Movie night

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Few days later:
It's currently 2:00pm. Kelly was out getting some chocolates and stuff for movie night. He should be home any minute from now. Stella was doing laundry as the babies we're watch "Hotel Transylvania." Few minutes later Kelly came in.

Kelly: Hey kiddos!

Babies: Shhhh.

Kelly: Okay then, where's mommy?

Ella: Outside.

Kelly: Thank you. Kelly put the things down headed outside.

Stella: Oh hey your back.

Kelly: Yeah your doing laundry?

Stella: Yeah these are the last set of clothes.

Kelly: You could of wait for me you know.

Stella: No but it's okay I can handle it.

Kelly: Okay if you say so..

Stella: Today's movie night lol.

Kelly: I realize what movie do you wanna watch? Stella shrug her shoulders.

Stella: I'm not sure oh wait how about Medea?

Kelly: The babies might not even watch that lol.

Stella: Then I don't know what then.

Kelly: There literally watching Hotel Transylvania and I don't wanna watch that maybe Beauty and the Beast? Princess and the Frog?

Stella: Sure I can turn you into a frog. They laugh.

Kelly: And you kiss me and you turn into one.

Stella: Whatever, come I have that go cook.

Kelly: Okay. They headed inside as Kelly went in the fridge.

Stella: What are you looking for?

Kelly: Some drink I'm thirsty what are you going?

Stella: I'm not sure any ideas?

Kelly: Pasta?

Stella: Thanks all?

Kelly: Rice and fry chicken.

Stella: Ooo yeah sure.

Ella: Mac in cheese.

Kelly: It's mac and cheese but I don't want that.

Stella: Neither me. Ella got mad.

Ella: Mac and cheese! Mac and cheese!

Stella: Fine but I'm not going to eat it that's for you and your sister and brother but I'm going to have rice.

Kelly: And fry chicken.

Elijah: Fry chicken!?

Stella: Yes, you'll have fry chicken with your mac and cheese.

Babies: Yay!

Stella: Good baby can you take the rice out please?

Kelly: Sure. They started cooking as the babies ran around the house for a little while.

Ella: Mommy sleepy. Stella pick her up placing her in the high chair.

Kelly: Sleep there. They we're all in the high chair, few minutes later they we're all asleep.

Stella: Shhh.

Kelly: Leave them there we will put them in the play pen to sleep when they get in a deep sleep.

Stella: Yeah. Stella cook the mac and cheese put it in the saucepan to bowl.

Kelly: Okay babe want drink?

Stella: Ah sure.

Kelly: Diet coke?

Stella: Yeah. He quietly open the bottle pouring them each some drink. Stella put ice cubes in each cup before grabbing Kelly's hand.

Kelly: Where we going?

Stella: Hold on. They put the babies in the play pen putting them to sleep.

Kelly: Now where we're we going?

Stella: Come. She grab his hand heading upstairs in there room. She took his drink from placing it in the nightstand. He sat on the bed as she sat on him, making out..

Few hours later:
Kelly: Woah your something else girl. He kiss her cheek.

Stella: I guess. They got up putting there clothes on headed downstairs finding the babies still asleep.

Kelly: Aww well we forgot the food on.

Stella: Oh shit!

Kelly: It's still good tho I turned it of when we went upstairs don't worry.

Stella: Thank you. They fried the chicken as the babies started to get up.

Kelly: Aww hey sleepy heads. They smiled at him.

Stella: Are you guys ready for your food or do you want your snack?

Ella: Foodie.

Kelly: Okay well let's get you settle in your high chair. He grab the babies putting them in their high chair. Stella plated there food as Kelly started to feed them.

Stella: I can help with that you know.

Kelly: No you go and eat I got this.

Stella: No you don't Kelly.

Kelly: Yes I do.

Few hours later:
Kelly: Okay guys its 7:57 movie night is starting now mommy just finish the popcorn.

Ellie: Yay!

Stella: Here popcorn is done ah baby hot chocolate can you make it? I'm lazy now. She laugh.

Kelly: No go make it lol.

Stella: Fineeee.

Kelly: I'm just kidding go sit down. Stella headed downstairs grabbing the hot chocolates.

Stella: To late.

Kelly: You carry the babies I'll carry ours, but this look delicious.

Stella: Aww thank you but we aren't done I have gummy bears, donuts, ice cream, more hot chocolate and cookies.

Kelly: Oh woah I know just what to do when the babies are out. He smirked.

Stella: Ohh what?

Kelly: It's a surprise.

Stella: Do you know Brett's pregnant?

Kelly: What?? Casey never told me!

Stella: She told me today and she's giving birth in two days.

Kelly: What!?

Stella: She kept this from me and the baby is a boy by the way.

Kelly: Mann I want boy.

Stella: You'll have one when Shaylynn gets a year.

Kelly: Bruh a year?

Stella: Well not my problem Kelly.

Kelly: Fine. They headed upstairs putting "Princess and the Frog" on.
A/N: I didn't know this chapter was posted! Omg I'm so mad but I never press the publish button🙄😭

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