Chapter 22

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The next morning, Joe wakes up from the sound of his phone, indicating that he's received a message.
With a groan, he looks at his alarm clock. His alarm would've gone off in 15 minutes. 
He takes out his phone to see who stole 15 minutes of his sleep. As soon as he sees who it is, a smile appears on his face.

(08:15 Am) Ben: Good morning sunshine. Sorry if I woke you up. I just couldn't sleep anymore once I woke up. I'm looking forward to tonight. I'll see you at breakfast in a minute ;)

(08:16 Am) Joe: I also look forward to tonight. I hope this day on set goes by quick. The sooner it is evening :)

Joe puts his phone down with a smile, and gets into the shower. He loves to take a hot shower in the morning. This way he can wake up a bit more. Sometimes he even practices his lines in the shower. 
When he's dried off and dressed, he tries to do his hair right. He sprays some hairspray in his hair so his perm isn't that vidible anymore, and brushes his teeth. 
After quickly shooting a glance at himself in the mirror and giving himself an approving look, Joe walks out of the bathroom.
He grabs his phone and checks the time. Because Ben woke him fifteen minutes earlier than intended, he now has plenty of time left before he has to go to the breakfast room.
The ginger puts on some music and plops down onto his bed.
He stares to the ceiling, and feels his eyelids getting heavier. His eyes slowly close as the music gets through to him.
Joe feels himself slowly sinking deeper and deeper, and not much later he is asleep again. 


The other three actors are already in the breakfast room.
Ben looks nervously at his watch. 'Where is he? He should've been here by now.' He says, getting a bit worried now.
Gwil shrugs. 'Maybe he just overslept.' He says reassuringly when he sees how stressed Ben is.
The blond shakes his head. 'He didn't. I'm sure he's awake. I already spoken to him this morning through messages.' He immediately turns red when he sees the smirk on Rami's face.
'So Ben, I heard from Joe that the two of you are going on a date tonight?' The black-haired boy says.
Ben shyly looks away and nods. 'Joe asked me out for dinner.' He says softly as he looks at his friends with a smile. 
Rami and Gwil look at each other with a smile, glad to finally see Ben happy again after this long while.
'Why don't you go and see where Joe is? Otherwise we will be late for the set.' Gwil says to Ben after checking his phone.
The blond boy nods and gets up. He checks his watch one more time, and leaves the breakfast room. 

He arrives at Joe's hotel room after taking the stairs, and knocks softly on the door. He waits for a while for an answer, but all he hears is music coming from behind the door. 
When the door still doesn't open after knocking a second time, Ben decides to go in himself. The four friends know each other's code to enter the room, in case of an emergency. 
Ben enters the room in a bit of a panic. But as soon as he sees Joe curled up on the bed, he breathes a sigh of relief. 
With a huge smile, Ben carefully sits down next to Joe on the bed. A big smile appears on his face when Joe instinctively snuggles against him.
Ben runs his hands gently through Joe's hair. He giggles softly when he sees how messy it gets. 'It's time to wake up buddy.' The blond whispers to Joe. With his finger he gently draws figures on Joe's shoulder.
'Hmm, just a little longer.' Joe murmurs, crawling even closer to Ben's body.
'Come on buddy, we have to go to the set.' Ben says, this time a little louder now, hoping Joe will wake up.
Joe mumbles something more, then opens his eyes. He looks confused around the room. Then his eyes meet Ben's. He immediately starts blushing when he sees he's practically lying in Ben's arms.  He quickly sits up straight. 'I uhm- I'm sorry.'
Ben can't resist, and bites his lip. 'No need to be. You look cute when you sleep, you know that?' He says in a flirty voice.
Joe turns even redder. 'Uhm thanks, I guess.' He says softly, a smile appearing on his face. 
For a moment, the two just stare into each other's eyes.
Joe is the first one to blink again. He smiles at Ben with flushed cheeks before getting up. He walks to the mirror, and lets out a dramatic cry as soon as he sees his hair. 'Stupid perm!' 
In the mirror he sees Ben laughing behind him.
'Sorry, that's my mistake. I had to find a way to wake you up.' Ben says with a giggle.
Joe looks at him insulted. Then he starts pulling funny faces in the mirror.
Ben has to try his best not to laugh. 'Ready for breakfast, sleepyhead?' 
Joe gives him an indignant look. 'Hey! I stayed up late last night planning our date. I think that's what put me back to sleep this morning.' Joe smiles shyly at Ben.
The blond immediately smiles. 'Okay, in that case I forgive you.' He gets up from the bed, and walks towards the door. 'You coming?' He asks Joe.
The ginger nods with a smile, and walks towards the door as well.
When they are about to leave the room together to go to the breakfast room, Ben receives a message from Rami. 

(09:24 Am) Rami: Yo guys, stop fucking. We have to go to the set remember? You can continue fucking after your date. 

Ben rolls his eyes ad lets out a loud sigh. Rami and his stupid jokes.
Joe gives the boy a questioning look. 'What is it?'
Ben puts his phone in his pocket. 'Oh nothing.' He gives Joe a reassuring smile. He doesn't want to make Joe uncomfortable. 
Together they walk towards the lift. Just before Joe can push the button, Ben stops him. 'S-shall we- uhm- take the stairs?' The blond suggests, not looking at Joe.
The ginger frowns. 'Well, I'm gonna take the elevator if you don't mind. My feet are still hurting a bit from yesterday. I think I Deaky-danced a bit too much.' He says with a soft chuckle. He pushes the button and gets into the lift.
Ben briefly closes his eyes as he bites his lip.
'Are you coming?' Joe asks, not understanding why Ben is stalling so long.
The blond boy takes a deep breath and nods. 
The doors of the lift close.
When they are almost on the ground floor, the lift suddenly stops.
Ben and Joe look at each other in shock.
'Well here we are. The number one group in England, going to suffocate in this damn lift.' Joe says with his British accent. He grins at his own joke, but sees that Ben isn't smiling at all.
The younger boy just stares straight ahead, breathing faster and faster.
'Ben, are you okay?' Joe looks at him concerned.
Ben shakes his head, and leans with his back against the wall. He slowly sits down on the floor. He grabs his knees and lowers his head while tears are starting to form in his eyes.

Cliffhanger it is people :) I love cliffhangers, but only if I'm the one writing them. I hate reading cliffhangers ;) 

For the people who follow me on Instagram (Queenborhap_gifs), you may have seen my stories. I'm currently in the hospital. Yesterday afternoon I got rushed to the hospital because I got an anxiety attack and I passed out. I hit my head really hard because I fell into something. I really hope I can go home in a few days :(

Please leave some comments because the days are going so slow here. I really need some distraction.
I love you all guys♡

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