The.. baby it's ours!!

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It's been three days later and Kelly nor Stella haven't heard anything from Linda yet.

Stella: Baby! Linda hasn't called us lately! Do you think we got the house?

Kelly: Yes! I think we got it, I mean it's so close to the firehouse and a school, daycare.

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: Okay, I'll give her a call later today if she doesn't call.

Stella: Okay.

Kelly: And why are you out of bed?

Stella: So you want me to sit her and do nothing?

Kelly: Yeah.

Stella: Well I can walk so get out of my way.

Kelly: You said what?

Stella: Get out my way!

Kelly: Why? I don't want you to get hurt again, so go sit down.

Stella: Mann I wanna help!

Kelly: No.

Stella: Fine. She headed back to the bedroom and laid on the bed. She was so mad she wanted to do things around the house but she had to be wear a cast. She pulled out her phone and started playing games.

Kelly: Baby-  He saw her asleep. He tap her. Baby.

Stella: What?

Kelly: Come with me.

Stella: Leave me alone Kelly! She pulled the sheet over her head.

Kelly: Come help me.

Stella: You didn't need my help! You send me back in here! Tears forming in her eyes.

Kelly: I don't want you to get hurt again. He kiss her head. Come on Stell talk to me plz? Get up come on you can help but your taking breaks in between.

Stella: Fine. He pick her up as he took her to the kitchen. He place her on the counter and give her a bowl of chicken to cut up.

Kelly: You, since you wanted to do something your going to cut this up and season it. She look at him and roll her eyes..

Stella: Whatever.

Kelly: If you don't want to do that, you cut up all these peppers.

Stella: Your talking to me like my father bit-

Kelly: Hush!

Stella: Stop look at me and concentrate.

Kelly: What you got a problem?

Stella: Yes, stop look at me. He laugh.

Kelly: Okay I'll stop.

Stella: Good.
Later that day:
Kelly: Okay baby, I'm going out! Brett is going to stay here with you! He shouted from the kitchen.

Stella: What!? Your leaving me!? She crawled out from the bedroom.

Kelly: I'll be back soon. Stella got sad.

Stella: Fine.. She headed back inside. He headed to the bedroom.

Kelly: Are you sad?

Stella: Yes..

Kelly: You don't got to be sad I'll be right back.

Stella: No you will end up in hospital like I did!

Kelly: No, don't say that.

Stella: Oh well I can't help it. He pick her up as she hug him tightly.

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