Chapter 73

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The next morning Ben and Joe sleep in.
When the sun is high enough to let in some rays, Joe wakes up. He opens his eyes and sees that Ben is practically lying on top of him.
The blond boy has his arms clasped tightly around Joe's chest while they're legs are entangled.
With a smile, Joe takes Ben's hand and intertwines their fingers. He softly begins to hum a song. What Joe doesn't know is that Ben is already awake. 
Joe taking his hand woke him. But not that Ben minds, of course. He listens to Joe's soft singing with a warm feeling, and with pleasure he feels how Joe plays with his hair. 
After a while, Ben feels Joe shifting gently and bending over to kiss him on the forehead.
'Wake up Benny.' He whispers softly.
Ben groans and crawls closer to Joe. 'Hmm, I don't want to get up. I want to stay here with you in bed.' He mumbles. 
Joe giggles softly.
Still a bit sleepy, Ben sits up straight, with his back against the headboard of the bed.
Joe also sits up and rests his head on Ben's shoulders.
There is a long silence, but then the good kind. The two just enjoy each other's presence.
After a while, Ben is the one who breaks the silence: 'So, I still don't have an answer to my question from yesterday. What do you want for your birthday?'
Joe closes his eyes with a smile. 'You know, I have no idea actually. I have everything I need. I live in a beautiful house with the love of my life. What more could a person want?'
Ben giggles softly. 'Well, that's very romantic, but now I still don't know what gift to get for my boyfriend.' 
Joe giggles, and with a grin he sits on Ben's lap. 'Then write me a letter about how much you love me. I love it when you write romantic letters.' He says with twinkling eyes.
Immediately a smile appears on Ben's face. 'I can do that. But you will get it on our date night, at our anniversary. It will take a lot of time to express my love for you. Since it is endless.' Without thinking twice he gives Joe a kiss on his soft lips.

He's quite startled when Joe pushes him away. 'What is it?' He asks insecure.
'Morning breath.' Joe giggles.
Ben smiles relieved. 'Well, let's brush our teeth then. I'll die if I have to wait any longer with kissing you.' The boy smirks.
Joe nods and gets up. With only his boxers on, he goes to their closet to pick an outfit. When he turns around with some clothes in his hand, he catches Ben at staring at him. 'Do you like what you see?' Joe asks with a grin.
Ben shakes his head. 'More than that. I love it.' The blond smiles when he sees that his words made Joe blush.
With a face as red as a tomato, the ginger disappears into the bathroom to brush his teeth.
Once Ben is dressed he disappears into the bathroom as well. 

'Benny? You too think that Rami and Lucy are gonna be fine, right?' Joe asks when they're both dressed an have done their hair.
Ben nods. 'Yes, of course I do. But why are you asking that love?' He asks when he sees the concerned look on Joe's face.
The ginger shrugs. 'I don't know. It's just not like Rami to think that someone is cheating on him. Certainly when it's about Lucy. I wonder if there's more then just that one text.' With a sigh Joe sits down on the edge of the bed.
Ben sits down next to him and puts his arm around him. 'They will be okay Joey. Really. They're just having a little fight, which is healthy in a relationship. Sometimes you need to miss the person you love, to realize how much you love that person.' He says.
Joe smiles, and presses his lips against Ben's.
The two are interrupted by a noise coming from the kitchen. Curious, they get up from bed, get dressed and walk to the kitchen.
Their eyes widen when they see Rami in the kitchen.
'Morning. I made us some breakfast. Or actually it is almost lunch.' Rami says with a chuckle.
'Jeez Ram, how long did it take you to make all this?' Joe asks in awe.
Rami shrugs modestly. 'About two hours. But that's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway. I was pretty hangover this morning.'
Ben and Joe see the happy look on his face change to a pretty sad look.
'Rami, you and Lucy are going to be okay. You are made for each other.' Ben says.
Rami nods. 'I hope so. I miss her.' 


When the three are almost done with their brunch, Rami receives a message. He reads the message, and a small smile appears on his face. 'It's Lucy, she wants to talk.' He says when Joe and Ben look at him questioningly.
'That is amazing. You should go, we'll clean up here.' Joe says.
Rami nods with a smile. 'I will. Thanks again for everything guys.'
The two can see the hopeful look on his face.
'Yeah yeah, now move your arse and go save your relationship.' Ben says with a smile before pushing Rami towards the front door.
Rami chuckles and nods. He grabs his stuff and leaves the house trough the front door.
On his way to Lucy...


What do you think guys? Will Rami and Lucy be okay?
I'm sorry for the short chapter. Again.
But I hope you enjoyed it anyway♡ 

Take care everyone!
Xxx from me aka Queenborhap_gifs.❤

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