I did

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After the save at Navy Pier. The rest headed back at 51. They were all exhausted.
Kelly: Hey.

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: Why didn't you come to save us?

Stella: Casey didn't want me to.

Kelly: Why?

Stella: Idk, maybe I'm your fiancee or what ever he didn't wanted me to, and sorry. She walk away Kelly headed to find Casey.

Kelly: Hey you got a second?

Casey: Yeah sure what is it?

Kelly: Why didn't you let Stella come to rescue us too? She knows how to swim,just bcs she's my fiance doesn't mean she can't come to help me or the rest of squad.

Casey: Look Severide, I just wanted to get you so you guys can be happy, I didn't want to see my best friend died, it would of been hard on me and Stella. I'm sorry.

Kelly: It's fine but don't stop her from doing her job. He left Casey standing their in tears. Kelly went to find Stella, she was at the coffee pot.

Stella: You okay?

Kelly: Yeah I'm okay.

Stella: Your not, I heard everything you said.

Kelly: Look I just wanted to see if you remember what I taught you few years back.

Stella: I did.

Kelly: How about you come over to squad and just work 1 shift.

Stella: Uhmm I don't think Casey will like that.

Kelly: Plz?

Stella: Sure but if it's just burning fires I'm going back on truck after that.

Kelly: Thank you. He kissed her.

He headed to his office to start the paperwork on getting Stella on truck. He give chief Boden the paperwork and so he agreed.

Boden: Can you grab Casey?

Kelly: Sure. We went to Casey's office and found him. Casey chief wants you. And I'm sorry.

Casey: Okay. They walk back to chief office.

Boden: Casey is it okay if Kidd goes in squad for one shift?

Casey: What? Why? We need her on truck.

Boden: Just for one shift.

Casey: Fine. He got up and slam the door.

Kelly: Thanks chief.

Boden: Go show Kidd squad.

Kelly: Copy. Hey Stella.

Kidd: Kidd you mean?

Kelly: Right, come on your official on squad 3 which means-

Stella: I'll be working under you.

Kelly: Right for one shift.

Stella: Fine but if I like it I'm staying till my lieutenant replaced comes.

Kelly: Fine with me. He was going to show her around but the bells went of. "Squad 3 House fire." First ever called on squad Stell.

Stella: Yup. They got in and headed to the call.

On the seen:
Victim 1: Help!

Severide: Stay there where coming!! Kidd, Capp with me.

Kidd: Copy. They got the victims out and headed back to 51.

At 51:
Kelly: So your loving it on squad?

Stella: Kinda.

Kelly: What's that supposed to mean?

Stella: Yeah I'm loving it but I still want to be on truck I feel like I'm letting Casey down.

Kelly: Hey it's just for one shift.

Stella: I know.

Kelly: Then let's do this.

Stellaride- Losing you would be the end of meWhere stories live. Discover now