Chapter 42

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The last thing Ben sees before his whole world goes black is one man carrying a bat. He feels that he is being lifted. Slowly, he feels himself sinking deeper and deeper. Then everything turns black.

Not much later Ben wakes up in a small room. He looks around, feeling a bit drowsy from the sleeping aid. With quite a lot of difficulty, he gets up and stumbles to the door.
The door is made of concrete, just like the walls, with only a single window in it.
When he notices that the door is locked, Ben feels panic rising. He sits down on the floor where he just woke up, trying to stay calm. Then he sees a cardboard box in the corner.
He crawls over there on hands and knees, scared that he'll faint if he stands up. When he opens the box, he sees a letter in it. He curses under his breath. Not this again.
He opens the letter with trembling hands. Just like the previous letter that Corey sent him, it is written in the colour of blood. And the knife is also present again. Ben sighs and reads the letter.

Hi Ben. You didn't think we wouldn't see each other again without an unforgettable goodbye, did you?
How about a game night for two? Or should I say with the four of us. I think you've already met B1 and B2? They were kind enough to bring you here as I can't do that myself. Because someone helped me to prison.
I'll tell you what is planned for this pleasant evening. For starters, I'm going to make you feel the pain I've felt all these years because someone killed my little brother. Second, I'm going to give you what you deserve. You're going after Allen, Ben. Only when you are out of the way will I be satisfied.
I hope you like it? Because I know I do.
Have fun. Corey

PS. You can, of course, also make it easier for yourself. There is a knife in the box. Whatever choice you make, you are not going to survive this. And that's not a threat, that's a promise.

Thousands of thoughts race through his mind. The fear gives him shivers. Will he ever get out of here? Alive? And will he ever see Joe again? Tears stream down his cheeks as loud sobs escape his mouth. 
In panic, Ben looks around. The walls seem to be closing in on him. He feels his breathing speed up. He gets up and starts to bang desperately on the concrete door. 'Hello?! Can anyone hear me? Please get me out of here!' He yells, his voice sounding broken because of the crying. The banging on the door causes small pieces of the ceiling to come down. 'FUCK!' Angrily, he kicks the door. More debris is falling. This time a number of larger pieces. He sits down on the floor again, trying to stop himself from sobbing. Then the knife in the box catches his eye...

Not much later, the concrete door opens with a lot of noise. The two men are standing in the doorway with mean smiles on their faces.
'It's time for part one of our fun night together, Mr. Hardy.' Says one with a smirk.
The other man approaches him with the iron chain that he had previously been tied up with.
Ben is tied to a hook protruding from the wall. He cries out when the chain is tied too tightly around his wrists. 'W-why are you doing this?' He looks at the two men through his tears.
'It pays very well and it's fun to do. Now shut up. B1, do you want the honor of starting?' Asks the man who is apparently B2.
B1 nods with a grin. He takes the bat and pulls out a belt. 'Don't worry, this will only hurt a lot.' He laughs meanly.
Ben closes his eyes and prepares for the pain.


'The police are on their way.' Joe says the moment he and Rami step out of the car.
Rami looks at the dilapidated building with a frown. 'Has his location changed yet?' He asks Joe, who nervously paces circles around the car.
Joe takes his phone out of his pocket and nearly drops it because of his trembling hands. As soon as he checks Ben's location, he shakes his head. 'He is still in the old cells.' He says. 
In the distance, the two already hear the sirens of the police cars.
Joe takes a deep breath. 'I hope we are on time.' He says to Rami in a trembling voice. 
His friend puts an arm around him to calm him down. 'I'm sure we are Joe.'


The sound of the belt slamming against his chest whistles around his ears. Ben screams out in pain, his hand shooting up to where the iron on the belt just hit him. He looks at his hand and sees that it is covered in thick red blood.
Bang. Another whip with the belt. 
He closes his eyes and prepares for the next hit. But there is no next hit. Carefully, Ben opens his eyes.
B2 comes up to him, and rapes his shirt off, ripping it appart. He looks down at Ben's chest with an evil look. 'This is a good start, but I don't think Corey will be satisfied with this just yet. Now it's my turn.' He says with a grin. 'Let's see... I can hit you with a bat, or with a whine bottle. Tough choice, isn't it? I'll just use them both.' He takes the bat and swings it around. Before he starts hitting Ben with it, he punches him in the face with his fist.
For quite a few minutes, everything turns black before Ben's eyes. When he regains consciousness, he sees shards of glass all around him. Some shards are red instead of transparent through the blood.
Before he knows it, he gets punched in the stomach. He cries out in pain once more. But then it stops. 
The men walk towards the door with a grin. Just before the door closes, B1 says: 'Pay close attention to the ceiling. The wood is already starting to rot, and before you know it the ceiling will come towards you.' 
The door closes with a bang, and large pieces of wood fall down.
This space is about to collapse. And Ben is well aware of that. He hears a loud cracking, making his anxiety go crazy. He collapses into a ball, and fears for his life. He looks up one last time, seeing a wooden beam come towards him.

Well this is straight out a telenovella isn't it?
(Yes Jane the virgin reference😋 any fans of Jane here?)

I hope you still like the story❤
Xxx from me♡

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