Chapter 17

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After taking the lift down, Rami and Joe walk back into the breakfast room.
'That took a long time, what did your parents say? Ben asks as soon as he sees that Joe's eyes are red from crying.
Joe smiles and just mumbles a "it went okay" before sitting down. He wants to ask something, but hesitates.
'What were you gonna say Joe?' Gwil asks when he sees the hesitant look on Joe's face.
'Well, I was wondering if maybe we could go to the set today. I want everything back to normal as soon as possible, and I haven't spoken to the crew in a while.' Joe looks down, fearing his friends will think it's a stupid idea.
The other three nod.
Ben smiles widely. 'Of course. To be honest, I just want to go back to work too. I've been fed up with doing nothing all this time.' He says.
Joe shoots his best friend a soft, beautiful smile, which Ben receives with a blush on his cheeks.

As soon as the four finished their breakfast, they go to their hotel rooms to get ready.
Not much later they are in the parking lot, ready to leave for the set.
'I'll send Dexter a message. Then he knows we're coming.' Gwil takes his phone and looks for their director's number. As soon as the message has been sent, the four walk towards the car.
'I'll drive.' Ben says once they got to the car. He wants to walk to the driver's door, but Rami stops him.
'Is that possible with your hand? Your hand is still bandaged, you know.' The black-haired boy says.
Ben glances at his hand, as if to make sure that his hand is still in the bandage. Then he shrugs. 'Well, it doesn't hurt anymore. And the bandage can be taken off in two days. Driving a car shouldn't be too hard, I guess.'
Rami nods with a smile.
Ben gets into the car, taking place behind the wheel.
Joe sits down next to him and turns on the radio before fastening his seatbelt. Exactly at that moment the radio DJ announces the song "Somebody To Love.
'Mhm I love this song.' The ginger says as he starts humming along with the song.
Ben smiles at that, listening to Joe's voice.
When Rami and Gwil have also taken place in the car, the four friends leave for the set.

The boys are only 5 minutes away from the set when Gwil's phone starts ringing. He smiles when he sees it's Brian who is calling him. 'Hello? Oh hey Brian.'
The others can hear Brian talking on the other end of the phone, but cannot hear what he is saying.
'Yes of course. You are now on speaker Bri.' Gwil holds the phone in the center of the car so his friends can hear what Brian has to say.
'Hey boys. Dexter, Rog and I have a bit of a cheeky question. Be honest if you want to wait a little longer, but would you like to redo some scenes today?' Brian asks.
The boys laugh.
'Of course Brian, please. I need some action.' Joe giggles.
'Really? Are you sure? you two just got back from hospital one day.' Brian asks amazed.
'We would love to get back to work.' Ben adds.
'Okay, but...' Brian wants to say something more, but Rogers voice interrupts him: 'They already said yes, don't ask any further you curly hair. They might change their minds if you continue like that.' The drummers voice says somewhere in the background.
The boys burst out in laughter.
'Uhm yes, thank you for your contribution Rog.' Brian mumbles, clearly annoyed. 'And thanks to you too guys, we'll see you soon then.' 
'We'll be there in about 3 minutes.' Ben says, keeping his eyes on the road.
'Get our costumes ready.' Rami grins. 'Mr Mercury is back!'
Causing everyone to laugh.


Ben has only set one foot over the threshold of the building or he is attacked from the side.
It's Lucy flying him around his neck, almost tackling him.
As soon as the blond has processed what's going on, he joins the hug. 'H-hey Luce.' He says softly with a smile.
'Thank god Ben, you're okay again.' Lucy whispers during the hug. She lets go of the hug, and sees Joe grinning at Ben's startled face.
Lucy rolls her eyes with a smile. 'Your turn Mazz!' She also hugs Joe, who puts his arms around her.
'I'm so sorry I couldn't come to the hospital.' She whispers. 'When Rami called me I wanted to come by as soon as possible. I just wasn't allowed to leave the auditions.'
Joe doesn't say anything yet, and just looks for something in his bag. He takes out a bracelet. 'Remember you gave this to me the day I got sick on set? You said it always brings you some extra luck.'
Lucy nods with a small smile.
'Well, it worked for me as well.' The ginger explains. 'When Ben and I were allowed to go home from the hospital, the doctors told me it is a miracle that I could leave so soon. They had never seen someone recover so quickly after stopping breathing. So, I owe you.' Joe says with a smile.
He puts the bracelet on his wrist and hugs her again.
'Thanks Joe.' Lucy whispers, feeling better already.
'No, you thanks.' Ben pipes up. 'For everything. For the sweet messages, and the lovely get well card.'
The three are interrupted by Dexter, the director. 'Guys, I'm so glad you guys are all right again. And really great that you were already prepared to come to the set today. Truely amazing.'
Joe giggles softly. 'Trust me, we're happy to.'

After the four actors chatted with a few crew members for a bit, they go to their trailers to put on their costumes.
After all four have their wigs and make-up on, they go to the set.
Today they are going to record the '39 scene. After rehearsing the scene a few times, it's time for the cameras to run.
'Okay! Let's start filming. Take one. Everyone in position.' The music of '39 starts to play and fills the room.
As he walks towards the drum with a tambourine in his hand, Ben's eyes follow Joe's movements closely. He smiles a little when he sees Joe grabbing the bass and doing some typical Deaky moves.
To the beat of the music, Joe starts dancing around a bit to warm up. When he looks up again, he sees Ben looking his way.
The ginger shoots the boy a smile, but doesn't get a smile back. Instead Ben just looks away. The ginger walks over to his friend. 'Hey, you okay?'
Ben shrugs. 'Yeah sure.' He says shortly before turning his back to Joe, starting a conversation with Gwil.
Kinda hurt about Ben's sudden coldness, Joe walks away again. He turns red, embarrassed about ever thinking that Ben might like him back. He has to get outta here.
'You okay Joe?' Rami asks worriedly when the boy starts coughing pretty loud.
Joe shakes his head, trying to gasp for air. 'S-sorry guys.' He looks at the director with a look of guilt.
'That's okay Joe, don't worry. Do you want a break? Then you can have a drink. We have plenty of time, don't worry.'
Joe nods and rushes to his trailer.
The other three watch him disappear around the corner.
Then Roger and Brian enter. They were in the office next to the building to discuss some things about the script. 'Hey guys, good to see you again.' Roger steps onto the stage and hugs the three actors. Brian does the same. 'Where's Joe? Still in the makeup?' The guiterist looks questioningly at the director.
The latter shakes his head. 'Joe needed some water. He's in his trailer.'
Brian nods understandably. He turns towards the stage and sees the concerned look on Ben's face. 'I'll check on him.' Brian gives Ben a reassuring nod.
A small smile appears on the blond's face. Ben mouths a "thank you" to Brian, who starts making his way to Joe's trailer.

Hey guys♡♡♡
I'm currently writing chapter 44, and it is so dramatic, y'all are gonna love it, I promise ;)

I'm really bad at school at the moment, by the way. I only got three grades, but they are not very good. Oops😅

Whatever, enjoy your day♡ I think I'll upload the next chapter tonight, cause why not :)

Xxx from me aka queenborhap_gifs♡

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