Food For The Bunny (Dustbunny)

337 5 3

Quirkless AU

Tenko was in the convenient store, checking his list to make sure he bought at least some the necessary supplies. "Three down, four more to go."
"Mr Shimura?" The blue haired man turned to see a familiar face. It was Izuku Midoriya, a student from the school his adopted uncle taught at. "Kid, I don't want to sound old, so please just call me Tenko."
"Oh, sorry." Izuku looked down at the bag in Tenko's hand.
"That's a lot of..." "It's not for me." "Oh." Tenko rolled his eyes. "It's for my wife." "Ah. Is it for her cravings?" The young man was surprised. "How did you know?" "Just a lucky guess." "A very lucky guess." Tenko grabbed a big pack of Kit Kats.

Tenko was married to the famous model Rumi Usagiyama. It was hard to believe for many people. It wasn't long before Rumi became pregnant, and with twin sons no less.

"Can she handle that much sugar?" "Please, you don't know my wife like I do. And now that she's pregnant, the moment I refuse to give her a food she craves... let's just say I had some trouble walking for a few minutes."
Izuku winced at the thought. "Well, I just came to buy snacks. My class is having a movie night." The greenette walked away. "Bye Tenko!"
The young adult continued his shopping, until he finally had all the snacks he needed to buy for his lover.

. . .

Rumi sat on her couch, rubbing her five month previous belly. Her attention snapped to the front door, hearing it being opened.
The door opened, and in walked Rumi's husband. "Tenko!" "Before you come running to me and wrap me in a bear hug, I brought the snacks you wanted."
"Yay!" Tenko placed the bag of groceries down on the table. "Can I hug you now?" "Yeah. Come on."

Rumi swung her arms around her husband, squeezing the air out of him. "Rumi! C-can't b-breath!" The dark skinned girl let go. "Sorry." Tenko smiled, understanding her wife's behavior was just a result of her mood swings, one of the most well known symptoms of pregnancy.
"It's okay. I know you did it because you love me so much." Rumi cheered up, and rummaged through the bag, taking out the pocky first.
"Does it taste good?" Rumi nodded. Tenko chuckled, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. The female model then let out a light gasp. "What is it?" "They kicked."

Tenko moved off the couch and crouched before his lover's belly, gently placing his hands on it. His eyes widened when he too felt his future twins kicking. "Is it wrong to say that I want these two to just come already?" Rumi smiled and rubbed her husband's head. "Me too, Tenko."
Tenko smiled, then took out a box of Melty Kisses. "Here you go." "Can we share?" The bluenette sat back on the couch next the white haired model.

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