Mayday Mayday!

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A few months had passed, Stella was working at 66 for a while but she wasn't loving it. Kelly would come and shout her any now and then. But today he didn't come over so she didn't to text him.

Stella: Hey Kelly? Kelly didn't reply. Kelly? Kelly? Kelly? You okay? please reply :(


Stella: Kelly omg what's wrong!?

Kelly: The firehouse is going crazy right now hostages are all around here come get me plz!

Stella: Did you call the cops?

Kelly: Brett did but hurry their coming.

Stella: Where are you?

Kelly: At the back door.

Stella: Go outside.

Kelly: I can't.

Stella: Why?

Kelly: Their outside.

Stella: Ok I'm coming stay at the back door. She put her phone in her pocket and drove to the firehouse. She sneak up by the back door, and message Kelly.

Stella: Kelly I'm outside.

Kelly: Okay I'm coming out. He came out.

Stella: Omg. She hugged him.

Kelly: Thank you we gotta get the rest.

Stella: Don't worry intelligence and swat are on their way.

Kelly: You called them?

Stella: Yeah. Just then Intelligence pulled up they went behind the back and found Kelly and Stella.

Adam: Hey your safe we got the guys.

Stella: Thank you.

Adam: Np, let's go. He led them back in the front.

Kelly: That was crazy.

Stella: Ik right, I am going to go now.

Kelly: Wait, uhm I'm not supposed to tell you this but their might be a possibility for you to come back here.

Stella: Me? Come back here? I don't think that will happened.

Kelly: Yeah me and Casey are getting promoted in a week and they need someone for truck so if it happens you will come back.

Stella: Really? And congrats on your promotion. She smiled.

Kelly: And congrats on yours.

Stella: Mine? I didn't get promoted.

Kelly: Yeah in a week you will. Just then the bells went of squad 3 engine 66 house fire.

Stella: I'll drive their bye.

Kelly: Bye. They kissed as Kelly ran back to put his bunk gear on.

On the seen:
Henry: Help my wife she's stuck on the third floor!

Kelly: Copy, Capp, Tony with me. They headed to the third floor.

Tony: Hey Lieutenant look she's over here!

Kelly: Copy. They place burst out in flames. Capp and Tony fell down. Mayday Mayday! The only persons who were outside were 66.

Stella: Severide where are you?

Kelly: Capp and Tony fell in I need your help.

Stella: I can't do that I'm not on truck.

Kelly: Plz.

Stella: Fine I'm coming. She ran up to the third floor. She found Kelly looking down. Hey I'm here.

Kelly: Capp, Tony you guys okay?

Tony: Where fine, we saw a ladder, were coming up now. They climb up and found Kelly and Stella.

Stella: Why the hell would you tell me come in there?

Kelly: I needed the help they were stuck!

Stella: I'm now gotta do all this paperwork and get shout at.

Kelly: What? Why?

Stella: I'm not on truck anymore, I just can't come and assist you.

Kelly: But I didn't knew.

Stella: Don't you see engine companies run in to save a victim or something?

Kelly: No.

Stella: Exactly, just bcs it's me you can't tell me to run into a burning building like or less I'm putting a fire out. I tried that once and I got suspended.

Kelly: I'm sorry okay? I just needed someone to get them out. And you guys were the only ones out here.

Stella: Yeah, so you couldn't use your radio to call and truck company? Just then Stella got a text from here chief saying she's suspended.

Kelly: What?

Stella: I'm suspended!

Kelly: Bcs of me. Look I'm sorry.

Stella: Its fine I'm leaving now. She got in the her car and drove away.

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