Happy birthday!!

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Next day:
Kelly: Babe it's the babies first birthday! He spin her around

Stella: Aww I know. She laugh getting down.

Kelly: Did you sleep well?

Stella: A little bit I kinda keep it in till this morning and let it out this morning if you know what that means.

Kelly: I do actually haha. She walk out the door. Babe? He ask as she turned around.

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: Do you wanna go out? On Friday?

Stella: What?

Kelly: Nvm.

Stella: No tell me go out where?

Kelly: On a date.. Just you and me.

Stella: Yeah sure. He hug her kissing her cheek.

Kelly: Thank you.

Stella: Why do you gotta ask like that tho? You could of just ask me.

Kelly: I was scared anyways let's go wake the babies up.

Stella: Okay. They headed to the babies room they were still asleep.

Kelly: Aww.

Stella: So cute now there one year old.

Kelly: They growing up so fast them we will welcome a next baby into this family in December that's so cute.

Stella: Yeah I guess, ima make-

Kelly: Let the babies decide what they want.

Stella: Ugh Kelly it better not be pancakes. They laugh trying to keep it down.

Kelly: What are you in the mood for?

Stella: An egg sandwich? Yuck no maybe a caramel cinnamon frappuccino.

Kelly: Oooo, from Starbucks?

Stella: Well duhh. Then the babies started to wake up.

Kelly: Good morning you guys happy birthday! He tickled them all as the room filled with laughter.

Stella: Aww. They sat up as Stella turned the light on. They let out a small groan before laying back down. Kelly and Stella look at each other and laugh.

Kelly: Come on we have a big day today it's your birthday all three of you so get up.

Stella: What do you guys wanna have first? They babies stood up looking at each other not knowing what Stella is talking about.

Kelly: A shower? Breakfast? I prefer breakfast first since you guys just got up. He pick them up heading downstairs.

Stella: Egg?

Babies: Yay!

Kelly: Bowl egg?

Stella: Eww Kelly. He grab a bunch of eggs bowling them.

Kelly: Yes bowl eggs they like it babe or you want scramble eggs?

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: Ah yes I'll make you some go sit.

Stella: No no I'm okay. She made her scramble eggs with a side of grapes and toast bread.

Kelly: Aww that plate looks delicious. Stella look at him.

Stella: You know if you wanted a plate you could of just said so right?

Kelly: I didn't want to pressure you I'm sorry..

Stella: Oh come on Kelly.

Kelly: I'm sorry! He took the eggs out putting the pot on the counter. He grab the eggs taking the shell of. Ella grab the egg bitting it.

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