Bad woman hurt my daddy

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Seager: Your mine! I love you Kelly! She moaned kissing him. She slap him across his face as she make love to him.
2 hours later and Seager was still going:
Kelly: Stop! Kelly had bruises all over his face.

Seager: Your having my baby! Kelly heard Stella pulled up.

Stella's pov:
I pulled up and saw the front door open. Grace was with me as we both look at each other like "what the hell."  We got out leaving the babies in the car I look in and saw Seager untop of Kelly. I look at Grace shocked as her eyes filled with tears.

Stella: Stay here!

Grace: No way Stells I'm coming. They headed inside quietly.

Stella: BITCH! She yelled at Seager. She hit and punch Seager.

Seager: Wait.. But Stella punch her. Grace quickly called intelligence.

Kelly: Stella! He cried. Stella untied Kelly and put his clothes back on.

Stella: Shhh I'm here baby. Seager got out as Stella hit her. Seager got up and hit Stella across her face. Kelly got up and headed for the knife.

Kelly: Do something Stells! Tears rolling down his cheek. Seager got up as ran after Kelly. Stella got her and push her down making the balloon pop.. Intelligence had witness it.

Stella: BITCH THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR STEALING MY MAN! She yelled at Seager and spit on her.. Kelly stood there speechless.

Kelly: Stella?

Stella: Come here. She hug him.

Seager: Wendy Seager your under arrest. He read her the rights.
Stella: I shouldn't of let you stayed here Kelly! She cried.

Kelly: Hey don't cry I'm okay. She touch his face as he pulled away.

Stella: Sorry.

Kelly: What you told her tho. He smiled.

Stella: That's what she get for stealing my man. He grab her face kissing her.

Kelly: You were right tho, she wasn't even pregnant.

Stella: She just wanted you.

Kelly: I know-

Stella: But would you push me away? Like last time?

Kelly: No I don't want to go through that ever again.

Stella: Okay good. They kissed.

Ella: Mommy what happened to daddy's face?

Stella: Something happened but you wouldn't understand..

Ella: Ohh otay..

Kelly: But I'm fine otherwise don't worry.

Ellie: Who hurt daddy?

Stella: Shhh.

Ella: Bad woman hurt my daddy! She started to cry.

Ellie: My daddy!

Elijah: No my daddy! They started to fight.

Kelly: Guys! Shhh, you guys are all mine so I am your daddy all of you.

Ella: Otay..

Grace: Jay says she's sentence in jail blah blah blah I'm sorry that happened to you Kelly.

Kelly: It's okay, next time-

Stella: Your coming with me! Or I'll have Casey to come over or we have put an restraining order on her.

Kelly: I would love that.

Grace: I'll stay here for the night Luke is by his mom for week so-

Stella: Ofc.

Jay: Okay guys we will be contacted!

Stella: Okay. Intelligence left.

Kelly: I'm going to take a shower.

Stella: Okay. Kelly headed upstairs in tears. He strip down and turn the pipe on. He grab the stool as sit down as she water came down on him as he sat there crying.

Grace: Go check on him.

Stella: Okay I will.. Grace carried the babies as she showered them.

Ella: Hehe.

Stella: Kelly? Stella walk in and found Kelly crying. She lock the door as she turn the pipe of.

Kelly: I can't I can't.. She pull him into a hug as he cried.

Stella: Let it out baby. She kissed his head as it was wet.

Kelly: She did stuff to me, she touch me inappropriately! He threatened me and all that stuff! He sniff.

Stella: Don't worry I give you some space- She went to get up as he grab her hand.

Kelly: I don't need space! I need you! Tears rolling down his cheek.

Stella: I need you too. They kissed. Stella died him of and put his clothes on.

Kelly: Thank you.

Stella: Remember you did this for me-

Kelly: I-

Stella: Bcs I needed you most when I had the cast on, when I had went into labor seven weeks before due date and you were there for me Kelly you never left my side and I wouldn't leave yours. They starred at each other.

Kelly: I know. He grab her hands.

Stella: And I mean that- Before she could say anymore he kissed her but Grace walk in.

Grace: Oops.

Stella: Nahh don't be sorry you wanted something?

Grace: The babies are in bed you guys wanna watch a movie or?

Stella: I'll be down in a little bit. She smiled.

Grace: O-

Kelly: No stay with me I don't want to have anymore nightmares.

Grace: And can I sleep with you guys tonight? She ask as they laugh.

Stella: Sure hope in. Kelly cuddled with Stella and Stella cuddled both of them. Less than a minute all three of them were asleep.
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter guys! I promise I'll make it longer tomorrow! Sorry for any mistakes bcs I was rushing cuz it is night time but see you guys tomorrow! Byeeee!

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