Chapter 35

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The next morning, Joe is awakened by the ringing of his phone. Still half asleep, he searches the bedside table for his phone. He rubs his eyes and answers the phone. 'Hello?' Joe mumbles.
'Joe? Where are you? We have to go to Brian and Roger remember?' Ben's voice says through the phone.
'Ben? Fuck I overslept. What time is it?' Suddenly Joe is wide awake. He sits up and starts to gather some clothes to put on.
'It's a quarter past eleven. We still have 45 minutes. How soon do you think you can get to the lobby?' Ben asks.
'I'll brush my teeth and come straight to the lobby.' Joe says, struggling to get his jeans on. He hears Ben giggle. 'Don't laugh at me Hardy.' He mutters. 
'I wouldn't dare Mazzello.' He gets as answer back from Ben.
'I'll see you in the lobby in a minute.' Joe says with a big smile. And with those words he hangs up the phone.

Not much later Joe arrives in the lobby, where the other four are waiting for him.
Gwil laughs. 'Good morning sleepyhead. Couldn't say goodbye to your bed?'
Joe looks at him and rolls his eyes. 'Yes very funny Gwil.' Then he turns to Lina. 'I hope the baby gets your sense of humor.'
She giggles softly. Then Joe's eye falls on the two presents that Lina has in her hands. 'What are those?' He asks curiously.
Lina smiles. 'These are presents for Roger and Brian. Gwil insisted on telling them this way.'
Gwilym shrugs with a smile.
'Well, let's go or we'll be late at Brian's.' Rami says as he takes his car keys. 'Ben, Joe, you guys wanna tag along?'
The two look at each other and nod.
'Lina are right behind you.' Gwil says, searching for his car keys.

Not much later, the two cars are on their way to Brian's house.
It remains remarkably quiet in Rami's car. He looks in the rear view mirror and sees Ben and Joe staring at each other in the backseat.
A small grin appears on Rami's face. 'Hey guys, do you have anything to do after the lunch?' He has to do his best not to laugh at the startled faces of his two friends.
'Hmm?' Joe asks confused, feeling his cheeks getting red a little.
Rami chuckles. 'Whether you already have something to do after lunch.'
Ben nods. Of course he already has something to do. He has to prepare his date with Joe. He looks questioningly at Rami, but then he understands what his friend is doing.
'Uhm no not really. Why?' Joe asks.
'Well I'm going to audition for a pretty big part soon, and I wanted to ask if you could help me run lines this afternoon? I am really nervous.' Rami says with a nervous smile. How lucky he is to be an actor, otherwise he would have burst out laughing.
'Yes of course. What role are you going to audition for?' Joe asks curiously.
'I can't tell you that yet. But once I get the part I'll tell you.' Rami says with a big smile. He will later explain that he is not going to audition at all.
Then Joe's phone makes a noise. He giggles softly when he sees it is a message from Ben.

(11:39 Am) Ben: Hi blanket, is it okay if I pick you up around nine tonight? I really can't wait for our date :)

(11:39 Am) Joe: Nine o'clock sounds perfect. I'm nervous already :) What should I wear?

(11:40 Am) Ben: Just wear something comfy. Tonight we are going to chill. Just the two of us. You're gonna love it, I promise :)

Joe looks up from his phone and sees Ben blush. Without realizing it, a big smile appears on his face.

About twenty minutes later, the two cars arrive at Brian's house.
When they ring the doorbell and the door opens, they see Roger standing in the doorway with a smirk. 'Please enter Dr. May's house.' He says with a wink.
After Gwil introduces Lina to Brian and Roger, they all sit down at the table.
'So, you guys just got two days off from filming, and can't live without us already?' Brian asks with a grin.
'Well, can't blame them.' Roger says. 
'Hey Bri, where is Anita?' Gwilym asks.
'Anita went to visit her sister.' Brian explains. 'But she did make her famous sandwiches for us.' He says with a small smile.
Not much later, they're all enjoying the sandwiches.
'So Gwil, what's that surprise you wanted to show us?' Roger asks with his mouth full.
Lina chuckles. 'I'll get the presents sweetheart.' She says to Gwil before leaving the room.
'I gotta say that you both get the same gift, so you have to open it at the same time.' Gwil says to Brian and Roger.
The two men nod. 'You are making us very curious now Gwil.' Brian says with a laugh.
Lina returns with two presents in her hand. She gives one to Brian and the other to Roger. 'Open it up.' She says with a big smile. Lina sits down next to Gwil again and takes his hand.
When Brian and Roger have opened the present, they look at Gwil and Lina with wide eyes. The gift contains baby onesies with the Queen logo on them.
'Gwil, does this mean.....that you two.' Brian stammers.
Gwilym giggles softly and nods happily.
Roger also understands the hint, and looks at the two with a dropped jaw. 'No way! That is amazing. Congratulations!' He gets up and hugs Gwilym and Lina.
Brian also gets up, following Roger's actions. 'I am so happy for you.' He says.
'Thank you Bri.' Gwil says. He looks at Lina hesitantly.
She gives him an encouraging nod.
When everyone is seated again, Gwil says: 'Guys? I think it's time I tell you how Lina and I met. But don't get too startled, okay?'
The others nod.
Gwil feels his heart pounding in his throat.

Heyyy I upload like every day, but that's because I'm not allowed to do anything but sleeping, chilling and doing some homework. So I'm bored as fuck🙃

I hope you liked this chapter and the cliffhanger😊

Xxx from me aka queenborhap_gifs❤

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