Chapter 78

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The day after the proposal the two mainly spend watching movies and cuddling together. 
Today it's day three of their getaway. Which means it is the last day before they have to go home.

It's ten in the morning, and Ben is awakened by some rumbling coming from the kitchen. He cracks one eye open, and sees that Joe isn't next to him.
When he turns his head a little he sees Joe standing in the kitchen, with his back to Ben.
The blond quickly closes his eyes again when Joe turns around. He must make an effort not to smile when he hears Joe humming softly.
He can feel that Joe sits down next to him on the bed. Ben feels his hand run through his hair. Then Joe's lips touch his gently.
'Good morning beautiful.' Joe whispers. He keeps humming softly until Ben opens his eyes.
'I love it when you sing.' Ben says in a slightly rough voice from waking up.
Joe feels that he is starting to blush. 'You heard that?' He asks in surprise.
Ben sits up and nods. 
Joe blushes even more and giggles softly. 'I uhm made us some breakfast.' He says quickly to change the subject. He points to the tray on the bedside table.
Ben's lips curl into a smile when he sees Joe made him his favorite breakfast.
'I found a waffle iron in one of the kitchen cupboards, so I wanted to surprise you.' Joe explains with a big smile.
Ben chuckles and gives Joe a kiss. 'Thank you love, that's so sweet of you. And you're cute when you blush.' 
Joe let's out a soft giggle and hands Ben his plate of waffles.

*Beep beep*

Ben takes his phone from the bedside table and checks who he has received a message from. He rolls his eyes and grins. 'My Dad is spamming. He wants to know if you said yes.' 
Joe smiles. 'We can call him if you want?' 
Ben nods happily. 'Yes, but let's eat our breakfast and get dressed first.'
Joe giggles and nods in agreement. 'Good point. Now let's enjoy our waffles.'
With a grin, Joe feeds Ben a piece of waffle. The latter opens its mouth without a doubt. Ben giggles, and does the same to Joe.
'I can't believe we're engaged.' Joe says softly. He has said that over a thousand times the past two days, and yet he's still afraid it's all a dream.
Ben feels his heart beat when he sees the twinkles in his fiancé's eyes. Only then does he notice that he is staring. He blinks a few times and giggles softly. 'Those are the twinkling eyes I was talking about.' 
With a grin, he grabs Joe's chin and pulls him closer to him.
Joe closes his eyes and kisses Ben passionately without a doubt. Ben runs his tongue over Joe's bottom lip. Who playfully keeps his lips together. But when Ben fights harder for access, Joe opens his mouth so their tongues can dance together.
When they pull away, Joe bites his lip and smiles. 'You taste like waffles.' He giggles softly.
A grin immediately appears on Ben's face. 'You liked it?'
Joe nods happily. 

Their moment together gets interrupted by Ben's phone ringing. He rolls his eyes. 'Jeez my dad is very, very curious.'
Joe smiles widely and lets his head rest on Ben's shoulders. 'Well, maybe we should call him, before your phone explodes.'
Ben smiles and nods. 'Good idea. But not before you have put a shirt on.' He looks at Joe's bare chest, which is still covered in dark bruises from last night.
Joe chuckles softly and gets out of bed. 'Scared that your dad will take me from you?' He playfully sticks his tongue out.
Ben must make an effort not to stare at his boyfriend while he's changing. 'Well should I be scared?' 
As soon as Joe has a shirt on, he goes back to bed next to Ben. He gives him a kiss on the cheek. 'Not at all. I like younger, blond, green-eyed boys. And I am especially attracted to guys called Ben Hardy.'
Joe grins when he sees he's made Ben blush. 'Now, hit that call button. I can't wait to tell your dad the good news.'
Ben smiles and does what Joe tells him. It doesn't take long for Peter to answer the call.
The boys decided to leave Joe out the picture for a moment. 

'Hi Ben!' It sounds through the phone.
'Hi Dad, how are you?' Ben feels his heart beating faster than usual because of the excitement. He can't wait to tell his father the good news.
'Well pretty good. I only need to tell you something. But that can wait. How did the proposal go?' Ben sees a grin appear on his father's face.
With a smile, Ben looks to the side, at his boyfriend. He turns the screen so that Joe is now on the screen too.
The ginger waves shyly to Peter. He does this in a way that the ring is visible.
Immediately, Peter's mouth falls open. 'Oh my god, my son is engaged!' He exclaims happily. 
Ben and Joe chuckle and nod with a big smile.
'We sure are. He said yes.' Ben says happily.
'But I think you already got that part.' Joe adds with a chuckle.
Peter nods. 'Wow, guys I'm so happy for you two! Congrats! Joe, I couldn't wish for a better son-in-law.' He says beaming. 
And while it doesn't seem possible, the smile on Joe's face gets even bigger when his soon to be father-in-law says this. 'Thank you Peter. That means a lot to me.' He says. He puts his head on Ben's shoulders, and intertwines their fingers.
Ben's heart warms when he sees how well Joe and his dad get along. 'Thanks Dad. But what is that thing you wanted to tell me?' Ben asks curiously.Suddenly he sees his father frown.
'Well, maybe we should talk in private son.'
Ben gives him a quizzical look and shakes his head. 'What? But why? My fiancé can hear it, right?'
Joe feels Ben squeeze his hand gently. 'Benny, it's okay.' The ginger says reassuringly.

But then Peter shakes his head. 'No no Ben is right, I'm sorry. Actually, you might wanna hear this. It isn't very happy news though. Ben, it's about your aunt. You know, your mother's sister.' Peter says with an even deeper frown.

Whoop whoop, the cliffhanger is backkk!

I don't have much to say today, I just hope everyone is doing alright♡

Much love from me xxx❤

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