Chapter 76

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After a half hour drive, Ben stops the car.
Although Joe still has no idea what Ben is up to, he smiles. All he sees is a small bungalow, surrounded by nothing but silence. He does, however, hear the noise of the highway, which means they're not far from downtown New York.
Ben gets out, and walks to the other side of the car to open the door for Joe.
'Charming as always.' Joe grins as he gets out.
Ben smiles nervously, and pulls out a key from his pocket. With a mysterious grin, he hands it to Joe. 'The honor is to you.' 
Enthusiastically, Joe takes the key and together they walk towards the front door.
When the door opens, Joe is the first to walk in. He looks around in awe. The room has a double bed, an open kitchen, and a TV.
'It's ours for the next three days. I thought we could use a little vacation. I know it isn't big but-' Suddenly Ben starts to doubt it's good enough.
He, however, does not get the chance to speak further, because Joe flies into his arms. 'I love it, love it, love it.' The ginger says during the hug.
Ben lets out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding. 
With a smile Joe let's his forehead rest against Ben's.
After looking each others in the eyes for a moment, Ben gives Joe a kiss on his lips. 'Maybe you should go outside, and see what I planned for us for dinner.' He says softly.
Joe's eyes widen. 'You cooked?'
Ben nods with a big smile.
'Benny, that's is so sweet.' Joe says.
Ben can already see the tears coming to his eyes. With a smile, he shakes his head. 'Nah ah, no crying until you have seen the gift I made for you.' He says with a grin.
Joe nods with a soft giggle. 'Okay okay. But no promises.'
Ben laughs and pulls Joe with him through the outside door.

The mouth of the older boy drops open when he sees a dinner table with candles and a rose on it. Joe lets out a soft "awh".
Ben reaches his hand out to Joe.
With a soft giggle the latter takes his hand and let himself being lead to the table.
'I'll get our dinner, be right back.' Ben says before walking back inside again.
Joe smiles when he notices that Ben is still very nervous. 
Ben comes out with two plates in his hand.
Joe smiles when he sees it's his favorite dish. 'Nahw Benny.' The ginger whispers. He feels his heart glowing inside, and the butterflies in his stomach.
It's all perfect. He and Ben, together. Just the two of them. And although there are still sounds from the highway in the background, it feels like a fairy tale for the two of them.


'So, are you ready for your birthday present?' Ben asks when the two have finished their dinner.
Joe nods happily, bursting with curiosity.
Ben chuckles and gets up. 'I'll go get it then.' 
Joe looks up in surprise when Ben returns with a small box in his hands.
The blond sits down with a grin and hands Joe the box. 'Read the letter before opening the box.'
Joe nods and obediently opens the envelope on top of the box first.
Ben waits tensely until he has finished reading.

To my Captain America♡
When I asked you what you wanted for your birthday, you said a love letter. But I've decided to take it a bit bigger. In this box is a whole stack of love letters.
When you feel a little bit down, miss me when I'm not at home, or just need some extra love, read a letter.
For rainy days, let's say.
And although I hope you don't need it now, you get to read the first letter of the stack.
That's the birthday present I promised you.
Xxx Benny

Ben smiles when he sees a tear running down Joe's cheek. 'You haven't even read the first letter yet.' He chuckles.
Joe shrugs. 'I know, but I can't help it. I just feel so happy with you as my boyfriend.' He grins when he sees Ben's eyes watering. 'Gotcha. This time it is me who makes you cry.'
Ben rolls his eyes with a smile. 'Yeah yeah, just read that letter. Then we'll see who cries the most.'
Joe chuckles and opens the small box. He can't help but having a slightly shaking hand when he takes the top letter out of the box. A smile appears on his face when he sees a rose on the envelope.
He carefully opens it and takes out the letter. But he feels that there is still something in it from the weight of the envelope.
Although it is not very heavy. He wants to look inside the envelope, but Ben stops him: 'Nah ah, read the letter first.'
Joe smiles and nods obediently.

Well here we are Joey.
I can't believe I can call you my boyfriend for a year already now.
After everything we've been through together, we have managed to continue to support each other. And I am so grateful for that.
You went through fire for me.
When I was in the hospital you talked to me every day. You even brought my father back to me.
We have come through these difficult times, because we did it together.
And we still do.
We're a team.
And everything just feels so perfect. You and I together in our dream house. You and I, together for a year. And I hope that there will be many more years to come of course. Actually, there is only one thing that isn't perfect.
But I hope that will change tonight.
I think I've made you curious now, haven't I?
Well, when you hand the envelope over to me, everything will become clear.
I love you Blanket.
For always and ever.


Anyone an idea what might happen in the upcoming chapter? Well, I do😏

Sorry for not uploading earlier, but me and my family are on a short getaway, and the WiFi really sucks here🙃

Hope you enjoyed the chapter?
Thanks for reading, xxx from me❤

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