First shift at 51

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Tuesday morning 6:35:
Luke: Okay baby I'm out! He give her a kiss.

Grace: My man looks handsome in that. She smirk at him.

Luke: Thank you baby you aren't to bad yourself. He grinned.

Grace: I know. They laugh.

Luke: Okay I'll be late come by the firehouse if you need anything.

Grace: Will do. They kiss once more as Luke left.

Stella: Okay bye babies!

Ella: No!

Stella: Your going daycare Ella I can't deal with you right now I'm sorry.

Kelly: Ella! Come here mommy needs to go.

Ella: No mommy can't leave me.

Stella: Ella plz? Aunt Cindy will bring you by later okay?

Ella: No!

Kelly: Mommy has to go, babe go you'll be late!

Stella: Okay bye babies!

Ellie: Bye mommy! Be safe!

Stella: I will. She laugh.

Kelly: You better. They kiss as Ella started to cry.

Stella: Plz Ella go with daddy you don't want him to hit you right?

Kelly: I will have to if she does something bad.

Stella: But not hard tho.

Kelly: I'm not.

Stella: Okay bye love you!

Kelly: Love you too! They kiss as Stella ran out. Ella cried even more. Tears rolling down her cheek and her dribbling on the floor. 

Ella: Mommy! She cried as Kelly pick her up.

Kelly: She'll be back. Ella started panicking.

Ellie: What's happening to her?

Kelly: Shhh Ella breathe. He squeezed her hand.

7:00 at the firehouse:
Kelly: There's the lady of the hour.

Stella: Hey baby! They kissed.

Kelly: You need to go by Ella's daycare I think she wants you.

Stella: Ohh what happened?

Kelly: She had a panic attack when you left. She was turning red breathing heavily and sweating bad.

Stella: Eh this thing just keeps getting worse and worse doesn't it?

Kelly: I guess.

Stella: When she gets here I'll talk to her.

Kelly: Okay..

Stella: Are you okay? Did you handle it?

Kelly: Yes I did but I think you should do it.

Stella: When Cindy brings her and do you think we should hire a nanny or something? Instead of putting them on Cindy all the time?

Kelly: A good sitter I think so to.

Stella: Okay well.

Kelly: Your going in?

Stella: Yeah. They walk in hand in hand.

Kelly: Where's your candidate?

Stella: Inside filling out paperwork.

Kelly: Paperwork? He raise his eyebrow.

Stella: Yeah to be on truck blah blah blah.

Kelly: Ohhk.  They headed to the locker room as Kelly put his bag down.

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