Chapter 11

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The next morning, Joe is awakened by a few rays of light shining into the room through the curtains.
He stretches out, not wanting to open his eyes. For a moment he freezes when someone shifts a little next to him. As he opens his eyes, the relief runs through his body. It's just Ben sleeping against him. A small smile appears on his face.
The ginger swallows a few times, hoping the scratchy feeling in his throat will disappear. But it only gets worse. He lets out a pretty loud cough, and immediately closes his eyes again, fearing he has woken Ben.
Not long after that he hears a groan coming from his side, which is a sign for the boy that Ben is waking up.
Suddenly, Joe feels a hand being run through his hair. His heart starts to beat faster.
'You scared me last night. Please don't do that ever again.' The blond's voice says softly.
Then a sigh is heard. 'How am I ever going to explain myself to you. What kind of friend am I when I can't even tell you about my past.' Ben says.
Joe actually wants to open his eyes, since he can hear how hurt the blond boy is through his voice. But maybe it's nice for the boy to express his feelings for once, even when he thinks no one can hear him.
'What if you'll hate me when I tell you?' Ben whispers in a trembling voice.
As a way to offer the blond some kind of comfort, Joe snuggles closer to Ben's body, cuddling up against him.
'Let's hope we can get outta here soon Joey.' Ben whispers before it gets silent in the room. 

About an hour later, the nurse comes in. 'Time for your check up.' She says. 'You actually are not allowed to sleep in one bed, but we left you there last night. But that doens't happen again.' She sternly says to Ben. Who nods obediently.
The nurse looks at Joe. 'Would you like to wake him up? Or should I do it?'
Ben shakes his head. With his good, not bandaged hand, he gently shakes Joe back and forth.
The latter opens his eyes after a while, and immediately starts coughing very hard. He grabs towards his chest, gasping for breath.
The nurse helps the ginger sit up and starts changing the liquid in the IV as soon as Joe has regained his breath again.
Ben looks concerned at his friend.
Joe tries to give him a reassuring smile, but it isn't very believable.
'I gave you some more pain relief, because the antibiotics will give you a big headache.' The nurse says to Joe.
She wants to start taking Ben's bandages off, but before she starts he whispers something to her. She nods and takes him to his own bed. She draws the curtains back so Joe can't see what Ben's hand looks like.
The ginger hears a few hisses of pain coming from behind the curtain.
Then Ben reappears with a new bandage and tears in his eyes.
'Did it hurt so much?' Joe hardly dares to ask.
Ben nods with tears of pain still in his eyes.
'Unfortunately, I am no longer allowed to give you pain relief because of your bloodpressure.' The nurse says to him. 'I'll come back after lunch to check your bloodpressure, to see if you've gotten any better after all that blood loss.' She walks out of the room.
Joe looks at Ben in shock. 'Blood loss?'
Ben looks away. 'Long story.' He mumbles.
'Then tell me, I'm not running away I'm afraid.' Joe says, trying to joke but he sees that Ben can't laugh about it.
'Okay, I'll tell you, but please don't be too shocked or angry.' Ben says softly.
Joe gives him a questioning look.
Joe nods. 'Yeah of course, you know you can tell me anything. Right?'
Ben nods. He takes a deep breath and sits down next to Joe's bed. 'I cut myself with a pocket knife. On purpose.' He says after deciding to just say it clear and right away. He sees Joe's eyes widen.
'Ben, W-Why the hell would you do that?' Joe asks in shock.
Ben looks the other way, embarrassed. 'I don't know, I just wasn't in a good state of mind, I guess. I thought I would help you with hurting myself. I felt guilty about what happened to you.'
Joe doesn't understand what the boy means, and looks confused at Ben. 'I'm afraid you'll have to explain that a little more clearly.' He says to the younger boy.
Ben is about to continue his story when the door of the room flies open.
'Good morning! We brought you some breakfast!' Rami cheerfully enters.
Then Gwil also enters. They soon notice the tense atmosphere in the room. 'Oh sorry guys. We'll wait in the hall for a while. Everything okay here?' Gwil looks at his two friends.
Joe nods. 'Yes everything okay here. Thank you Gwil.' He smiles gratefully at his friends.
'Call us if you need us.' Rami says. After that, the door closes.

'So where were we? Oh yeah, the reason why you did this to yourself.' Joe says.
Ben sighs. 'I found you on the floor, broken glass in your face. I panicked and went to get Gwil. But when you stopped breathing, I - I.' The the boy suddenly bursts into tears. Soft sobs escape his throat.
'Hey, it's okay. I'm okay.' Joe wants to get out of bed to hug Ben, but his IV can't go that far. And so he just takes Ben's hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the boy's knuckles.
Ben wipes his tears, still sniffling softly. He takes a few deep breaths, enjoying the feeling of his hand in Joe's. 'When you stopped breathing I didn't do anything. I just sat there a bit. I- I should've done something.'
Joe looks sadly at Ben. 'Ben, I get that, I would also panic. Don't blame yourself, please. There wasn't anything you could've done.'
Ben looks down at his lap. 'M-maybe you better ask Gwil what happened once we were at the hospital. I don't remember very well.' He mumbles.
Joe puts his arm around Ben. He feels the younger actor shaking all over. 'We can also talk about it later, if you want? Maybe we should have some breakfast first?' Joe gives Ben a reassuring smile.
The blonde nods and blinks away some tears. 'I'll get Gwil and Rami.' He gets up, but instantly gets dizzy. He staggers for a moment, then sits down again. He closed his eyes to wait for the dizzyness to fade.
'Maybe we should just send them a message. Your blood level is not yet what it should be, don't forget that.' Joe says as he looks concerned at his friend. His heart is broken inside. He hates seeing the boy struggle like this.
Ben nods and grabs his phone.

(10.08 Am) Ben: Hey Gwil, can you and Rami come back in?

(10.09 Am) Gwil: Of course, I hope you're hungry ;)

Rami and Gwil come in and sit next to Joe's bed in a chair.
'We didn't know what you like, so we have a bit of everything.' Rami smiles.
After a while they are all eating their breakfast.
'Are you still in a lot of pain?' Gwil looks from Joe to the IV.
The ginger shakes his head. 'I've got some extra medication for the pain this morning, so I will survive.' He says while eating a donut.
Rami turns to Ben. 'How about you?'
Ben shrugs. 'I'm not getting any more pain relief, so the pain will start soon.' He says with a loud sigh.
Gwil looks at him with a look of sympathy. He sits down on the edge of Ben's bed. 'Have you told him yet?' He whispers so that Joe doesn't hear him.
'Kind of.' Ben whispers.
Gwil looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
'Not the whole story yet, but I need your help with the details.' Ben says softly.
Gwil nods, giving the boy a reassuring smile.
Ben takes a deep breath and prepares to tell Joe the second part of the story.

Gosh another extra chapter upload :)
I just didn't feel like making homework, so I thought: Let's just upload🙃

Well I hope you liked the drama, and dont worry, there's a lot more coming

Xxx from me

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