I'm pregnant

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Few months later:
Stella's pov:
Me and Kelly were trying to have a baby now and today I think it's finally happening I've been snapping at Kelly for a while and I think it's pregnancy hormones.

Stella: Hey do you mind if I go to the pharmacy?

Kelly: Why what's wrong? What happen?

Stella: Idk I'll be back in a couple of hours, bye. She kiss him.

Kelly: Bye.

Stella: Bye. Stella got in the car and drove to the pharmacy.

At the pharmacy:
I got the pregnancy test and paid for it.

Man: That will be $18.67.

Stella: Here keep the change. I grab the test and headed to the mall. I headed straight for the bathroom. I took the test and waited 3 minutes. Three minutes later I checked the test and it was 'Positive' oh my god I can't believe this I'm pregnant! I headed to this baby shop and started buy a rattle, shoes one pink next blue, bibs and a pacifier. I paid for everything put them in a little box.

Few hours later:
Kelly's pov:
Stella's been out for the last couple of hours, she's been snapping at me for weeks and I'm getting tired of it. I'm going to go by Casey's house so she can have her space. I was about to walk outside and I found Stella walking up to the door with her head down.

Kelly: Hey.

Stella: Hey..

Kelly: You okay?

Stella: No.. She cried.

Kelly: Hey shhh. I pull her into a hug.

Stella: Idk what's wrong and I have a surprise for you.

Kelly: What is it?

Stella: Come inside or you were going somewhere?

Kelly: No no I uhh I just wanted to go by Casey's house bcs of you shouting at me.

Stella: So your mad at me? She started to cry again.

Kelly: Hey don't cry I'm not leaving anymore if your sick I'm staying, hey look at me.

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: Everything is okay. He kissed her.

Stella: I have a surprise for you.

Kelly: Well what is it?

Stella: I have a strong feeling your going to cry when I tell you this.

Kelly: Did you cheat on me?

Stella: No. She laughed.

Kelly: Then why would I cry?

Stella: Come. She grab his hand as they sat on the floor.

Kelly: Uhhh.

Stella: Shhh, so you know that we were trying to have a baby right?

Kelly: Yeah? He look confused.

Stella: But how could I tell you your dream is coming through.

Kelly: You?

Stella: I what?

Kelly: I'm confused.

Stella: Oh no, open this box.

Kelly: Okay? He open the box and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Stella: I'm pregnant! His mouth drop.

Kelly: You are!?

Stella: Yeah that's why I was snapping at you.

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