Chapter 52

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'Well, why don't you ask him yourself?' Rami says to Ben with a big smile.
Ben looks shyly at Joe. 'Because I'm too shy.' He whispers. 'You have to do it for me.' He adds.
Rami giggles softly. 'Okay then.' He looks at Joe with a smirk. 'Joe, Ben wants to know if you're single.'
Ben nods. 
Joe's mouth falls open. 'I- I uhm.' He stammers, not really sure whether he should say he and Ben are dating.
Brian grins at Joe's face, which has turned red.
'What Joe means to say is that he's already taken. He has a boyfriend.' Rami says with a small smile.
As soon as Joe sees Ben's sad face, he lets out a soft "ahw".
Ben just looks down sadly, without saying anything. 
Joe walks over to the bed and carefully sits next to him. He turns Ben's head towards him with his index finger, and presses his lips against Ben's. Immediately, he has to do his best not to get carried away. He had almost forgotten how soft Ben's lips are.
'B-but.' Ben stutters when they let go. 'You have a boyfriend, right?' He asks confused.
Joe gives a soft giggle, melting at the sight of Ben's confused puppy eyes. 'That's right. I'm looking at him now. You're my boyfriend.' The ginger says with a blush on his cheeks.
Immediately a smile appears on Ben's face. 

Then there is a soft knock on the door.
Brian opens the door, seeing a puzzled Gwilym standing in the doorway. 'Brian? How good to see you! What are you doing here?' The tall boy asks in surprise.
Brian smiles. He lets Gwil in and briefly explains why he's here.
Then Gwil's gaze falls on Ben. 'Oh my..... thank God Ben, you're awake. How are you?' He asks.
Ben looks at him with wide eyes. 'Wow, who's the tall guy?' He asks amazed.
Brian laughs when he sees Gwil's questioning face. 'Don't worry, that's a side effect of his medications. He thought I was his doctor and he called Joe Captain America.' The guitarist says with a grin.
'And he was quite surprised when he found out that I am his boyfriend.' Joe adds with a laugh. 
Ben nods happily with a big smile. 'I have a boyfriend!' He exclaims, sounding like he can't believe it himself. 
Gwil smiles with relief. When he looks around the room he sees that Rami isn't there anymore. 'Where did Rami go? Is he still mad at me?' He asks with a frown.
Joe shrugs.
When Gwil sees Brian's questioning look, he quickly explains what happened before Ben woke up.

'Maybe you should go find him. I bet you had a good reason to leave. If you explain it to him, he will understand it.' Brian says reassuringly.
Gwil takes a deep breath and nods. He gets up and walks out of the room.
'Bye tall one!' Ben shouts after him happily.
Joe shakes his head laughing.
'Boooyfriend, can you put on some music?' Ben asks with a grin.
Brian gets up with a smile. 'Allow me.' He puts a Queen CD in the radio and presses play. The first song that starts to play is "I'm in love with my car".
Joe laughs when he sees Brian roll his eyes.
Ben starts with drumming his fingers on the edge of his bed to the beat of the music. 'I like this song.' He exclaims happily.
Joe laughs at that.
'Of course you do.' Brian mumbles.
'Well, at least his drumming skills is still there.' Joe giggles.


Meanwhile, Gwil is still looking for Rami. He is not in the waiting room, nor is he in the lobby of the hospital.
Gwil is about to go back to Ben's room when he walks past the courtyard. To be sure, he decides to see if Rami is there.
And there he sees Rami sitting on a bench.
Gwil hesitates for a moment, then walks up to him. Without saying anything, he sits down next to his friend. 
'I'm sorry I left.' He mumbles after a while.
'I'm sorry too.' Rami says softly. 'I was just worried that something would go wrong with Ben. Usually you are the only one who stays calm. I just got really stressed when you left the hospital. I was scared something would happen to him.' He admits. 'But I shouldn't have taken it out on you.' 

Gwil stares down at the ground. 'I get it, it's okay. Just know that I had a good reason to leave.' He says.  He says the last part of his sentence so softly that Rami can hardly hear him.
It remains silent for a moment.
'Gwil, are you okay?' Rami asks with a worried look. He sees Gwil biting his lip.
'No, not really.' Gwil says softly. He takes a deep breath. 'I haven't even left the hospital. That call I received this morning was from my oncologist. The past few weeks I've been feeling really nauseous, tired and I've been caughing a lot. And those are a few symptoms of the kind of cancer I had a few years ago. I called my doctor and he told me I needed to get tested right away to see if it might have returned to me. I was supposed to have my checkup today, but I canceled it because of Ben. Then my oncologist called to say he arranged for my checkup to be held here at the hospital. I will get the results in a month.' A tear rolls down his cheek.
'Oh my god.... Jesus Gwil I'm so sorry.' Rami says shocked.
Gwil buries his face into his hands. 'What am I gonna do if the test come back positive?' He whispers with a soft sniffle. 'With Lina... and the babies- It just can't be. I don't want my kids to grow up without a father.'
Rami gives his friend a reassuring look before hugging him. 'I'm sure you're totally okay Gwil.' He whispers during the hug. 'Don't say things like that.'
When they let go of the hug, Gwil smiles at Rami gratefully. 'Thanks. I needed that.' He mumbles. 'I've been dreading it all week.'
Rami nods. 'I get that. Have you been keeping this from us all those weeks?'
Gwil nods. 'I know I shouldn't have bottled it up, but with Ben's situation I didn't want to bother anyone with my problems.' He says softly. 'But Lina knows.' He adds.
Rami smiles a little, happy his friend found Lina. 'Why didn't you tell me when I got mad at you though? I mean, that was a good reason to leave.' 
Gwil shrugs. 'I didn't want you guys to be alarmed. I didn't want to ruin the moment for Joe, you know.' He says.
Rami nods.

After a while, Gwil gets up. 'Let's go back to the others.' He says. 'Just please don't tell anyone yet? I don't want them to worry about it too much.' He asks Rami.  
Rami nods. 'Of course. I won't say anything, I promise.'
And so they walk back to Ben's room together. 
When they enter the room, they notice that the atmosphere is no longer as cheerful as before. Ben has fallen asleep, and Joe is sitting next to his bed with red eyes. Brian is talking to the nurse across the room.
The two of them look at each other with tension.

Hey guys❤ I hope y'all had a wonderful christmas.
I actually planned on posting an extra chapter for christmas eve, but I forgot.

Because of my new meds I'm either sleeping or an emotional mess. I really feel sorry for my parents and siblings😅 I really am a burden these days Lmao

Although they're all very sweet. Every morning my little sister comes to my room and then we watch tv together. And my little Brother always comes to share his candy with me😢❤❤

Much love from me aka queenborhap_gifs♡

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