Marry me?

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Stella read the banner it said..
"Stella, will you marry me? Her eyes fill with tears.

Kelly: Stella Kidd, will you marry me? She was speechless, for a while.

Stella: Yes, yes Kelly I will marry you! He slid the ring on her finger, got up and kissed her deeply.
Everyone cheered for them, some kids ran and hug them. A Spanish lady came up and said..

Lady: Hola felicitación.

Stella: Gracias.

Lady: Espero que tu matrimonio nunca termine y te deseo la mejor de las suertes.

Stella: Aw gracias.

She left.

Kelly: What did she say?

Stella: Hi congratulations, I hope your marriage never ends, and I can't remember the ending.

Kelly: Aww how sweet, I didn't know you could speak Spanish.

Stella: Yeah in high school I learnt it.

Kelly: Cool. They headed home and started making out for hours.

The next day:
Kelly: Good morning sunshine.

Stella: Good morning handsome.

Kelly: Or should I said fiancée?

Stella: Both.

Kelly: Hmmm. How are we going to tell the rest?

Stella: Let's not tell them.

Kelly: Why?

Stella: Don't tell them, wait till they see the ring.

Kelly: Cool.

Stella: Or that's a bad idea for you?

Kelly: No no it's fine I love the idea.

Stella: Okay.. It was 5:15 so they got up for shift. Stella knew something was up. She was going to walk out of the room.

Kelly: Where you think your going?

Stella: To get something to eat.

Kelly: No no. He pulled her back in the bed.

Stella: Come on Kelly this isn't time for this.

Kelly: Yeah it is. He hit the night stand, as Kelly's mom came in with breakfast.

Stella: Seriously.

Kelly: I wanted it to be a surprise for you.

Stella: You hired someone to do this?

Kelly: I didn't hired anyone.

Stella: Then who's that?

Kelly: Take of the head piece.

Stella: Okay? She took the head piece of and their was Jennifer. Stella was shocked.

Jennifer: Good morning, and congratulations on your engagement.

Stella: Thank you?

Jennifer: Np now eat up both of you. She left them to eat. Stella couldn't eat just yet.

Kelly: Hey, what's wrong?

Stella: Nothing.. She laid her head on Kelly's shoulder.

Kelly: Something is wrong.

Stella: I don't know why your so nice to me.

Kelly: Bcs I love you, and I can be nice to you anytime, all the time. She started to get emotional.

Stella: Thank you, and I love you too. He rub the tears from her eyes as they ate together.

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