Chapter 13

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'J-Jesus Ben....-' Is all Joe can say. 'It is a fucking miracle that you can still stand on your feet without painkillers.'
Ben lets out a few cries of pain.
After a few minutes, the new bandages are on, and the nurse is about to leave the room.
'Uhm sorry, ma'am?' Joe says before the nurse can leave. 'When do you think we can go home?'
The nurse looks at him with a small smile. 'I'm not the one to decide that, I'm sorry. But if you want, can I send the doctor over? He knows more about your situation than I do.' She says kindly to him.
Joe nods. 'If that is possible then please.'
Ben nods in agreement.
The nurse nods. 'I'll tell him to come over as soon as possible.' She says to the two. 
'Thank you.' Joe says with a smile.
The nurse smiles before leaving the room.

As soon as the door closes, a silence fills the room.
When Joe looks next to him, he sees Ben sitting on the edge of his bed, his eyes almost falling close.
A small smile appears on the ginger's face. He gets up, and sits down on the edge of the blond's bed as well.
Ben smiles sleepily at the boy before gently letting his head rest on the ginger's shoulder.
But Joe moves away, and sprawls out on the bed instead. He opens his arms, as a sign for Ben to lie down as well.
The blond boy smiles, and lies down close to the ginger.
Joe grabs the duvet, pulling it up so the two of them are covered from the waist down. He smiles widely when Ben grabs the duvet and pulls it over his head. Looking at the lump under the covers, the ginger can feel his heart glow a little.
Ben snuggles close to Joe's body before yawning.
Joe starts humming softly, knowing it will probably make Ben fall asleep. The first melody that comes to mind is that of "You're my best friend" by Queen. Here and there he whispers a few words.
'I'm happy at home....-' He whispers.
'You're my best friend.' Suddenly comes out from under the duvet.
Quite startled, Joe looks down, two green eyes staring at him from under the duvet. The ginger starts to blush. 'Oh hey, I thought you were already asleep.'
Ben slowly sits up and shakes his head. 'I was just listening to your singing.' He says with a big smile.
Joe blushes even more, not knowing what to say to that, causing a silence to fall.

'Can I admit something?' Joe asks after a while.
The blond boy nods. 'Yes of course, you can tell me anything, you know that.'
Joe nods. 'I uhm- I heard what you said to me, the first morning we were in here.' The ginger scratches his head. 'I wasn't really sleeping.'
Ben's eyes widen and his face turns red. 'How much have you heard?' He asks, fearing the answer.
'Pretty much everything I think?' Joe says softly.
'I heard you said you weren't sure how to explain yourself to me. And that you think you aren't a good friend because you can't tell me about your past.'
A long silence fills the room, in which Joe can see Ben struggle to find the right words.
'Well, it's true.' Ben says after a few minutes. 'What kind of friend am I when I can't even tell you why I hurt myself like this.' He looks down sadly.
Joe shakes his head. 'Just because you have some bagage from your past doesn't mean you're a bad friend. Please never feel obligated to tell me things. I can see it's deep. It will come in its own time, okay? He says reassuringly.
Ben smiles a little and nods. 'Thank you Joey.'
Joe is about to say something, but he is interrupted by the doctor who enters.
'Hi there. I heard you would like to hear some information from me about your situations?' The doctor says as he looks at Ben and Joe.
They both nod.
The doctor takes their files, and puts his glasses on. 'Well before I can say anything about when you can go home, we will first have to do a thorough check up.'
Ben and Joe look at each other for a second before looking back at the doctor.
'And what exactly does that mean?' Ben asks hesitantly.
'Well with you, Mr Hardy, we will have to do a number of tests to see if your blood level and blood pressure are okay again. And of course see what the wound looks like. If you want to get your bloodpressure to a normal level quicker then walking around the room will help you a little. But that's not mandatory, of course.' The doctor explains.
Ben nods to say he gets it.
'And with you, Mr Mazzello, we're going to make an MRI scan to see what your lungs look like and whether the medication did its work.'
Joe nods.
'Unfortunately I do have to report that it takes at least a week for all results to be received. As soon as we receive them, we will let you know if you can go home.'

At that moment there is a knock on the door, and Brian and Roger enter. 'Can we come in?'
The doctor and the boys nod.
'You can call the nurse when you are ready for your final check up.' The doctor smiles at Brian and Roger, and leaves the room.
Brian looks happily at Ben and Joe. 'Last check up? Does that mean that if all is well you can go home?'
Ben shrugs with a smile. 'As it looks like at this moment, yes.'
Roger gets up and gives the boys carefully a hug. 'That's great news guys!'
Brian also gets up to gives them a hug. 'And what about the pain? How bad is it?' He looks at Ben.
Who shrugs. 'It is getting less and less bad.' The blond mumbles. He gets up and walks to the window. 'I only have to walk every now and then to get my blood pressure back to normal.' He says.
Roger looks at him and grins. 'You look very sexy in that hospital outfit son. Don't you think so, Joe?'
The ginger looks the other way blushing.
Brian pokes Roger in the side, making the drummer grin even more. 'Just kidding guys.' He looks at Joe and gives him a wink.
'And how about this, Ben?' Roger points at his head, reffering to the boy's state of mind. 
Ben sits down on his bed again, and smiles. 'Thank you very much Roger. Our conversation really helped me. I followed your advise.' He says, looking at Joe.
Joe looks at Brian in surprise. The latter also seems surprised.
Joe hasn't known Roger for very long, but in all this time he has never heard him talk about his feelings.
Roger notices the surprised look in their eyes. He grins. 'What? That's just something between me and my movie son.'
Ben bursts out in laughter when he sees Brian roll his eyes.

Then Joe's phone rings. It's Gwil who wants to video call him. 'Shhh, Gwil is calling.'
Ben quickly sits down next to Joe so he can hear what Gwil has to say.
'Hey Gwil, how are you? Why am I seeing a black screen?' Joe says with a giggle.
'So you don't see where I am yet.'
Ben and Joe look at each other questioningly. They hear some thumping on the other end of the line.
Then Gwil turns on the camera. He grins. 'Hey guys, can you see where I am?'

Wow we're already at chapter 13 guys😰 I'm currently writing chapter 35 like omg
I don't know how many chapters this story will have but I'm just writing till my mind is inspirationless🙃

Have a nice sunday (or what day it is you're reading this.)
Xx from me aka queenborhap_gifs♡

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