Our flight got cancelled

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Matt: Sylvie Brett, will you marry me? Sylvie gaps as she covered her mouth tears rolling down her cheek.

Stella: I don't know what to say..

Stella: Then say yesss! She blurted out as everyone laugh.

Sylvie: Yes yes Matt I'll marry you. He slid the ring on her finger got up and kissed her deeply.

Kelly: Ayyyye! He pick Stella up spinning her around.

Stella: Aww. They kissed as the boys pick Kelly up.

Jay: Everyone the broom in the house! Everyone cheered. Grace grab Stella's hand as they headed outside.

Stella: Wait let me put my sandals on. They headed back inside as Stella put her sandals on as the girls all dance together. Kelly and the guys we're pouring themselves beers.

1 hour later:
It was now 6:00pm time to cut the cake. It was getting dark outside as Jennifer had the babies asleep in her hands. She couldn't hold all three as Luke had Ellie. Stella hand a knife so did Kelly. They cut the cake as Kelly fed Stella a slice as she give him piece as they both kissed.

Everyone: Stellaride! They screamed out. Everyone took a piece of cake before leaving. Stella then took the wedding veil out of her head letting her hair down.

Kelly: Why did you take it out?

Stella: Because I don't want it in my head anymore.

Kelly: Okay. She put the cake on his nose.

Stella: There.

Ella: Mommy. She got sad.

Stella: What's wrong? She pick her up.

Ella: Bad nana.

Kelly: Oh no what did she do now?

Ella: Bad. Stella fed her the cake.

Stella: There you should be happy now.

Kelly: Aww.

Stella: You go play now?

Ella: Ellie asleep Elijah asleep.

Kelly: Come you can dance with us. Stella put her down as they headed over to the dance floor. Ella grab Stella's and Kelly's hand. Everyone was eating cake, talking, running around, laughing having fun.

Stella: Brett and Casey are engage.

Kelly: And we're married.

Stella: Yeah. They kiss.

Kelly: Ooo look at Brett and Casey. They look over at Brett and Casey kissing.

Stella: Aww.

Kelly: I wanna do that with you tonight.

Stella: Okay.

Kelly: And we leave for our honeymoon tomorrow.

Stella: Yay!

Kelly: And we get to make baby number 4?

Stella: Sure we get to go in the deep blue see.

Kelly: I remember the show name so too.

Stella: I know I love that show.

Kelly: Same. Kelly pick Ella up as she laid on his shoulder.

Stella: Aww baby your sleepy?

Ella: Mhm.

Stella: Aww.

Kelly: Nana will take you home soon okay?

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