Jaxson Isaac Casey

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2 days later:
Kelly: Babe where you going?

Stella: Shopping with Brett for the baby cuz she's acting like a bitch! Kelly's eyes widen.

Kelly: Well uhh is that the way you call your best friend?

Stella: I'm sorry!

Kelly: Don't apologize to me girl.

Stella: Ugh fine whatever can you take care of the babies for few hours?

Kelly: Few hours what's that supposed to mean?

Stella: Kelly please? I'll pay you..?

Kelly: No.

Stella: Mann Kelly please? $100 dollars an hour?

Kelly: Fine deal.

Stella: I'm not giving you my money Kelly.

Kelly: I never wanted it fine go and enjoy now I have to suffer.

Stella: I'll repay you when I get back I promise. She kissed him.

Kelly: Nope I don't need repaying.

Stella: At least Shaylynn gets a boyfriend. She giggled.

Kelly: Bruh I don't care I just need a baby boy right now.

Stella: We'll try once Shaylynn gets what 16-17 months?

Kelly: Deal. They kissed as Grace knock Kelly open the door.

Grace: Hey where's Stells?

Kelly: She's right here. He move out the way.

Grace: Brett's.. Sylvie is acting like a dick! Girl can we take your car instead?

Stella: Then her water broke?? Who's finna clean it?

Grace: Okay let's take her car but she's driving recklessly the police pulled us over few minutes ago this shit is just crazy ima need you to drive.

Stella: Me? Just her car?

Grace: Yes.

Stella: Okay fine bye baby! She kiss him before leaving.

Kelly: Bye babe have fun!

Stella: I will try! She got in.

Brett: Hey girl!

Stella: Brett what's up with you?

Brett: Violet is right behind us I don't know what's wrong with her.

Grace: The real question is what's wrong with you?

Brett: Uhm what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Stella: Bitches don't act up in this car! Especially you Brett! You kept your pregnancy away from me and you never told your best friends! I told you everything I thought you would do the same! Stella raise her voice at Brett as she was in the backseat. Brett started to cry.

At the mall:
Brett: This is so cute. She said pointing at the Barbie stuff toy.

Stella: It is really.

Grace: Guys I- I- I'm pregnant! They stop looking at her.

Violet: How are you guys getting pregnant do fast? I didn't even got pregnant already..

Stella: You and Gallo?

Violet: Yeah.

Girls: Girl you gotta put Gallo's thang inside of you what do you expect? They started telling her stuff.

Violet: Okay..

Grace: Anyways it's 11:47 so what are we buying?

Brett: Some baby clothes, diapers some wipe etc.

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