What happened? Is she okay?

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April: Copy. Then all of a sudden Stella flatlines and the baby monitor goes down. Natalie and Conner rush Stella into the OR. Kelly stood there crying watching his fiancé on the edge of death.
Grace: Kelly! How is she?

Kelly: S- she's in surgery.. She flatlined and baby monitor went down. They rush her in the OR but I don't know if she's going make it. Grace sniff.

Grace: She's tough, she's going to make it.

Luke: Grace?

Grace: Luke? She hug him as she cried. Stella was watching everyone crying including Kelly, she was there in spirit standing next to Kelly.

Brett: Severide?

Kelly: Yeah? He sniff looking up at her.

Brett: Don't cry, Stella promise you she wouldn't leave you and you did the same. She isn't going to die nor those babies.

Kelly: Thanks Brett I really needed that.. He lied he wanted to go and see Stella.

Brett: Yeah. April came into the room looking sad.

Kelly: Oh no what happened? Tears rolling down his cheek.

April: Stella's in surgery but we don't know if she will make it.. Babies are premature if you wanna see them come with me.

Kelly: Okay.. Grace will you come with me?

Grace: Yeah. They headed upstairs with April.

April: Here, three healthy triplets. We have to keep them here for a while feeding them out the tube bcs they can't eat or drink anything on there own.

Grace: Oh no.

Kelly: Can we see Stella?

April: Hold on let me ask Natalie if she's okay. Natalie?

Natalie: Yeah?

April: Is she going to be okay?

Natalie: To be honest I think she will but we have to stop this bleeding.

April: Okay.

Conner: Got it! He clip the stitch on Stella's lung.

Monique: VP is up to 90.

Natalie: That's good.

April: She's going to be okay. Kelly and Grace signed.

Kelly: Thank God. He wipe his tears.

Grace: Can we see the babies one more time? I feel jealous. Kelly laugh.

April: Okay right this way.

Grace: That one there looks just like Stell.

Kelly: And these both look just like me. They laugh.

Grace: Can we hold them?

April: Sure.

Grace: What should you name them?

Kelly: I will let Stell decide.

Grace: Aww.

April: This one is a girl. Grace hold the baby in her arms.

Grace: I really wanted a baby but my dream isn't coming through.

Kelly: It will, one day.

Grace: Thanks for believing in me.

Kelly: Your problem.

Natalie: Guys..

Kelly: What happened? Is she okay?

Natalie: She's okay, she's in ICU. But bad news is that she wouldn't wake up soon maybe the next couple of days? Maybe sooner or longer. I'm sorry. She left. Kelly's eyes filled with tears.

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