Lovers Spat

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Lucius and Momo have finished cleaning the library.

"I guess we have stalled long enough," Lucius says.

With a sad nod, Momo agrees.

She closes the only book she could read. A story about a banished demon prince and a run away princess falling in love with one another. She was just at a steamy scene when he interpreted her.

She produces a black and silver bookmark with a peach on it from her chest. She gently places it in the book. Momo clutches the book close to her chest as she stands. She dust her seat before placing the book there.

Momo jumps off the bookshelf. Momo lands in the center of the room with a bow. Lucius pulls out a shelf board and writes a ten on it.

Momo laughs at his teasing.

Lucius begins to take off his coat. He folds it neatly and places it onto a random shelf. He then draws his guns and places them on top of his coat.

"You know we don't have to fight," Momo says.

"You might be right," Lucius gives her.

Momo begins to smile.


Her smile vanishes as she had to dodge Lucius's punch aim straight at her face. Momo danced around his punches but he was increasing speed.

Momo kicked his left inner leg to make him loose balance. She jumps back to get some distance. She managed to avoid the bookshelves.

Lucius calmly stands up. He dust his pants.

"I think we have some issues we have to work out first. We both want our pound of flesh from one another," Lucius informs her.

Those words struck her with a bad feeling.

"You don't know how hard it felt to have you leave me like I was trash," Lucius shouts.

She extends her claws. Lucius anticipates her first strike. He can see the muscles in her legs tighten. But was shocked at her explosive step. He only had enough time to turn as she cuts his face.

"You cheated on me!"

Momo retracts the claws in her left hand and punches his kidney. Lucius steps forward to lower the pain. Only.for her to plant her other fist into his gut.

Lucius spits out blood.

"You even got her pregnant!"

Lucius was stunned from the pain. She grabs his hair and forces his nose to kiss her knees with a furious lover's passion.

"You have no right.... to be angry.... that I... left... when I did," Momo exclaims as she slams his face repeatedly.

Having enough, Lucius jabs his fingers into the inner thigh of her pivot leg. Momo releases him as she tries to correct her balance. Lucius pulls out his bloody fingers and palm strikes her chin.

Momo felt her brain rattle from that strike. She was about to move her body to reduce fall damage but a solid kick to her gut, launches her into a book shelf.

Momo spine, legs, and skull impacted a board. She can feel the splinters enter her body. She grabs some other surviving parts of the board to pull herself out but they break from the force causing her to slide down the bookshelf.

Lucius takes this moment to clear his nose of blood. Two hard blows later and two more bloodstains from the floor, Lucius regain his composure.

Lucius begins to laugh a depressing laughter. Momo gave him a cautious glance

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