Chapter 45

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'I'm so sorry Benny.' Joe whispers, staring at his boyfriend lying there so motionless.
Rami and Gwil look at each other, hating to see their friends like this.
Rami walks over to Joe and puts his hand on his shoulder. 'Joe, you know this isn't your fault, right?'
Joe doesn't say anything and keeps looking at Ben.
Lina puts her head on Gwil's shoulder and closes her eyes. He puts his arm around her, giving her a small kiss on the head.
Brian looks at the couple with a small smile. 'I think we should go home. That way Ben and Joe have some time together, and we can get some rest so we're fresh tomorrow morning.' He says.
The other three nod.
'Joe, should I ask the nurse if they can get you a bed?' Gwil asks.
Joe nods.
Gwil kisses Lina on the cheek and walks out of the room looking for a nurse.
He isn't even gone for a minute before the door of the room flies open. Roger is standing in the doorway. As soon as he sees Ben he puts a hand over his mouth. 'Jesus Christ.' Is the only thing he can say.
Brian quickly explains to him what happened to Ben, and what his situation is now.
Then Gwil enters the room again, followed by two nurses pushing a bed into the room. 'Mr. Mazzello, here's your bed. We will come in once every night to check on Mr Hardy. Every morning we will feed him by tube at nine. If you want, you can make the room a bit cozier, for example by placing photos. We will update you on when we will awaken him from his artificial coma.' One nurse says to Joe.
The latter just nods at that. The others are just about to leave the room when Joe gets up. 'Rami? Can you bring some clothes tomorrow? I don't want to leave Ben right now.' He says softly.
Rami nods. 'Yeah of course.' He walks over to Ben. 'We'll be back tomorrow Ben. But don't worry, Joe will stay with you.' He says softly.
Joe smiles at him. 'Thanks for everything today.' He says, looking at his friends.
Rami and the others smile.
'We'll be back tomorrow. Call or text whenever you need us, okay?' Gwil says.
Joe nods. 'I will, thank you.'

When everyone has left, Joe carefully sits down next to Ben. 'Well, here we are baby. I hope you are not too scared. I'm here with you.' He whispers to his boyfriend. He tucks Ben in with the duvets, and brushes some hair from Ben's face. He gives him a kiss on the head. 'We can do this, right? As long as we're together.' He whispers, intertwining his fingers with Ben's. 'I love you.' He mumbles before he and lies down in his own bed across the room.
He looks unhappy at the distance between Ben's bed and his. 'I can't lie that far from you all night long, love. I'll get a little closer.' He says before pushing his bed next to Ben's. When the bed is in place, Joe gets under the duvets again. He takes Ben's hand, and he intertwines their fingers again. He lets their hands dangle between the two beds.
After much thought, Joe falls asleep exhausted.

After a few hours of sleep, he wakes up because of the door that opens. One of the nurses is standing in the doorway.
Joe recognizes her as the nurse who came to check on him every day when he was in the hospital himself.
'Hi Joe, I'm here to check on Ben.' She says softly.
Joe nods and sits up in bed. Concerned, he watches as the nurse lowers the divets and raises Ben's shirt. The ginger gasps and puts his hand over his mouth once he sees Ben's chest. It is completely covered with bruises. Some of them are already turning a dark shade or purple. His chest is also covered with small wounds, probably from the shards of glass that flew around.
'I'm sorry you have to see this.' The nurse says softly to Joe. She sees how hard he tries not to cry. She quickly completes her checkup.
'D-does he feel pain now?' Joe asks her concerned.
The nurse looks at the IV in Ben's hand, then shakes her head. 'No, don't worry. He can feel things, but because of the strong pain relief we gave him through the IV, he doesn't feel any pain.' She explains to Joe.
The boy breathes relieved. He thanks her before she leaves the room. Joe walks over to Ben and gives him a gentle kiss on the cheek. 'Tomorrow we are going to make it a bit more cozy in here Benny. Rami will bring some clothes for us, and Gwil will bring some photos. Everything for you sweetheart.' He whispers softly. He looks at the blond boy from head to toe. 'It's weird seeing you with all these tubes and wires. But it doesn't make you look less handsome, don't worry about that.' He says with a smile
And maybe it's a coincidence, but on the monitor next to Ben, Joe sees that his heart rate is rising. The boy leans in, giving Ben a gentle kiss on the lips. 'Goodnight sweetheart.' He whispers. With a smile, Joe goes back to bed.

But he can't manage to fall asleep again. He keeps thinking about anything and everything. What if Ben doesn't remember Joe when he wakes up? The doctor had warned them of temporary amnesia.
Joe grabs his phone and looks for the chat with Gwil. He hesitates, doubting whether he should text him or not. It's 4 Am and he doesn't want to wake Gwil. Then he thinks about what Gwil said to him before he and Lina went home.
"Call or text whenever you need us."
Yet, Joe decides not to. He puts his phone away, pulls the duvets over his head, and closes his eyes. When the light of the morning sun slowly trickles into the room, he finally falls asleep. 


That morning, Gwil and Rami are waiting in the waiting room for one of the nurses.
Rami nervously walks back and forth with a bag in his hands. When he sees Ben's nurse approaching, he accidentally drops the bag from his hands. He quickly picks them up.
Gwil rushes to the nurse. 'Sorry, ma'am? Do you know if Joe is awake yet? And whether we can go to Ben? He does not respond to our messages.' He says a bit worried.
The nurse checks her watch. 'Well, half an hour ago when we started feeding Ben, Joe was still asleep. You can enter the room and see if he is awake yourself.' She says kindly.
The two thank her and quickly enter the room. 
There they see Joe curled up in bed, his whole body shaking. A small whimper escapes the boy's mouth. Followed by a little yelp. 

I don't have much to say today guys🙃
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy❤

Xxx from me aka queenborhap_gifs♡

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