S-she kissed me..

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Vanmeter: We need your help on the arson case. He shut the door.

Kelly: Why? Why me? I'm suppose to be home all now.

Boden: Severide.

Seager: So O.F.I had been working a case for years now trying to fine this guy. He had been burning churches down.

Kelly: And?

Seager: We need your help.

Boden: Guys Kelly is not of duty so can you guys find someone else.

Vanmeter: I guess we will have too.

Kelly: Thank you. He walk out.

Grace: Kelly?

Kelly: Yeah?

Grace: You know that woman had been checking you out.

Kelly: I know that's why I brought Ellie. They laugh.

Grace: How is she doing?

Kelly: Good actually I think she will need her mommy now so I better get going and before she gets out.

Grace: Yes go go. Kelly headed to his car but Seager caught him

Seager: Severide?

Kelly: Look Seager I really have to go.

Seager: So you don't want to work with us on this case? She stood in front of him.

Kelly: No I don't and I'll like you to get out my way.

Seager: You don't have to be so rude. Grace started to record.

Kelly: Move Seager!

Seager: Why? I thought you love me?

Kelly: No I don't!

Seager: Yes you do. She kissed him, Kelly push her away.

Kelly: What the hell!

Seager: We can be together Kelly you know we're good for each other.

Kelly: Ohh I don't think so go find someone else bcs I'm taken. He buckled Ellie up in her car seat.

Seager: You can leave Stella for me she's so rude.

Kelly: Well I'm glad she is. He got in and drove away.

At the Severide's house:
Stella: Baby? She went to kiss him but he push her away. He place Ellie in the cradle with her siblings as he wash his face.

Kelly: Baby. He grab her hand. You know how much I love you right? And I don't ever want to lose you.

Stella: Okay? What's going on?

Kelly: S-she kiss me..

Stella: Who?

Kelly: Seager! She keeps convincing me to leave you and come with her. But she had me so mad I don't know. He turned red, all his sweat was pouring out of him.

Stella: Kelly?

Kelly: Hmm?

Stella: Come calm down. She put him to sit down.

Kelly: She kiss me Stell! Now your going to leave me.

Stella: No I'm not Kelly. She kissed his head.

Kelly: Your not?

Stella: No and if I get around her I'll kill her. He laugh.

Kelly: But don't get arrested that's the last thing I would want happen to you.

Stellaride- Losing you would be the end of meWhere stories live. Discover now