Dress shopping!

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Couple days later:
February 13 at the Severide's house:
Kelly: Hey babe.

Stella: Go away! She threw the sheet over her head.

Kelly: You know what time it is? The guys will be here any minute to pick me up.

Stella: What!? Where you going!?

Kelly: Baby did you forget?

Stella: About?

Kelly: You have to go dress shopping today.

Stella: Oh yeah..

Kelly: The girls will be here in a couple of minutes so get up.

Stella: Mann I wanna sleep dude get out and let me sleep in piece!

Kelly: Bro it's literally 9:15am.

Stella: What!?

Kelly: Yup the babies are done showered and dress. They had there breakfast 15 minutes ago so get up! He pick her up headed downstairs.

Ella: Mommy!

Kelly: Shhh mommy is asleep..

Stella: No I'm not. She whisper in his ear.

Kelly: Shut up. She slap him.

Stella: Don't talk to me like that.

Kelly: I didn't mean in a rude way..

Stella: Ohh I'm sorry..

Kelly: It's okay. He place her on the counter giving her coffee.

Stella: Thank you.

Kelly: Your welcome. He kissed her head.

1 hour later:
Stella: Okay I'm done. She headed down dressed with an oversized jacket with sports bra underneath and a short black pants.

Kelly: Fuck you look hot!

Stella: Dude there's kids in here!

Ellie: Fuwk you look hot?

Stella: Seriously Kelly?

Kelly: I'm sorry I couldn't control myself. They laugh.

Ella: Fuwk mommy looks hot?

Kelly: Yes but do not ever never ever say that word again or I'm going to give you guys a lash. The babies started to cry.

Stella: Guys do no repeat that word! Or you'll definitely get in trouble.

Ella: Otay but mommy looks hot. They all laugh.

Stella: Thank you so do you. She took Ella and Ellie from Kelly.

Kelly: Finally I only have one kid.

Stella: Shut up and I had to carry all three. He laugh.

Kelly: I remember that but plz stop talking about that it's kinda sad, heartbreaking, emotional! Stella could see Kelly's eyes watering.

Stella: Aww baby are you going to cry? He look at her.

Kelly: I think so..

Stella: Come here but I'm still alive you don't have to cry. They hug as Kelly let a few tears drop in her neck.

Kelly: I have to cry I could of lose you!

Stella: Wait babies get down a minute and stand right there.

Ella: Why is daddy crying?

Ellie: Yeah what does he mean by lose you?

Elijah: Yeah what does that mean?

Stellaride- Losing you would be the end of meWhere stories live. Discover now