Chapter 93

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The next few days, everything went on like it normally would. Joe went back to focusing on directing his own film, while Ben was away from home most of the days for several auditions.

'Benny? Can we watch a movie in bed or something?' Joe asks with big puppy eyes.
Ben giggles and nods. 'Sure sweetheart.' He says before taking Joe's hand to lead him towards their bedroom.
Once they've both plopped down onto the bed, Joe crawls close to Ben.
'Sorry things have been so busy since I'm back.' Ben whispers, wishing he would've been able to give his fiancé a bit more attention the past few days.
Joe yawns and smiles. 'No no, that's fine. I only need a cuddle every once in a while, and then I'm good.' He says with a giggle.
Ben smiles and presses a kiss on the ginger's cheek. 'If you say so love.' He says with a giggle.
The two pick out a movie, and just hold each other close.

After a while, Ben turns down the volume of the tv. 'You know what I just realized?' He asks Joe with a big smile.
Joe shakes his head and gives him a questioning look.
'Our wedding will be in two months. Two more months and then I can call you my husband.' Ben whispers.
Joe feels a rush of excitement running through his body when Ben says this. He giggles softly and closes his eyes for a moment. 'I can't wait.' He whispers.
Ben yawns and closes his eyes. 'Me neither. I love you future husband.' He mumbles.
Joe giggles when he notices Ben isn't far from falling asleep anymore. 'I love you more.' He too closes his eyes, and he snuggles close to Ben.
Before the two of them realize it, they're both asleep.

Joe wakes up from the sound of a phone ringing. He looks confused around the room. It's already a bit dark outside, he sees.
He looks next to him, and sees that his boyfriend is still fast asleep. He locks his lips together with Ben's. 'Benny, your phone is ringing.'
Ben slowly opens his eyes, and looks at Joe in confusion. 'Hm?' He mumbles.
'Someone is calling you.' Joe says.
Ben rubs his eyes and grabs his phone from the bedside table. He looks who's calling him, and sighs. 'It's an unknown number. Probably my aunt, I'll just ignore it.' He wants to press the decline button, but Joe stops him.
'Maybe you should answer. Then I'll record the conversation with my phone. If it is your aunt then we will have proof that she is threatening you.' The ginger suggests.
Ben takes a deep breath, and nods. 'Okay then.' With a trembling hand, he answers the call. He puts it on speaker, so Joe's phone can record everything.
'H-hello? Who is this?' Ben asks hesitantly.
But he doesn't get an answer. All he hears is some rumbling on the other side of the line.
'Ben! I- I need to speak with you. Please Ben?' A woman's voice says.
Ben is now positive it's his aunt calling. But she doesn't sound threatening at all. She sounds scared. Ben doesn't know what to answer, and looks at Joe desperately.
The latter shrugs, and mouths a "I don't know" to him.
Joe himself can hear that Ben's aunt seems to mean it. But he still doesn't trust her.
'Ben please, just give me a chance to explain things. It wasn't-' The voice of Ben's aunt gets interrupted by the sound of breaking glass.
'Is everything okay there?' Ben asks a bit concerned. He doesn't get a respond, and the connection between the two telephones gets disconnected.
'Maybe you should invite her over? Talking won't hurt anybody, and when I'm with you she's not gonna hurt you.' Joe suggests hesitantly.
Ben sighs and nods. 'Yeah, maybe you're right.'
Joe smiles and takes Ben's hand. He gently rubs with his thump over Ben knuckles to know he is there for him.

After a few tries, Ben manages to reconnect with his aunt.
'Sorry, my phone uhm... lost signal.' Ben's aunt says.
'Listen, I wanna give you a chance. You're family. So why don't you come over to our house tonight?' Ben says while looking at Joe, who gives him an encouraging nod.
'Really? Thank you, you won't regret this. I promise.' She says.
The boys can both hear the relieve in her voice.
'Yes, really. I'll text you our adres. See you at five this afternoon?' Ben asks, his hand still trembling in Joe's.
Joe can see how hard Ben is trying not to show how nervous he is.
After confirming the time, Ben ends the call. He lets out a shaky breath and stares straight ahead.
Joe opens his arms for the boy, offering him a hug.
Ben takes gratefully advantage of this, and snuggles close to Joe's chest.
'It's gonna be okay, I promise. I'll be by your side the whole time, okay?' Joe says softly while running his hand through Ben's blonde hair.
The younger boy nods and takes a deep breath. He inhales Joe's scent, which calms him down a bit more already. 'Thank you. You're so sweet.'
Joe smiles and gives Ben a kiss on the forehead. 'Everything for my Benny boy.' 
'I love you.' Ben mumbles with a big smile.

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