House search

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Next day:
It's the next day, Stella got woken up by Kelly talking in his sleep. She turn around at little and look at him. All she could do was laugh.

Kelly: No! Save her! I need her! No! Stell? Baby? Save her! He cried.

Stella: Kelly! She tap him.

Kelly: Ahhh! He shot up.

Stella: Shhh what's wrong?

Kelly: I-

Stella: You what? Who were you talking to?

Kelly: Um... He went silent.

Stella: You had a bad dream huh? About me dying?

Kelly: How you know that?

Stella: Bcs I heard you just now saying save me, that you need me then you said no and then said Stell? Baby? She laughed.

Kelly: You think that's funny? Tears rolling down his cheek.

Stella: No. She wipe his tears away.

Kelly: I thought you would of died!

Stella: But you left me last night sleeping how could I die?

Kelly: You could of died in your sleep you-

Stella: Stop saying that! Stop thinking negative!

Kelly: I'm sorry.

Stella: It's okay what time is it?

Kelly: Around 7:37.

Stella: Eh.

Kelly: I did some research on houses and we have an appointment today at 9:00 sharp.

Stella: Oh really?

Kelly: Yup.

Stella: When can I get out of here?

Kelly: Idk, let me ask Natalie.

Stella: Okay. He got up and left to find Natalie.

Kelly: Hey Nat!

Natalie: Oh hey Kelly what's up?

Kelly: Stella wants to know when she will be discharged.

Natalie: The next 15 minutes I'm getting the paperwork ready.

Kelly: Okay thanks!

Natalie: No problem! He headed back to Stella's room and didn't find her there.

Kelly: Stells?

Stella: Yeah? He turn around and saw her standing there with the  crutches.

Kelly: Omg, where were you?

Stella: I went to the bathroom gosh.

Kelly: Ohh, come here. He held her back to the bed.

Stella: I can walk you know with these things.

Kelly: They have a name you know.

Stella: I know. They laugh.

Kelly: Well Natalie said you will be discharged next 15 minutes.

Stella: Oh hallelujah. He laughed.

Kelly: Can I get you anything?

Stella: No thank you but thanks tho.

Kelly: Mhm.  Few minutes later, Sylvie and Matt came by.

Sylvie: Heyyy!

Stella: Hiii.

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