Chapter 28

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Without saying a word, Ben storms out of the room.
The postman looks at the others in surprise and shock. 'Did- did I say something wrong?' He asks softly.
Joe gets up. 'Don't worry. This probably isn't your fault sir.' He says, trying to reassure the man. 'I'll go to him and see what this is about.'
The man nods gratefully to Joe. 'Thank you.' He says.
Joe leaves the common room, and walks to Ben's trailer. He knocks on the door, but after knocking three times there is still silence.
The ginger wants to turn to go back to the others when he hears a loud sobbing coming from the trailer. 'Ben? Please let me in? I really want to help you.' Joe says softly as he knocks again. He hears some rumbling, then sees the door handle go down.
Ben is standing in the doorway, with stains of his tears on his cheeks. His eyes are red and puffy, some soft sobs escape his mouth. 
Joe steps into the trailer and hugs Ben. He feels his friend tremble from head to toe. 'Hey, it's okay.' He whispers softly.
Ben crooks his face into Joe's neck, trying to stop crying.
'Come sit with me, okay?' Joe whispers before letting go of the hug.
Ben nods, and together the two sit down on the edge of the bed in the trailer. 
Joe immediately puts his arm around the boy. 'Now calmly tell me what is going on. Why were you so shocked when you saw that delivery guy?' He gently rubs his hand over Ben's back.
'That- that postman is- is.' Ben nearly chokes on his tears, stopping him from speaking. 
'Hey, take a breath. Inalare espirare, remember?' Joe isn't sure what he can do to help Ben. He's never seen him this upset.
Ben closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. After a few minutes he opens his eyes again. 'That postman is my father.' He blurts out.
Joe's mouth falls open in surprise. 'You- you mean the father whose son you were no longer because of Allen?' He stammers. 
Ben nods.
Joe sees the panic in his eyes. 'Do you think he recognized you?'
Ben shrugs. 'I'm not sure.' He says with a soft sniffle.
Joe tries to imagine how Ben is feeling right now. First that incident with Corey, and now his father suddenly shows up. 'Do you want me to go to the others? Then I'll take the package and say you're just not feeling well today.'
Ben looks at him gratefully and nods. 'Thank you.' He whispers.
Joe gives him a smile and leaves Ben's trailer. 'I'll be right back, don't worry.' He says while standing in the doorway. 

The ginger rushes to the common room where his friends and Ben's father are still waiting.
When he enters the room, six worried gazes stare at him.
'Is Ben okay?' Roger asks, looking the most worried of all.
Joe nods slowly. 'Yeah. When he got up to take the package, he got really dizzy. He is now in his trailer.' He explains.
Brian frowns. 'That poor boy.' The guitarist turns to the postman. 'So it was not your fault, sir.'
The man breathes a sigh of relief.
Joe is about to walk back to Ben, when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns around, seeing the postman standing there.
'Can I talk to you a little longer? In private if possible?' The man says to Joe.
The ginger looks surprised at him and nods. He and the man walk out of the room into the hallway.
'I need to see that boy.' The man says.
Joe frowns. 'Uhm, well I'm sorry, but now's not a good time. He's not feeling well, like I said before.' He says.
The postman shakes his head. 'You may be an actor, but I know you're lying. Please bring me to that boy.'
Joe's eyes widen in shock, but he gets himself together. He raises his eyebrow when he sees the despair in the man's eyes.
'Sir, why exactly? Why do you need to speak to him so badly?' Joe asks.
'Because that boy is my son.' The man says.
Joe feels his body become completely stiff. Ben's father did recognize him. 'I um- I don't know if he wants to talk to you, sir.' The ginger says carefully. Somehow he is afraid that the man will get angry with him. 'Why don't you come along with me to the others. Then we'll discuss it further there.'
The man nods and walks back with Joe to the others. 

'Could you please wait out here?' Joe asks as soon as they are at the door of the room.
'Of course.' Ben's father says.
Joe takes a deep breath before walking into the room, closing the door behind him.
'So? What did that postman want from you?' Gwil asks when he sees Joe's desperate look.
'I'm afraid that's not just any postman.' Joe says. 'That guy is Ben's father. And he wants to talk to him.' He sits down on the couch.
'But - but I thought his parents didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore?' Rami says with a confused look.
Joe shrugs. 'I don't know it either.'
Brian and Roger look at each other with concern.
'How about I go to Ben to talk to him? I can imagine he feels lonely in that trailer.' Brian suggests.
Joe nods. 'That seems like a good idea to me. Thank you Bri.'
Brian gives him a reassuring smile and leaves the room. 'I'm going to talk to your son, you can go in if you want.' He says to Ben's father as he points to the room. 

Brian knocks on the door of Ben's trailer.
'Joe, is that you?' Brian can overhear the hope in Ben's voice.
'No, it's me. Brian. Can I come in?' The guitarist asks softly.
There is a moment of silence in the trailer.
'Come in, the door is open.'
When Brian enters, he sees Ben sitting on his bed. He sits down next to him and takes a deep breath. 'The postman would like to speak to you.' Brian says carefully.
Ben looks up anxiously. 'My father?' He shakes his head and looks down sadly.
Brian looks at him with pity. He puts his hand on Ben's shoulder.
Ben looks up. A tear rolls down his cheek. 'I really don't want to talk to him Brian. I am so scared.' He whispers.
'You don't have to if you don't want to. What are you afraid of?' Brian asks, trying to calm the boy down a bit.
'When my dad finds out that me and Joe went on a date, he'll hurt us. My father is fiercely homophobic. When I was sixteen he tried to find me a girlfriend. In fact, he had already promised her parents that we would get married.' Another tear finds its way down Ben's cheeks. 'I don't want to lose Joe.' He whispers.
Brian opens his mouth to speak, but just then there's a knock on the trailer door which disturbs him.

We reached the 1K readers guys😍 When I started writing I didn't even thought that anybody would read it. And now 1K people already read it

Thank you so much❤ Love you all
Stay safe and healthy♡

Thank you so much❤ Love you allStay safe and healthy♡

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