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Next day:
Stella: Aww baby we're matching again! She smiled.

Kelly: Oh yeah haha..

Stella: Are you okay?

Kelly: Y-yeah I'm okay..

Stella: Don't lie to me Kelly.

Kelly: Fine I felt bad bcs you woke up pretty late and I felt lonely.. Plus we're going back today I feel nvm.

Stella: But I- why did you felt lonely you could of woken me up.

Kelly: I didn't want too.

Stella: Come here. They hug as Stella kissed his cheek.

Kelly: Do you still love me?

Stella: Never hated you. They kissed.

Kelly: I love you!

Stella: I love you too! Then the hotel lady knock the door. Kelly opened the door.

Lady: Hey the Uber's here.

Kelly: Ohhk thanks.

Lady: Is there any bags we need to take down?

Kelly: Yeah. He took the bags to her.

Lady: Okay thanks. She left with the buggy.

Kelly: Baby are you ready?

Stella: Mhm.. He went up to her and saw her crying.

Kelly: Baby what's wrong?

Stella: You think I hate you bcs you felt lonely when you knew you could of woken me up! She cried wiping her tears. Kelly sat next to her looking at her.

Kelly: Come here. He grab her hand as she laid in his neck.

Stella: All I'm saying is that I don't hate you. Why would I hate you when you cradle me like a baby from yesterday and the day before it means that you love me and I love you too. She sniff.

Kelly: Aww. He kissed her wiping her tears.

Stella: Come on let's go, today is Sunday right?

Kelly: Yeah tomorrow your 11 weeks whoohoo.

Stella: Yup let's go before we get left back.

At the airport:
Stella: Do you want anything? From the store?

Kelly: Baby you have gummy bears already we can buy when we get home.

Stella: No I'm getting a snack and do you want anything?

Kelly: Eh a drink and ohh the hot Cheetos.

Stella: Mannn I can't even eat. She rolled her eyes leaving as Kelly laugh.

Few minutes later:
Stella: Here. She give him the bag.

Kelly: Aww baby thank you.

Stella: I'm still mad.

Kelly: But it isn't my fault.

Stella: Hell yeah it is your the one who got me pregnant!

Kelly: Wait you knew you we're going to get pregnant again and your blaming me?

Stella: Ugh.

Kelly: Baby don't be mad.

Stella: I'm pissed I shouldn't of buy those for you anyways.

Kelly: Well go away from me and here. He give her the bag as she sat on him.

Stella: Eat!

Kelly: No that was mean.

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