Chapter 82

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'So, how are we gonna tell them?' Ben asks when they're home.
'Well I've got some ideas.' Joe smirks.
Ben looks at him questioning, but Joe refuses to explain his plan.
'You'll see, just follow my lead when I give you a sign.' The ginger says with a mischievous smile.
Ben smiles and shrugs. 'Okay.' He chuckles. 

When the house is completely tidy, Ben sits down on the couch.
After Joe has washed the dishes, he too sits down on the couch. He puts his arm around Ben, the latter puts his head on Joe's shoulder and closes his eyes.
'Honey, are you all right?' Joe asks softly.
Ben looks up and nods. 'Sure, why wouldn't I be?' He asks as surprised as possible.
Joe raises his eyebrow. 'Because you've been looking pretty tired lately. Are you sure you're getting enough sleep?' He asks concerned.
'Yeah of course, don't worry about me.' Ben says while he puts on his best smile. 
Their conversation is interrupted by the doorbell ringing.
Before Joe can say anything more, Ben gets up to open the door. 'I'll get it.' The blond boy says. He gives Joe a quick kiss on the cheek before walking towards the front door.

'Hi guys! Come in.'
Joe hears Ben saying happily.
Soon the boy walks back into the living room, followed by Lucy and Gwilym.
Joe gets up from the couch with a smile and hugs them. 'Hi guys! Good to see you again. Have a seat.'
Not much later also Rami arrives.
After everyone is seated, Joe gives Ben a soft nudge. First Ben looks at him indignantly, but then he gets that Joe is giving the sign.
'So guys, can I get you a drink?' Joe asks the four. They all nod.
After they all told him what they would like to drink, Joe walks into the kitchen.
But not even a minute later, he returns. 'Oh shit, I forgot to do the dishes and the dishwasher is broken. So we don't have any glasses. But I'll do the dishes right now.' Joe says in a stressed tone.
The others laugh and nod.
'No stress Joe, it's just us.' Lucy giggles.
Joe rolls his eyes with a smile. 'Sweetie, could you maybe keep my ring with you? I don't want it to get dirty or something. It's too special for that.'
Joe waits a few seconds until their friends realize what he just said. 
'Wait a second. What ring?' Gwil asks suspiciously.
'Yeah, since when you're wearing a ring?' Rami asks curiously.
But Lucy already gets the hint when she sees Ben with flushed cheeks and a big smile sitting next to her.
'Oh my god, are you two....?' She looks from Ben to Joe with wide eyes.
Joe chuckles and nods. 'Yes, Ben and I are engaged.'
Ben nods with a big smile. 
Lucy Immediately jumps up from the couch.
'Oh my god, oh my god! No way!' She exclaims happily. She runs over to Joe and flies into his arms.
Meanwhile Rami gets up and hugs Ben. 'Congrats man, I'm so happy for you two.' He says softly during the hug.
'Thanks.' Ben whispers with tears of joy in his eyes.
'Luce, please let go of Joe? I want to congratulate him too.' Gwil says with a chuckle.
Lucy giggles and nods. 'Well okay then. But only for this time Gwil.' She says with a grin. 'I'll just congratulate Ben then.' She winks at Ben before hugging him.
Gwil shakes his head laughing before hugging Joe.
'Congrats Mazzello.' He says when the two let go of the hug.
'Thanks Gwil.' Joe says with a big smile. 

'So, who asked?' Lucy asks curiously with a smirk on her face.
'I did.' Ben can feel he starts to blush.
After they al sit down again, Ben tells about the proposal. 'I was scared that I'd be to nervous to hold the speech, you know. So I decided to write the first part down in a letter. The ring was in the same envelop as the letter.'
Joe nods and crawls close to Ben on the couch. 'It was so romantic.' He says with twinkling eyes.
Ben smiles and gives him a kiss on his head.
'So, how much did Joe cry? Rami asks with a smirk.
Ben giggles and runs his hand trough Joe's ginger hair. The latter rolls his eyes.
'Well, after I putted the ring on his finger, he asked me if he could cry. Then tears streamed down his cheeks. But I think I was the one crying the most.' Ben admits.
Joe giggles and nods. 

After a while of talking, they all decided to watch a movie.
'I'll get you your drinks first. The dishwasher isn't really broken.' Joe laughs as he gets up.
The others smile and nod.
Ben also gets up. 'And I'll get some snacks.' He adds. 
The two walk into the kitchen.
Once there, Ben tries to hide from Joe that he is yawning. He doesn't want Joe to find out that he is having nightmares every night since the whole stuff with his aunt.
'Sweetie, you don't have to stay up, you know. I can see you're tired.' Joe says with a smile. 'You can go to bed if you want.'
Ben closes his eyes for a moment, and suddenly feels how tired he is. But still he shakes his head. 'No, I'm fine. And not tired, really. I wanna watch the movie with you guys.'
Joe shrugs. 'Okay baby.' He gives Ben a quick kiss on the lips before walking to the others with the drinks in his hands.
Ben rubs his eyes, hoping he'll get a little less tired. Then he follows Joe into the living room.

The five sit close to each other on the couch. But not too close so they aren't in each other's personal space.
Except for Ben and Joe. As soon as they sit down on the couch, Ben lies close to Joe. Who puts his arm around his boyfriend and lays his head on Ben's.
Just before Rami wants to turn on the movie, Gwil gets a message. A smile immediately appears on his face when he opens the message.
'What is it?' Lucy asks curiously.
'It's Lina. She just sent me a picture of the girls sleeping.'
Gwil says with an even bigger smile. He proudly shows the picture to his friends.
'Okay, that's too cute.' Ben says with a big smile when he sees the two baby girls. The two are tightly holding on to each other while they're fast asleep.
'I know, right? Now hit that play button. Let's start the movie.' Gwil says happily.
Rami smiles and does what Gwil says.
And so their movie night begins.


Another upload for y'all! 

I truly have nothing to say except have a very nice day♡

Much love from me xxx

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