You got this, Stella Kidd

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Kelly: It says negative and positive..

Stella: Oh no.. It was a bad idea doing two..

Kelly: I'm sorry it's my fault..

Stella: No Kelly it isn't how about we just go to the doctor? Make an appointment to see..

Kelly: Sure.. But first let's take a shower and eat something if you wanna eat Jell-o, gummy bears do so please? I don't want you to be sick.. She smile.

Stella: Aww Kelly you care? She laugh as he rolled his eyes laughing.

Kelly: Of course I do and fear warning I hope you can speak Arabic.

Stella: Oh no Kelly I only know how to speak Spanish..

Kelly: Oh no not all of them speak Arabic some speak English but most of them.

Stella: Sure. Stella ate a bunch of gummies and Jell-o it was the only thing she can keep down in her stomach.

Kelly: I don't know but I think the baby inside of you likes candy no food.. He laugh slightly.

Stella: Eh I did it with the triplets too lol the only thing I couldn't keep down was pizza. She smiled.

Kelly: Ha no you can't eat it for a next 39-40 weeks maybe idk..

Stella: We'll see but your mind keeps telling you I am so I can't stop you from saying that so quit looking at me like that. She laugh.

Kelly: Eh, come here. She sat on him laying in his chest.

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: I love you no matter what if we aren't having a baby we'll keep trying. He kissed her head.

Stella: I know and I love you too! They kissed.

Kelly: Mini me and you what do you think?

Stella: I think me.

Kelly: No we already have two girls already..

Stella: And Kelly? Girl number 5.

Kelly: Five??

Stella: Yes wait no I mean four oops. They laugh.

Kelly: Okay so Ellie, Ella, you and the baby if you are pregnant?

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: All I know is that it's a boy.

Stella: Ha, I was right when I said the babies were triplets I can be right again. She smiled getting up.

Kelly: Ah we'll see this time I bet you $100.

Stella: Kelly we have to buy more baby things you know a new crib, stroller, some bottles, clothes more diapers and you want me to give you $100 if your right?

Kelly: Woah okay I shouldn't of said that..

Stella: It's fine really, haha.

Kelly: No it's not Stella.

Stella: Oh woah your calling me that now huh?

Kelly: Let's just go.

At the doctor's office:
Kelly: Aww look at these there cute. He said looking at a bunch of baby photos.

Stella: Eh not as cute as the babies..

Kelly: Baby you don't got to be so rude..

Stella: Ah that wasn't me..

Kelly: Then who else could it be?

Stella: Whatever Kelly leave me alone.

Kelly: Look I know your still mad at me.

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