Your officially our daughter/ Sarah Amaya Severide

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Few days later:
Today Kelly and Stella are going to officially adopt Stella's sister Sarah Amaya. They leave in 30 minutes as they were getting ready.

Kelly: You look stunning babe.

Stella: Don't lie to me I'm fat! My stomach looks like I'm 12 weeks pregnant! They laugh as Sarah walk in with Shaylynn in her hands.

Sarah: I think she needs a diaper change.

Kelly: Okay she left that for mommy. They laugh as Stella rolled her eyes.

Stella: Woah..

Kelly: I'm just kidding lol. He place Shaylynn on the bed changing her diaper. Sarah clip her onesie before picking her back up.. She was very gentle on Shay. She held her head and rub her back.

Stella: Aww your ready to be a mom aren't you?

Sarah: Ah I'm not sure..

Kelly: When you get older you'll have a baby I never thought I would have a baby but now I have 5! He laugh before washing his hands.

Stella: Kelly!

Kelly: What? I'm serious.

Ellie: Where are we going?

Kelly: Shhhh we don't wanna say that..

Ella: We go carry Sara at-

Ellie: Adropted center? Kelly and Stella laugh.

Stella: No we are not doing that.

Babies: Mannnnnn!

Kelly: Why are you guys so rude?

Elijah: We want you to play with us instead of Sara.. They got sad as Kelly and Stella look at each other.

Kelly: Okay yeah you guys want that? Not going to happen we will all play together when we get back okay? We'll go in the pool and have fun but we can't take Shaylynn..

Ellie: Or Sara.

Kelly: Why not?

Ella: We you kid.

Stella: Aww I think she's trying to say that before Sarah and Shaylynn we're here we we're spending more time with them..

Kelly: Aww babies.. Come here. He hug them all.

Stella: It's because Sarah is going through a rough time and we just want her to feel at home..

Ellie: No! She can leave.

Sarah: It's fine really.. Sarah place Shaylynn on the bed before heading to her room.

Kelly: Guys.. Don't be rude to your sister..

Elijah: She is no we sister.

Stella: Okay stop before I punish all of you.

Babies: No! She is not we sister! We want her out! They babies got up leaving as Kelly and Stella look at each other.

Kelly: Baby what do we do?

Stella: I don't know Kelly.. He grab Shaylynn of the bed.

Kelly: Do you still wanna adopt your sister? I mean the babies thinks we give her more attention so.

Stella: Yes I still wanna adopt her okay yeah Sarah is 9 years old let's just play with the babies and Sarah can come if she wants.

Kelly: Babe?

Stella: Okay let's go talk to her. Kelly and Stella headed to Sarah's room as she was in bed laying there.

Kelly: Hey Sarah..?

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