Beach day!

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Couple days later:
Kelly and Stella were talking in bed. They babies we're in the middle of them sleeping. Today they were going to the beach.

Kelly: So.

Stella: So?

Kelly: Are you excited? About giving birth in December?

Stella: I honestly didn't want it to be on Christmas day bcs I just wanted to celebrate Christmas with you guys especially with another baby.

Kelly: Aww but it'll be cool, I mean a another baby I wonder her colour eyes.

Stella: Blue obviously.

Kelly: Or it can be brown mix like Ella's.

Stella: It's cool and weird how she has two different eye colours.

Kelly: But she still looks cute with it actually I'm glad she has it cuz we wouldn't know which one is Ellie or Ella I mean they both look the same, they both dress alike hair done the same everything.

Stella: Yeah. Stella stroke Ella's hair.

Kelly: You should do there hair tho I mean there going to cry now.

Stella: I'll probably just wet it and brush it out? Put it in a bun since there going school tomorrow.

Kelly: Yeah, let's leave them here and going get something to eat?

Stella: Sure but it can wait I mean if your really hungry come on. They put the pillows next to the babies as they slept.

Kelly: And next month there'll be a year old aww there growing so big. He said as they we're heading downstairs.

Stella: Ima start to do the baby room like in November?

Kelly: Cool and her name would be above.

Stella: Yeah I wanna change the one in the babies room tho.

Kelly: Why change it to what?

Stella: That's the thing idk.

Kelly: No how about you just leave it okay?

Stella: Okay. They make eggs and bacon before hearing the babies footsteps coming down the stairs.

Kelly: Hey guys.

Ellie: Ella fault!

Kelly: What happened?

Elijah: She wake us up. Ella started to cry as Kelly pick her up.

Stella: Honey don't cry. Ella held her arms out for her as Stella took her. She laid in her neck sniffing.

Kelly: Mommy's girl.

Stella: Separation anxiety.

Kelly: Right hey I look it up and it gets worse when the babies get 2-3 years old starting to go in Nursery? Then reception then the infants department.

Stella: Yeah awww then we will have to by you guys some shoes some socks and your uniform I feel like ima cry that day. She giggled.

Kelly: Aww.

Stella: You guys are going to learn you ABC's soon and your numbers.

Kelly: Yeah me and mommy will teach you guys.

Ellie: A B C?

Kelly: Yes you watch it everyday on tv and you guys don't remember?

Ella: A B C D E F G..

Stella: Aww baby sing it go on.. Ella shake her head no.

Kelly: Aww man, okay A B C D E F G H I.. Stella laugh.

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