Chapter 36

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'Lina and I have known each other since we were 25 years old.' Gwil says, beginning his story with tembling hands.
'We met in the hospital. Lina studied to be a nurse, and did an internship there. And I...-I was there as a patient.' Gwil stares straight ahead. He looks at Lina with a small smile when he feels her squeeze his hand gently.
'I did an internship in the department C.' Lina adds.
Gwil nods. He pauses his story to think about how to tell it further. But before he has made up his mind, Rami starts talking.
'What kind of department is that?' The black-haired boy asks.
Gwilym takes a deep breath. 'The department for cancer patients. Lina was my nurse.' He sees his friends' mouths drop open.
'I had been there for over a year when Lina came in. She was the only bright light when I got back from my chemo. She was the only one who didn't feel sorry for me because I was there. After two years in hospital with all kinds of treatments, I was declared clean. The cancer was gone and I was allowed to go home. I was told that I probably could not have children because of the intense chemotherapy. Lina and I kept in touch after that and became best friends. Four years ago I told her that I like her. And here we are now. Expecting our first child.'
With tears in his eyes Gwil looks at Lina, feeling his heart glow every time again he looks at her.
Lina gives him a kiss on the cheek, whispering a soft "I love you" to him.
Gwil looks at the others, who are speechless.
'Jeez Gwil. What a story.' Ben says. He sees that Gwil's eyes are full of tears.
Brian gets up and gives him a hug. 'I'm so glad you two found each other. And that your little miracle is healthy.' The man whispers, holding Gwil close to him.
'You will become the best parents a child could wish for.' Joe says.
Roger nods in agreement. 'That is one very lucky baby.'

When everyone has recovered from the fierce story, they sit back at the table. The conversation continues as if nothing had happened.
Then Ben's phone makes a noise. He has a message from an unknown number. 'Fuck.' He mutters .
Joe is sitting next to him, just close enough to hear Ben curse. 'Hey, what's up?' He whispers softly so the others won't hear.
Ben hands his phone to Joe under the table, so the boy can read the message himself.

(12.34 Pm) Unknown number: Hi Ben. It's me, your father. Listen, I understand you're scared of me after everything I've done to you. But I need to talk to you. Please come to the fountain in the park tomorrow? You can also bring someone if you don't trust me? Please...

Joe looks at Ben with wide eyes. He actually never thought Ben's father would reach out to him again.
Ben gestures to him that they will talk about it later, not wanting the others to know yet.
Joe nods.

About an hour later they say goodbye to Roger and Brian, and the five make their way to the hotel. While Rami will be busy keeping Joe occupied, Gwil is gonna help Lina pack. Unfortunately, she has to leave for home tomorrow because of her work.
In the car, Joe notices Ben's nervous behaviour. He wants to say something, but then realizes that Rami doesn't know about the date nor the fact that Ben's father texted him. So instead of saying anything, Joe takes Ben's hand.
It feels ice cold.
Ben looks up, his eyes meeting Joe's.
The ginger can see the fear in his friend's eyes.
They sit like this for the rest of the car ride. Ben's hand in Joe's, without saying a word, and without losing sight of each other.
Then they are startled by the ringing of Ben's phone. 'It's the police station.' Ben says.
Joe tightens his grip on Ben's hand a little, rubbing his thumb over the boy's knuckles.
Ben takes a deep breath before answering the phone. 'Hello? Yes this is Benjamin Hardy.'
It remains silent for a moment.
Ben's eyes widen. He squeezes Joe's hand gently. 'Really? But that's great news! Thank you. Thank you so much.' Ben hangs up and looks at Joe with a smile.
'What did they want from you?' Rami asks curiously.
'They called to tell me they arrested Corey.' Ben says, feeling himself loosen up.
Joe doesn't say anything and just gives Ben a hug. 'Thank god.' He whispers.
'I'm so glad I don't have to fear him anymore.' Ben whispers back.

Not much later, the two cars drive into the hotel parking lot.
Joe and Rami get out and walk towards the entrance of the hotel.
But when Joe sees Ben walking the other way, he stops. 'Where are you going?' He asks Ben in surprise.
Ben giggles at his curiosity. 'I'm gonna prepare our date if that's okay with you.' He says with a big smile.
Joe nods and blushes.
'Of course I'm okay with that. I'll see you tonight then.' He says with a smile.
'See you tonight Blanket.' Ben says.
That makes Joe blush even more.
Rami rolls his eyes. 'Joe those lines aren't gonna run themself. Come on.' He says impatiently.
Joe chuckles and nods. Together they walk to Rami's hotel room. Fortunately, Rami had printed a fake script this morning, so Joe wouldn't notice this fake audition.
Just when Joe wants to get the script, Rami gets a message from Ben.

(13:59 Pm) Ben: Can you please find out what Joe's favorite movie is? I want to surprise him. And preferably without him knowing that I asked :)

Rami chuckles softly. Ben knows how to get his information. When he wants to return something, he sees Joe looking at him questioningly. 'Lucy sends me a message. I told her that Gwil is going to be a father. Her reaction is great.' He He says to Joe, quickly making up a lie.
Joe smiles widely. He can already imagine Lucy's reaction without even readin that message. 'Say hi to her from me.' He says.
'I will.' Rami says before he starts typing to Ben again.

(14:03 Pm) Rami: Yeah of course! Everything for my favorite couple ;)  I'll find out what his favorite movie is. Leave that to me :)

Ben smiles when he sees Rami's message. He takes a deep breath and feels the nerves screaming through his body. Tonight he will do it. He's going to ask Joe if he wants to be his boyfriend.

Hiiii❤ So I kinda hesitated to write this chapter because it is very heavy. But after reading some other fanfics I realized that this is what you guys want🙃

The next chapter it is gonna happen😍 Prepare for some hardzzello cuteness guys

Hope you still enjoy the story♡
Xxx from me aka queenborhap_gifs

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