I'm telling you Kelly something is wrong with her

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Time skip Kelly had finally started to get counseling. Everything was going okay. The babies are three mouths old but Stella was concerned about Ella.

Stella: Baby do you think we should take Ella to the doctors?

Kelly: Why?

Stella: Bcs she barely even sleeps she just keeps starring at me 24/7. Day and night. Kelly laughed as he grab her hand.

Kelly: Yeah she shouldn't be doing that let's go tomorrow.

Stella: Okay tomorrow morning early.

Kelly: What do you think is wrong with her?

Stella: Idk but I need to know immediately bcs it's creepy. She's like evil like she wanna kill me. They laugh.

Kelly: She doesn't want to kill you or we will put her out.

Stella: No our baby!

Kelly: I'm just kidding.

Stella: Okay sure and her brown and blue eyes I hope there's nothing wrong with that.

Kelly: I've never seen a baby with one eye one color and the next another.

Stella: Same and I've never had triplets before.

Kelly: Same.

Stella: There probably going to wake up soon.

Grace: Stells come here quick!

Stella: What happened? She said heading downstairs.

Grace: She was having a panic attack. Ella held unto Stella's shirt tightly.

Stella: My baby something is up with you we're going to get a check up for you tomorrow okay? She kissed Ella's head.

Kelly: What happened?

Stella: She was having a panic attack..

Kelly: What!?

Stella: Yeah bcs Grace had her and I didn't.

Kelly: Oh no.

Stella: I'm telling you Kelly something is wrong with her.

Grace: Maybe she's close to you? If you be away from her she gets fussy and starts to panic?

Stella: Maybe.

Kelly: Okay tomorrow we're going to the doctors office if this gets worse we will have to go today.

Stella: Okay.

Later that day:
Stella: Kelly I'm going to get some things I'll be back! She said picking Ella up.

Kelly: Sure okay.

Stella: I fed the babies few minutes ago so there full!

Kelly: Okay what are you going for?

Stella: Little things like stuff toys for the babies to sleep with.

Kelly: Okay, can you buy me something?

Stella: Anything.

Kelly: Starbucks!

Grace: Did someone say Starbucks!?

Kelly: Yes!

Stella: Okay give me your orders. Kelly wanted a pink drink with a donut so did Grace.

Kelly: Good love ya. He kiss her.

Stella: Love you too bye!

Kelly: Bye! She left. They put Ella's carseat in the passenger seat.

Stella: You stay there okay? Before you break you neck of trying to look at me. She laugh. Stella got in and drove to the mall.

Violet: Hey Stell!

Stella: Oh hey!

Violet: What you up too?

Stella: Looking for some baby stuff toys for the babies.

Violet: How is this like one.

Stella: Don't even touch her not trying to be rude. Ella has some type of problem everywhere I go her eyes are stick on me. She had a little panic attack this morning bcs Grace hold her.

Violet: Awww take her to the doctor, or go to med I'm sure Natalie can help you.

Stella: Thanks I know ima go there tomorrow morning early but I'll talk to Natalie later.

Violet: Okay come let me go shop with you. They went shopping for stuff bunnies, rabbits, monkeys lots of stuff toys for the babies. They even got there name stamp on the back so they know which is which.

Stella: Thanks Violet for staying with me means a lot.

Violet: No problem text or call me tomorrow to let me know if Ella is okay.

Stella: Okay I will.

Violet: Mwa! She kissed Stella's cheek as Stella headed to Starbucks.

Man: Hey welcome to Starbucks what can I get for you?

Stella: Can I get three large pink drinks with a box of donuts plz?

Man: Sure that will be $15.23.

Stella: Here keep the change. Stella collected her order and headed home.

Back at home:
Kelly: Baby your home!

Stella: I am. They kissed.

Grace: Pink drink!

Stella: Here you go! Get this Ella eyes move from me to the pink drink she looks at anything colorful.

Grace: Bcs she wants it.

Kelly: Yeah but she's to small to have Starbucks.

Stella: Maybe when you get older okay? She put Ella down for a nap.

Grace: Let's watch a movie.

Stella: Okay I'll grab the babies. She grab Ellie and Elijah as they were awake.

Kelly: So only one baby who has the problem?

Stella: Yeah my baby Ella. She got sad as Kelly laughed.

Kelly: Our baby Ella. They kissed and cuddle as Grace switch the tv to watch a movie.
A/N: Next chapter tomorrow! Ima update twice or three times again tomorrow, but who's excited for One Chicago night tomorrow? Sorry for any mistakes!

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