I- what did I do wrong?

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Few days later:
Kelly had shift as Stella didn't come in today. The kids were at school as Sarah had a test today. Kelly was getting ready as it's currently 7:15am. Kelly sat on the bed wanting to get back together with Stella. She knock the door as he open it.

Stella: Hey are you ready?

Kelly: Yeah, just finishing up..

Stella: Are you okay?

Kelly: Ah not really.

Stella: Come on tell me.

Kelly: I just.. Let's talk after shift okay?

Stella: About what?

Kelly: About us please? I really wanna be together again..

Stella: Awe okay.

Kelly: Are you cool with it?

Stella: Of course. He kiss her head.

Kelly: It's about us getting back together..

Stella: Yay! He laugh.

Kelly: And your okay with that?

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: Okay well ima cya later, bye love you oh and be safe if you go anymore.

Stella: Bye love you too and be safe too! They kiss as Kelly left.

At the firehouse:
Kelly: Morning.

Tony: Morning lieutenant.

Cruz: Good morning!

Capp: Good morning lieutenant.

Grace: Hey where's Stella? She's supposed to be working with me on ambo.

Kelly: Ohh she's home I can call her.

Grace: Please do so thank you. Kelly called Stella as she pick up the first ring.

On the phone call:
Stella: Please don't tell me you crash or something. Kelly laugh.

Kelly: Aww and what if I did?

Stella: Don't start your shit now Kelly what do you want? Man it's 7:23 in the morning! She groan as he laugh.

Kelly: Stop! I thought you were suppose to be coming in today? You know work on ambo with Grace?

Stella: I thought I said I was sick now you guys want me to come and work??

Kelly: Just for a couple of hours Brett and Violet are at HQ.

Stella: With Hawkins?? Look Kelly I'm not their fucking maid! They laugh.

Kelly: Fine and be here quick.

Stella: Bye bye!

Kelly: Bye!
End of phone call.
Stella signed jumping in the bath and getting dressed. She grab her bag, phone and charger. She got in her car driving to the firehouse. Kelly was sitting on the front of the squad truck where Stella ran to him.

Kelly: Woah babe. She sat on him she wasn't fully dress her shirt tale was out, her shoes were untie and her hair wasn't done.

Stella: I'm.. So..

Kelly: Don't talk just breathe okay?

Stella: Babyyyyyyy!

Kelly: What?

Stella: Leave me alone.

Kelly: I- what did I do wrong?

Stella: You telling me to breathe.

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