will be back from the hotel in ten minutes, so I can tell him in person.' A big smile appears on his face. He had to live without Joe for almost two weeks. So he wants nothing more than to tell Joe he loves him. 
When he looks up he sees Lucy looking at him with a small grin on her face. 'Oh then I should go, don't you think?' She gets up and leaves behind a blushing Ben.


'Hey Ben, I'm back.' Joe says before walking further into the room.
'Joe? Can you come here for a moment? I want to.... tell you something.' Ben says with a mysterious smile.
A little surprised, Joe puts the stuff down and walks over to Ben's bed. He sits down on the edge of the bed, waiting for Ben to tell him what he wanted to tell him.
Ben beckons Joe to come closer. 'Come closer.' He whispers.
When Joe is close enough, Ben leans forward and presses his lips against Joe's.
It doesn't take long before Joe melts into the kiss.
'I missed you Blanket.' Ben whispers when they let go, gently caressing Joe's cheek with his thumb. He stares into Joe's eyes, feeling his stomach flip.
Tears of joy appear in Joe's eyes. 'You remembered.' He whispers.
Ben nods with a big smile. 'I'm back, my love.' He whispers before letting their lips collide again.

Hey guys! Happy 2021❤ I said I would post an extra chapter to celebrate the last day of 2020, but me stupid little me forgot :)

So, I'm way ahead with writing, but for the first time ever, I'm kinda blocked. Everything I write is shit. Please leave some comments, maybe it will help. And of course are some suggestions for the story always welcome.

Xxx from me♡

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