Chapter 57

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'W- what is it? Tell me.' Joe says. He feels the adrenaline rush through his body. What does Ben need to tell him?
He helps the blond to walk back and lie down onto the bed. He plops down next to him, suspensefully waiting for Ben to start talking.
'I uhm- I used the knife.' Ben says softly.
Joe's eyes widen. He wants to say something, but Ben is faster.
'But not to punish myself. I used the knife to let you know I love you.' The blond says when he sees tears appear in Joe's eyes. He puts his arm around the ginger, pulling him a little closer to his chest. 'Sweetie, look on the back of the letter.' Ben whispers, handing the boy the letter.
Joe nods and takes the letter from Ben. For a moment, he just stares at the letter. 'Should I read it?' He mumbles.
Ben shrugs. 'If you want to. But it's not very pleasant to read.' He says.
Joe takes a deep breath, getting ready to start.
Ben watches the boy's face expression closely while he's reading the letter.
At the end of the letter, tears are running down Joe's cheeks. He turns the paper over, looking at the back like Ben told him to. Then a small smile appears on his face through all the tears.
'I was afraid I would never see you again. So I decided to write a message on the letter. Of course I didn't have a pen, so I used my blood. I put it in my pocket hoping it would be found when I was found.' Ben explains. He feels shivers running down his body when he thinks back to this moment. He was almost a 100 percent sure that was the end. That he would never see Joe again.
'Honey, I- I'm speechless.' Joe whispers as he stared at the piece of paper. A heart is drawn with blood on the back of the letter, containing the letter J.

A/N: Okay yes this looks very fake but it is just so you will understand how it looked in my mind :) And in my mind it seemed very romantic so yeah

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A/N: Okay yes this looks very fake but it is just so you will understand how it looked in my mind :) And in my mind it seemed very romantic so yeah

'It's going to leave a scar, but that's just a reminder of my endless love for you.' Ben says, showing the wound on his wrist to Joe.
Joe feels his heart glow. He wants to say so much right now, but can't find the right words. 'Ben I... I just-... I love so fucking much.' He whispers before pressing his lips against Ben's.
Ben smiles. 'I love you too baby.'
Joe snuggles close to Ben, putting his head on the boy's chest. And although he doesn't want to ruin the mood, he asks: 'And what about the other scars?'
Ben intertwines his fingers with Joe's. 'You want to hear the rest of the story, don't you?'
Joe nods. 'Only if you want it too.'
The blond nods. 'I do.' He thinks for a moment, not sure where he left off. 'Okay well, after a while the two men entered the small space. They tied me to some kind of hook so I coulnd't move. Not long after that, they started to abuse me. First they hit me several times with a belt. Then it was the turn to the bat. One man punched me in the face, causing me to lose consciousness. When I woke up I saw all the shards of glass around me. My chest was covered with cuts thanks to the glass. One guy punched me in the stomach, and then it was done. They closed the door, and left me alone. I panicked so badly from my claustrophobia that I passed out again. The last thing I can remember is the sound of falling debris.' Ben swallows, trying to push away all the memories.
Joe is still lying against Ben's chest, and is able to feel how fast his heart is beating.  Tears run down the ginger's cheeks. He sits up and gently presses his lips against Ben's. 'I'm so sorry to hear that sweetheart. Promise me one thing? That we are going to get through this together.' He says with a soft sniffle.
Ben nods and wipes Joe's tears. 'Without you I would not have lasted, my angel.' He whispers with a smile.
Joe smiles and puts his head back on Ben's chest, just enjoying the sound of Ben's heart pounding.
With a smile, Ben gently runs his hand through Joe's hair, knowing how much the boy likes it. After a while, he feels Joe's head getting heavier on his chest, and his breathing has slowed down. 'Sleep well my angel.' He whispers with a smile.


After an hour of Ben just enjoying the weight of his sleeping boyfriend on his chest, the silence is interrupted by a knock on the door.
Ben softly says that the door is open, hoping Joe will stay asleep.
The door opens and Roger and Brian enter the room.
Ben gestures for them to be quiet, not wanting to wake up Joe.
With a smile, the two look at Joe, who is still asleep in Ben's arms, cuddled up against the blond's chest.
'Hi Ben, Gwilym texted us that your memory is back?' Brian asks softly with a smile.
Ben nods. 'It's true, I'm totally myself again.' But after he says this, he looks at his arm, and then to his ankle. 'Well, almost then.' He says with a chuckle.
'That's good to hear kid.' Roger says with a smile. He is delighted to see Ben like this, with Joe by his side.
'Sorry again I didn't recognize you Rog.' Ben says softly.
Roger smiles. 'That wasn't your fault, you know that. And it was actually kind of funny how surprised you were when you found out who I am.' The drummer chuckles when he thinks back to Ben's puzzled face.
Brian smiles at the two of them. Although Roger has never admitted it out loud, Brian knows he sees Ben as a bonus son. So a big smile appears on his face when he sees the two having a moment.

'So how are you now? No trauma?' Brian asks carefully.
Ben looks at Joe and doesn't answer the question. He gently runs his hand through Joe's hair. 'Joe is the only reason I'm here now. That night I actually wanted to give up. Just... give in to fate, you know. But then I thought about Joe. I couldn't bear the thought of never seeing him again.' A tear runs down Ben's cheek. He quickly wipes it away, not wanting to cry in front of Brian and Roger.
Brian and Roger both smile when they see Joe crawling even closer to Ben's body.
'I'm worried about him.' Ben mumbles. He looks at Joe, who is still sleeping peacefully against him.
'But why? You're the one in the hospital.' Roger says softly.
Ben sighs softly. 'Well, when I was still artificially asleep I could hear things around me. And every night I heard Joe having nightmares and panic attacks. It- It was terrible to not be able to put my arms around him and calm him down.' He gives Joe a sweet kiss on the forehead.
'I know. But you two can do this. Together.' Brian says, giving the boy a reassuring smile.
Ben wipes his tears with a smile. 'I really hope so Bri.' He whispers.

Hey guys❤ Y'all still like the story?

I really hope you're all still doing well. Here in Holland we aren't allowed to go outside after 8 pm anymore😕

Xx from me, aka queenborhap_gifs♡

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