Chapter 63

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'My dad called yesterday to say... uhm- that my mom had an car accident. She didn't survive.' Ben tells Reluctantly. He doesn't want Joe to feel sorry for him, because he doesn't really care. And that is perhaps the most difficult for him. The guilt.
Joe's mouth falls open. 'Well that sucks.' He simply says after a brief moment of silence.
Ben looks at him in surprise. 'So you are not gonna say you feel sorry for me?' He asks with a small smile.
Joe shakes his head. 'I know how badly she ruined your life, and how badly you feel when people feel sorry for you.'
Ben feels his heart glow again. Never in his life has anyone understood him better than Joe. 'Thank you.' He whispers softly.
Joe gives him a reassuring smile, letting him know it's going to be okay.
Ben takes a few deep breaths. 'I just feel so guilty. What kind of a terrible person am I if I'm not sad about her death? I mean, she was my mother.'
Joe shakes his head. 'Don't talk like that sweetheart. Your mom treated you like garbage, and you don't deserve that. Not now, not ever.'

Ben can feel the butterflies in his stomach, and they immediately make a big smile appear on his face. Then he looks at his phone. 'Do you want to hear something crazy?'
Joe nods curiously. 'What is it?' He takes Ben's hand in his own.
'My mother hated me until the last day of her life, but she did leave all her money to me.' Ben mumbles.
Joe's eyes widen. 'Wow, that's definitely crazy.'
Ben nods. 'I know right.'
Joe crawls a little closer to Ben and lets his head rest on the blond's chest. 'Is your dad okay?' He asks softly after a while.
Ben shrugs. 'Well he says he is.'
Joe sees that Ben is still a bit worried. 'Maybe we should visit him when you can go home.'
Ben nods with a smile. 'That sounds like a good idea. Thank you.'

Joe smiles and gets up. 'I'm going to the hotel. I do want your hotel room to be ready when you can leave the hospital tomorrow.' He gives Ben a quick kiss on the lips.
Ben looks at him with a big smile. 'Okay love. I'll see you soon.' He says. He looks at the ginger until he's out the room.

Ben isn't alone for long though, because after a few minutes there is a knock on the door.
The boy gets up and walks to the door. Luckily, thanks to the new exercises the nurse has given him, he can walk faster and faster.
He opens the door and smiles when he sees Brian and Roger. 'Hey guys, good to see you! Come on in.' He says, slightly surprised to see the two rockstars here.
Brian and Roger enter the room and sit down with a smile.
'Sorry about the mess.' Ben looks around the room a little embarrassed. Everywhere in the room are piles of clothes, ready to be packed to leave the hospital.
Brian and Roger both chuckle. 'That's okay, don't worry. You are doing a lot better, I see?' Brian looks at Ben with a smile.
Ben nods. 'I am. I can do everything again. Sometimes it just takes a little longer. If I overdo anything I still gets a bit sore.' He admits. 'Do you want tea? It may not taste as good as at home but... oh well.'
Brian and Roger give the boy a grateful nod.

'So, how badly did I mess up the shooting schedule?' Ben asks when he returns with two cups of tea. He has been feeling guilty for a while, because he is the reason that the bohemian rhapsody movie will not be released in time.
Roger shakes his head. 'Don't you worry about that. We just tell the press there were some technical issues.' The drummer says reassuringly.
Brian nods in agreement. 'And besides, we only have to shoot two more scenes, so we are not that far behind. Don't feel guilty about it.' He adds.
Ben smiles relieved. 'Okay then, if you say so.'

'So, are you ready to leave the hospital?'
Roger sees a smile appearing on Ben's face when he asks this.
The British boy nods. 'More than ready. I can't wait for things to go back to normal. I want to leave this behind me as soon as possible.' Ben says determined.
Brian and Roger smile. 'I get that. But are you sure that that will work without the help of a professional? I mean, you've been through quite a bit.' Brian asks carefully.
Ben shrugs. 'I think so. It's been almost two months. And I have Joe. Isn't it ungrateful if I go see someone? I mean, Joe is already there for me, so do I need it?' Suddenly, he doesn't feel as calm as before anymore. He starts to doubt everything.
'Son, relax.' Roger says when he sees the panicking look on Ben's face.
Ben takes a deep breath. 'Sorry. This medication is messing with my head.' He points at the IV next to his bed.
Brian grabs his phone. 'Ben, Joe is concerned too. He recently texted me about a therapist. He just didn't dare to ask you because he doesn't want you to think he feels sorry for you.' Brian lets Ben read the message Joe sent him.

(1 day ago, 18:13 Pm) Joe: Hi Bri, I'm sorry to bother you. But I need some advice. Ben is sleeping, but I'm still worried about him. I think he could use some professional help. I'm just so afraid to suggest it. I know how much he hates when people feel sorry for him. I just can't see how he pretends it doesn't bother him anymore. What should I do?

'Gosh, he knows me too well.' Ben sighs when he has read the message.
Roger looks at him with a small smile. 'Listen kid, Joe wants the best for you. So you shouldn't feel guilty about being ungrateful or whatever. This is about you. Promise?'
Ben nods. 'You're right. I think I could use some help.' He says softly with a small smile.
And again Brian watches with a smile how Roger and Ben are having a moment together.

Not a spectaculair chapter today, I'm sorry❤

I'm finally done with my first week of tests. Gosh that was a pure hell. I have a one week break now, and after that two more weeks of tests and exams. Please save me☹

But whatever. Ily all. Xxx from me♡

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