I've never seen her like this

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Few days later:
October 1st 2022:
Kelly's pov:
It's October 1st and 11 more days till the babies are 1 year old. Stella was up for literally the whole night couldn't sleep. She was in and out the bathroom the whole night. I laid next to her as she turned her phone of laying in my chest.

Stella: There's nothing to watch on Tiktok I'm so bored and sleepy.

Kelly: I saw you getting up on nights this is a week now.

Stella: I know she sends me to the toilet every night and it only happens on nights like bro come on Shaylynn mommy needs to sleep. They laugh.

Kelly: I guess I know what's wrong now I guess.

Stella: Yeah I was waking you up?

Kelly: Yeah a little.

Stella: Aww I'm sorry baby.

Kelly: It's okay don't worry.

Stella: Okay well ima go make breakfast stay here.

Kelly: No I'm good.

Stella: Kelly!

Kelly: Okay fine. Stella got up heading downstairs making breakfast. I got up heading to the babies room and found them on the floor pretending to be firefighters.

Ella: Shhhh. She said putting out the fire.

Ellie: Ow ow she got burned you no help her.

Elijah: We take her to hospit to see doctors. He said put the toy person on the bed. Hospit meaning hospital. Stella stood next to me as we watch the babies play.

Ella: Mmm hmm mmm. She said trying to make the sound of the bells making me and Stella laugh.

Stella: Aww.

Kelly: Do you guys wanna be firefighters when you grow up?

Babies: Yes. Stella and I look at each other.

Stella: It's to dangerous.

Kelly: Yeah.

Ellie: Firefightingers? She ask meaning firefighters. They were only 18 and 11 days old.

Kelly: You guys when you grow up me and mommy will teach you guys. I saw Stella getting down to sit on the floor. I sat next to her as they babies hug us. Ella sat on her mommy bump as she lay in her neck.

Stella: Aww.

Kelly: Hmm baby how are you going to get up? I ask her laughing.

Stella: Can you help me?

Kelly: Ah yes. I help her up as she kissed me.

Stella: By the way breakfast is done.

Later that day:
Kelly: Baby your always in bed. I told her as she was sitting with the pregnancy pillow on her phone.

Stella: Kelly I'm bored as hell there's nothing to do here.

Kelly: Yes baby let me take you out.

Stella: No I don't wanna go anywhere looking like this.

Kelly: Stella please? You make me think that your sick when your always in here you know in here is hot and you need to come with me.

Stella: No!

Kelly: Come where going in the pool.

Stella: Fine. She got up putting her phone to charge.

Kelly: Come. I grab her hand heading downstairs.

General pov:
They were now in the pool as Stella didn't wanna go in. She just sat there with her feet in the water. The babies we're swimming around splashing water on Kelly but they all wanted Stella to come in with them.

Kelly: Baby please come in.

Ella: Pwese mommy?

Ellie: Pwese?

Elijah: Come.

Stella: No I'm okay.

Kelly: Babe stop and come in your making us sad!

Stella: Ugh fine. He pick her up putting her in the water. She climbed up on Kelly crying.

Kelly: Baby what's wrong with you lately? Are you okay?

Stella: I'm okay.

Kelly: That's it I'm calling Grace so you guys can go out I need you to be out of the house and out of the bedroom. Your making me worried bcs I don't know what's wrong with you! You keep saying your fine and your getting mad and saying "ugh fine" all the time cheer up tell us what's wrong and stop pushing us away we need you and you need to tell us what's wrong or what's wrong with you. I need you and I want you to tell me what's up with you. Kelly said grabbing her hands as she started to tear up.

Stella: I don't know..

Kelly: Ima go call Grace okay?

Stella: No I wanna stay here.

Kelly: Are you sure?

Stella: Yeah. She hug him as he hug her tightly.

Kelly: Okay well come on baby mama. He kissed her cheek.

Stella: Aww well I love you Kelly! She smiled.

Kelly: I love you too. He kissed her as the babies went in "eww."

Stella: Hehe.

Kelly: Whatever babies time to swim. Ella swam over to Kelly kicking her feet and paddling like a puppy.

Stella: Awww.

Kelly: Nice job El!

Ellie: That's my name not hers.

Kelly: Your name is El too so your up next if you have that kind of attitude.

Ellie: Fine. Ellie swam over to Kelly kicking her feet. She went underwater grabbing Kelly's trunks climbing up.

Kelly: Oh woah.

Ella: Boo!

Stella: That was cool Ellie.

Ellie: Tank you.

Stella: Aww.

Ella: She bad at swim. Ella climb out heading over to the starting line.

Kelly: What are you doing? She jump in diving over to Kelly she wasn't kicking her feet but she flip over doing a black flip as she swam up grabbing unto Kelly's neck.

Stella: Oh fuck! That was awesome baby!

Kelly: Stella Kidd!

Stella: I'm sorry okay?

Ellie: Ugh whatever.

Elijah: That's my sissy!

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: That was cool both of you. He kissed there head.

Stella: Come Elijah let's race.

Kelly: It's obvious your going to win your taller than him.

Stella: No it's okay. Elijah and Stella swam over to Kelly she went underwater grabbing Kelly's pants tickling him.

Kelly: Hehehe. She came up her hair fully went as she look at Kelly.

Stella: Hehe.

Elijah: No mama unfair.

Stella: I'm sorry but you win lol ima let you win.

Elijah: Yay! They spend 20 more minutes before getting out.
A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter! Sorry for any mistakes.

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