Kelly kidnapped part 1

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Two days later:
Kelly: Baby! I'm out. He kiss her.

Stella: Okay be safe love you!

Kelly: Love you too! They kissed as Kelly left.

Seager: Hey.

Kelly: Seager can you stop?

Seager: I really like you Kelly. Kelly saw a black van behind her.

Kelly: What's that?

Seager: We are using this on the case. She lied.

Kelly: Ohh.

Seager: Come hop in.

Kelly: No thank you.

Seager: Plz the guys are already there come on.

Kelly: Fine. He got in as Seager shut him in there. She got in and drove to a ware house.

Seager: Hahaha!

Kelly: Son of a bitch! Seager!

Seager: Your going to get me pregnant! Your going to leave that bitch! They arrived at the warehouse.

Kelly: Let me go! Seager tied him up and tied a piece of cloth around his mouth.

Seager: Come we're going to have sex! She pulled Kelly into the warehouse.

Kelly: Nooo let me goo! I don't like you! Seager slap Kelly across his face.

Seager: You will like me baby. He touch Kelly inappropriately. Kelly was getting very uncomfortable. She push him on the ground. Him greatering his elbows.

Kelly: STOP LEAVE ME ALONE! LET ME OUT! He yelled at her.

Seager: Baby I know you have a baby but I love you. She pulled the cloth down as kiss him. Kelly tried to get away but his hands were tied up. Less than he knew they were both naked.

Kelly: Let me go! Seager kick Kelly leaving him moaning in pain.

Seager: Your not going anywhere. She make out with Kelly for hours.
Few hours later:
Stella's pov:
I called Kelly like five times and he hasn't returned my calls. I'm so worried right now. Grace, Violet and Brett were over.

Stella: Hey something is wrong.

Sylvie: What?

Stella: I've called Kelly like five times and he hasn't called me back yet. I'm getting a little worried.

Grace: Maybe he's trying to surprise you with something.

Stella: But he would of said something every since with this Seager thing-

Violet: He's okay if he wasn't he would of told you.

Grace: Yeah.

Stella: Okay..

Sylvie: Don't worry Stell.

Grace: Come if he doesn't get back home by night we definitely know something is up.

Stella: I guess..
Seager: I'm not done with you just yet. Kelly had multiple wounds all over his body. He was losing blood, everything turning blurry.

Kelly: Seager..

Seager: Shhh baby I love you. She kissed him.

Kelly: Can I go home? My kids need me.

Seager: Your kids? I thought you only had one?

Kelly: No.

Seager: Well your about to have a next one.

Kelly: No I don't want a baby with you!

Seager: Yes you do and yes you will.

Kelly: No I don't want a baby wait you! He shouted trying to get her of. Seager grab Kelly's phone and recording him.

Seager: Tell me are you going to get me pregnant?

Kelly: No I don't want your baby! Nor I don't want a kid or kids with you so let me go!

Seager: Your going to have my baby Kelly! I love you!

Kelly: No I don't love you! Seager send the video to Stella.
1 hour later:
Stella had just finished feeding the babies and got a notification from Kelly. She signed and open the message. It was a video she press it and watch.

Stella: Guys! She headed downstairs crying.

Grace: Honey what happened?

Stella: Look Kelly just got kidnapped!

Grace: WHAT!? She shouted. Stella showed them the video.

Stella: Seager kidnapped my fiancée guys! She said she loves him and that she wants to have his baby..

Brett: Omg! Let's call intelligence. Stella immediately called Jay Halsted from the 21st district.

On the phone call:
Jay: Hello this is Jay.

Stella: Jay it's me Stella from firehouse 51.

Jay: Oh hey Stella what's up?

Stella: Kelly just got kidnapped by Wendy Seager! Jay stood there speechless.

Jay: He what!? Okay I'm on it now come down by the district.

Stella: Okay I'm coming.
End of phone call.

Stella: We got to go down by the district.

Grace: Let's grab the babies. Violet and Brett grab the babies and headed to the car.

Stella: This can't be happening right now, Seager? I swear once I get to her she's dead! The girls laugh.

Grace: Ima help you kill her.

Brett: Me too.

Violet: Me three! They got in and headed down to the 21st.
A/N: And this is part 1 of Kelly getting kidnapped by Wendy Seager. Come back for part 2 in a couple of hours, let me know what are your thoughts about this chapter and votes are out if you want to see a chapter of Stella and Seager fight just say so and I'll be happy to write it! Sorry for any mistake!

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