Separation anxiety

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Next day:
Kelly and Stella were both talking about Ella. Stella had been dreaming about her dying so Kelly is talking things out with her.

Kelly: She's going to be okay.

Stella: I- I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Kelly: She's strong just like us she's not going to die babe. He kissed her head.

Stella: I know I know.

Kelly: Let's go get ready and go to med. They got up and showered together.

Stella: Ima pick something out to wear okay?

Kelly: Okay.

Few minutes later:
Kelly: Okay come let's go get something to eat.

Stella: Eh I'm not hungry..

Kelly: Baby girl you have to eat something you don't want to lose weight.

Stella: I just can't stop thinking about her.

Kelly: Come here. They hug and Stella sniff.

Stella: I just want her to be okay.

Kelly: She will be. They ate breakfast as Stella hardly ate something.

Stella: I don't want anymore.

Kelly: Okay but drink the coffee, all of it. Stella drank all her coffee.

Stella: Happy?

Kelly: Don't go vomit it out come.

Grace: You guys ready? The babies are in the car and Ella is sleeping.

Stella: Sleeping or is she dead?

Kelly: Stell! He shouted at her.

Stella: I'm sorry. She cried ad Kelly hug her.

Kelly: Don't think that let's to.

At med:
Natalie: Hey!

Stella: Hey.

Natalie: Let's go upstairs. Kelly and Stella followed Natalie upstairs as Grace stayed with the babies.
In the room:
Natalie: So tell me what's going on with Ella?

Stella: Well she's been having panic attacks when I'm not around, her eyes are only on me like she's doing now, she doesn't want anyone to touch her but me and I want to know what's going on with her.

Natalie: Well basically some babies like to be around there mommy's a lot. 0.5% of babies have this rare problem so Ella might be having a condition called separation anxiety.

Stella: Like she doesn't want to leave my side?

Natalie: Yeah, she will grow up with it but she will have to get counseling about 3 years old.

Kelly: Damn.

Natalie: You can go to Dr. Reese when Ella hits three years.

Stella: Okay.

Natalie: About the panic attack have it ever happened more than once?

Kelly: Yes twice.

Natalie: My suggestion is that you don't go back to work anytime soon bcs she's going to get fussy unless she will stay with Kelly.

Stella: Well she does sometimes..

Natalie: So basically Ella has separation anxiety I will talk to you later down today, on night times give her the liquid I'm going to give you now so she can sleep if this doesn't work I don't know what else to tell you hun. Just to come back at three years for her counseling if she can walk by then crawl bcs we obviously know her first word will be mama. They laugh.

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