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Few days later:
Kelly: Hey babe! He said coming in fully dress with a cup of coffee.

Stella: Hey baby!

Kelly: Here.

Stella: We're did you went?

Kelly: Uhm.. I took the kids to daycare.

Stella: And where's Sarah's?

Kelly: She's playing Minecraft.

Stella: Ooo okay. He give her the coffee before kissing her head.

Kelly: Today where going to get Sarah signed up at school.

Stella: Aww okay.

Kelly: Okay ima run you a bath and make you some breakfast.

Stella: Ah no you don't have to baby.

Kelly: Of course babe meet me downstairs. He kiss her before heading downstairs. He made her scramble eggs and bacon.

30 minutes later:
Kelly: Babe are you ready?

Stella: Yeah. She finish doing her hair as he stood behind her kissing her cheek.

Kelly: Come on babe your already looking fine.

Stella: Baby I-

Kelly: Please come on now. He grab her hand kissing it before heading downstairs.

Stella: Okay baby we're ready.

Sarah: Okay.

Kelly: Ima go and start the car.

Stella: Okay. Kelly headed to start the car as he place the stroller in the trunk.

Sarah: Can I hold her?

Stella: Sure but she just finish ate you don't want her to threw up on you.

Sarah: Okay keep her I don't wanna smell. They laugh.

Stella: Haha.

Sarah: Can I grab some orange juice?

Stella: Of course you don't have fun to ask me to.

Sarah: Okay. Sarah grab the cup pouring herself some orange juice.

At the school:
Kelly: Come on, this is school number 1. They entered the building.

Security guard: Hello?

Kelly: Hey where here to get a child register?

Security guard: Nope where not registering any kids till February 10th.

Kelly: Ohhk thanks.

School number 2:
Stella: This one is close..

Kelly: Damn ugh what do we do next?

Stella: Go to school number 3?

Kelly: Yeah.

School number 3:
Kelly park the car before getting out. Sarah open the door as Kelly open the door for Stella helping her out before taking Shay out.

Kelly: Come on. They headed inside heading to the desk. One of the teachers were there as she saw Kelly and Stella.

Teacher: Hello may I help you?

Stella: Hi we're here to register a child? She said pointing at Sarah.

Teacher: Sure right this way. She took them to the principals office. They sat down as she give them some treats.

Principal: Hello I'm the principal, my name is Mrs. Houston.

Stella and Kelly: Hi nice to meet you.

Kelly: I'm Kelly and this is my wife Stella. Stella look at him as she smiled.

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